Newsletter for Yorkie Rescue
June, 2014
Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June."
Quick Links | Editor Julie Gedro Consulting Editor Mary Elizabeth Dugmore Technical Editors Laura Morrisey, Chris Dugmore, Danny Dugmore, Amalia Spaulding Paula Fonseca
Yorkie Rescue: How Do You Do It? Julie Gedro
Hello to all you Yorkies and Yorkie enthusiasts! You know, I use our Yorkie Rescue as an example of how a distributed organization can work, very efficiently and effectively. We are located across the United States, we rescue and rehome Yorkies in a variety of situations and locations, we build and maintain friendships that are deep and precious.
How do we do it?
We do it fueled by our common passion for Yorkshires. I think each one of us has a story to tell about the time that we fell in love with this breed. I have heard, for example, our president and founder's story about receiving one as a gift from her husband back in Los Angeles. I have told the story about the time that an adorable little dog jumped in my lap at a friend's house. I was smitten. Each one of us has one (or several?) of these stories. We love getting together, whether through email or other means of communication, and sharing our joys as well as our sorrows, with our YTNR friends and community. It adds so much to the quality of life. When we get together at our annual convention that I affectionately call "Yorkie Jam," it is quite a love-fest. Last year, I remember in particular the impromptu fun that we had, just hanging out in the lobby of the hotel, shooting the breeze and catching up with each other's lives. I know that when I had such a crazy fall last year, with my sister's health crisis, I literally felt the support of my YTNR friends enveloping me and my family. This is how we roll. This is Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue. We are a community. We care about the breed, and we care about each other.
From my family to yours, I wish you a lovely June.
Julie, Nicholas, and Leiko
2014 Annual Family and Friends Weekend ~ September 3 - 7
Come Join us for a delightful weekend of fun!!!
Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue is going to have
its Annual Family and Friends Weekend of Fun
September 3 - 7, 2014
Location: Sheraton Music City Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee
We have rooms reserved at the Sheraton Music City Hotel with a limited number on hold. Please call the hotel 615-885-2200 and make your reservations. Tell reservations that you are joining Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue so that you will receive our special rate $125.00 per night.
- This year we will be having another Everyone Welcome Breakfast prior to our Annual Board Meeting on Friday morning 8:30 am.
- We have the Hospitality Suite from Thursday afternoon through Saturday morning where we will enjoy coffee, snacks and friendship.
- Friday night we are having an Italian Dinner catered by Maggiano's Italian Restaurant, price to be announced.
- Saturday morning we will have coffee and snacks in the Hospitality Room and Saturday night will be our Smoky Awards Banquet.
- More fun activities to be announced!
We are all looking forward to spending this especially fun weekend with old and new friends.
Spotlight on Hannelie Vermuelen
If you are a regular reader of the Yorkie Spice pages, you know that Hannelie Vermuelen is an active supporter of YTNR. We are happy to Spotlight her this month.
 Growing up, and now growing old in the countryside, (initially South Africa, now Oregon), dogs have always been a part of my life. Little TJ, a blind older Yorkie introduced me to YTNR 10 years ago, and I've never looked back. I loved that little rascal who loved to hike and hated to sleep. He had me play lullabies and go on countless midnight drives with the hopes of eventually getting some shut-eye. Through him I got to know an organization which truly cares for doggies - older, younger and even those with serious medical issues. I'm proud to be associated with the wonderful volunteers of YTNR that provide such a valuable service.
I share my 4 acres, the pastures and a huge veggie, fruit and flower garden, with a 13 y/o Yorkie-Pom, Jack, two 14+ y/o Yorkies Eloise and Nico, and now little Caroline (~6) and Neff (~13) from YTNR. Their 107lb Ridgeback brother Palemon (~5), 2 house kitties, 3 barn cats, 3 llamas and 2 horses complete our family. And of course we feed a few more cats we do not really know ...
Jack is the poster doggie for cuteness, and everyone wants to either have him or start a website for him. Eloise is my little princess that loves to prance in a tutu, Nico a cuddly doll who is sweet as pie and barks at strangers non-stop, Caroline is a mommy's girl who steals hearts left and right, and Neff is just so happy and loving - and loves to run with the horses (on the opposite side of the fence). Of course Palemon thinks he is the smallest, and backs off really fast when reprimanded by a Yorkie! They are all rescues, with little or no teeth, but lots of love to give.
A few days a week I work as a crisis mental health counselor at a local emergency room - a job I love. The rest of the week our happy little family while our time away in the garden, with in between trips to friends, fun places or shopping. Our summer nights we often spend eating under the trees or sitting under the stars until we get tired and sleepy, and on winter nights we hang out in front of the fire.
With all the critters and a little hobby farm, life is full and busy, supplemented by good friends, and the great cuisine, plays and music of Portland OR. And of course a never ending search for vintage jewelry and the planning of a next exotic vacation!
Special Thanks to this month's Donors
Thank You to the Many Wonderful Generous May Contributors
General Fund
Patricia Evangelista ~ Franklin
Karin & Alan Nakashima ~ Taylor
Carlyn Clement ~ Taylor
Darlene Kanuch ~ Taylor
Rosemary Cunningham ~ Taylor
Allie D'Amico ~ Special Needs Dogs
Bonnie Medina ~ Taylor
Paula Fonseca ~ Winter
Antoinette Lowery
Betty Gae Dart ~ Taylor
Sandra Flolo
Pieter Vermeulen ~ Taylor
Hannelie Vermeulen ~ Taylor
Kathryn Schuller ~ Taylor
Amalia Spaulding ~ Taylor
Barbara Buechele
Lifeline4Paws ~ Taylor
Karl Cremieux
MaryElizabeth Dugmore ~ Taylor
Arlene Gilbert Jasper's Angels ~ Taylor
Yorkie Angel Donors
BetteGae Dart *
Hannelie Vermeulen *
Kathryn C Schuller *
Lindsay Hardin *
MaryElizabeth Dugmore *
Alan & Karin Nakashima *
Brenda Jasper *
Pieter Vermeulen *
Bonnie Medina *
Betty Jo Williams *
* monthly donor
We couldn't do it without you...
Our two precious Liver Shunt Babies ♥
Amora Dora and Dante
The Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue Inc. is run solely on private donations and fund raising efforts made by people like you who love this Breed. We appreciate your support
We are a 501 (c) (3) organization, your donation is 100% tax deductible.
Mary-Margaret O'Brien 
My very best friend, Lady, is moving to Oregon. Today was her last day at work. They had cake downstairs but we remembered our waistlines and decided not to have any. She came upstairs with her mom and dad, Amber and Eddie, to my office to say Good-Bye. It was bittersweet. We started romping around, playing chase and having a good time, and then her mom said they had to go. Geez. Just when we finally got into a routine. My mom got a picture of sweet Lady. She's so grown up now.
Friends are forever, whether near or far. A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet. Sniff, lick and remember. Someday you'll meet again. See you in Nashville!!! Love, Mary-Margaret O'Brien "Yorkie prayers are Angel's wishes!"
In Loving Memory
~ "Thank you everyone for the heartfelt wishes in the loss of my beautiful Dixie. I'm having a hard time dealing with her loss and the way she died and appreciate all the love and support you've shown. I've attached one of my favorite pictures of her.
Hugs, Barbara"
Angel Dixie ♥
~ "Harley is now at the rainbow bridge. He had two more abcesses in his gut. He would not have made it through another surgery. by the time we got back at the clinic he had really gone down hill. We had a real good visit Thursday night. He kissed us goodbye. Rest in peace my Harley Boy"
Angel Harley ♥
Happy Endings...
Daisy was adopted :o)
Chuckie Cheese was adopted!
Carly Has Been Adopted :o)
You can catch some of our volunteers doing many different things!
Here's Tina entertaining her guests as they wander through the gardens
at Highspire!
Supermodel Athena Maria Aphrodite
The Goddess of Wisdom and Love.....
"The one thing we can never get enough of is love.
And the one thing we can never give enough of is love."
- Henry Miller
Hot off the press!
Hellooooo my Pawsome Friends :o)
Meee has an exciting announcement!
My very good Friend, Angel Pip came out with his very own book called "Keeping It Real Life Lessons of a Confessed Couch Potato"
"I was abandoned at a pet store on September 10th, 2001. Some suspect that I may have been used for breeding, but who knows? The past is the past. The good folks at Red Door Animal Shelter rescued me and brought me to live with my current family. Life has been great ever since! I like cats, green olives, fancy costumes, peanut butter, eating paper towels, barking at deer, watching Oprah, and contemplating life from the safety of my mom's lap. I dislike stairs, basic commands, hot days, getting my nails trimmed, my prescription low fat dog food, being away from home, and long walks."
Before he went to the Rainbow Bridge, we used to hang out and had great fun together. Meee misses him lots!
His assistant contacted my assistant and said that Angel Pip's wish is to donate 20% of the sales from the month of June to YTNR.
How Pawsome is that??? Neeko is doing the Yorkie Happy Dance :o)
Soooo Meee is spreading the great news by asking you to please go checkout his book. You will enjoy his great humor for sure and also the Pawsome pictures. Oh! and guess who had the honor to make it in one of the pictures? Yes, Meee indeed!
His book can be purchased through the following links:
2. The e-book version for I-Phones, I-Pads, and some Mac computers is available on I-Tunes for $14.99. This version includes some fun videos and for its link please click here
3. The hard cover book is available directly through Angel Pip's assistant for $35. If interested, please email her at for details.
You can view a preview of the book here
Thank you all for your support,
Neeko S. Spaulding ♥
Neeko's Joke ;o)
~ "The interviewer examined the job application, then turned to the prospective employee. "I see you have put ASAP down for the date you are available to start. However, I see you've written down AMAP for required salary. I don't believe I'm aware of what that means." The applicant replied: "As Much As Possible!" ~
Love to all,
Neeko ♥ 
Thank You LifeLine4Paws
Every time we remember to say "thank you", we experience nothing less than heaven on earth. -- Sarah Ban Breathnach
Chris Hogan,
Executive Vice President
of the Hogan Family Foundation Inc, is the
Program Director of Lifeline-4-Paws. She is a YTNR member
and has generously supported our rescue efforts, contributing
tens of thousands of dollars to over 120 of our dogs since 2007.