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           Newsletter for Yorkie Rescue              
                                                                                                                    February, 2013                                  
"Love is a symbol of eternity.  It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end." 
Author Unknown
In This Issue
Yorkie Times Spotlight
Donor Recognition
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Rick Caran & Jilli Dog
Tellington Touch
Happy Endings...
Neeko's Joke
Quick Links
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Editor's Message ~ By Nick Gedro  





Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 is filling the living room, a delightful audio accompaniment to the orange and blue candles burning on the mantel. My brothers Buzz and Leiko and I have finished dinner and our evening examination of the Central New York sky out in our backyard. The temperature is relatively mild, which meant that our Mom had to 'encourage' us back into the cottage. I am relaxing on a leather loveseat, drifting in and out of slumber, understanding the placidity of cats when they nap.


Life is very good indeed.


This Yorkie Times issue is the Valentine's Day issue. Based upon everything that I know and have experienced first hand about Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue, St. Valentine could be the patron saint of YTNR. The fundamental issue with this notion, of course, is that YTNR is a secular organization so it would be inappropriate to have a patron saint. I hope that readers permit me to offer my rationale for this impossible yet well -intended observation.


The entire dynamic of YTNR is love. When Yorkies are abandoned, neglected, surrendered or otherwise in need of assistance, we are there to, as our name implies, provide rescue. It is out of love for the breed that the organization was founded. It is out of love for the breed that we rescue, foster, and re-home them. Love permeates everything that YTNR does. Additionally, from what I understand, there are friendships and bonds forged not only between Yorkshires and their new homes, but between the humans who are volunteers, and between Yorkies. The love flows in all directions. My Mom has told me on more than one occasion how funny the chat list can be. I have also watched her suffer a bit through life's twists and turns, and comforted with the friendships of people she knows through YTNR.

I know love. I know what love feels like, looks like, tastes like, and sounds like. It feels like a warm bed, a soft touch and a big hug. It looks like my brothers and my Mom. It tastes like a good meal. It sounds like whisper in my ear that I am loved more than I can understand.


Speaking of love, I am confident that you will love this month's Newsletter!


I am going to drift back to sleep now.





Yorkie Times Spotlight on Barbara Fink - Molly Marie's Bows
Hi everyone!  
Wow..  so good to be on a longtime favorite list!  Thanks, Mary Elizabeth for adding me!  It was awesome to finally meet MaryElizabeth & the beautiful Miss Athena Maria!  She's stunning!!  A perfect lil angel in the restaurant & I got a smack on the lips right out of her bag..  lol 
I got our 1st rescue from YTNR, Inc in 1998 or 1999.  I believe Molly Marie was under a year old when I heard about a boy in TX who was big like Molly Marie.  She needed a playmate since Mitzi & Max were so much older than her.  She drove them crazzzzy.. lol  Mary Elizabeth approved us & I flew from San Jose, CA to the Houston area to pick up Mikey Joe.  We arrived back in San Jose to a ringing phone.  It was YTNR, Inc looking for transport help.  Mikey Joe's 1st night home was full of rescue kids & his full day in CA was spent driving them to the next leg of their journey.  He probably wondered what in the world he had gotten into this time!  lol  We later adopted another rescue from a San Jose rescue group, Marty Lee...  aka PeePot, for obvious reasons!  We moved to Las Vegas where we adopted a breeder placement, Branson.  Thru the years, we began to lose our kids to old age.  Mitzi & Max passed w/in a year of each other.  When Max's ashes came home, my husband had tears rolling down his face & stated he needed a new puppy.  We found Maggie Sue.  She soon needed a playmate as everyone thought she was a "PITA".  That's when we added our 1st show kid, Murphy Mac.  We added another show kid after Murphy Mac became a champion, Carly Ann, & she became a champion. We're not "big" breeders.  I'm extremely careful where pups we don't keep ourselves go.  We lost our 4 seniors w/in a year & a 1/2 of each other & boy..  that was hard.  We still miss them so much.  Our new kids are fun, but those 1st Yorkies were just wild & wooly fun fun fun!  What one didn't think of, another one did!  Molly Marie was the last one to leave us a month short of her 14th birthday last March.  She took a massive chunk of my heart when she left.  I know I'll see them all again later on..  but sure miss them now!  This saga should pretty much bring me up to speed!  lol   Great to be back & thank you for the "welcomes"!
Vincennes, IN    ~~~Molly Marie's Pretties~~~
Smokin Micky Joe a week after we adopted him 

Molly Marie
The Marvelous Miss  Molly Marie   

Special Thanks to this month's Donors 

Thanks to all our generous January contributors

General Fund
Anthony Giarraffa
Pam Mindt*
Karin and Alan Nakashima*
Sandra Flolo*
Brenda Jasper*
Pieter Vermeulen*
MaryElizabeth Dugmore*
= monthly contributor

General Fund for Pepper's Surgery
Suzanne Ditsler
Michelle Alston
Betsy Vandenberg
Peggy Pittman-Munke
Darlene Kanuch
Rosemarie Cunningham
Ardeth Brown
Pam Mindt
Barbara Buechele
Amalia Spaulding
MaryElizabeth Dugmore
Julie Gedro
An Sousa
Kathryn Schuller
Pieter Vermeulen
Antoinette Lowery
Jackie Wolfe
Gabriella Ellison
Stephen and Maureen Swanson

General Fund in Memory of Murphy
Elaine Leshnower

General Fund in Honor of Marily Leary
Margaret Winkley

In Kind Payment of Missy's Medical Expenses
Paula Fonseca

Chris Hogan Lifeline4Paws Bella's surgery

We couldn't do it without you... 


The Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue Inc. is run solely on private donations and fund raising efforts made by people like you who love this Breed. We appreciate your support


We are a 501 (c) (3) organization, your donation is 100% tax deductible.

Mary-Margaret O'Brien ~ Dear Diary....
Mom's looking out the back door and goes "Uh oh!!". Naturally, I get up to go see what's stressing her out now. I see a pile of something black that looks like a dead crow. "Kewl!", I say. "Let me OUT!!". She just stares at whatever and doesn't move. "LET ME OUT..OUT...OUT!!", I say.

"OK...but you stay away from that dead bird!", she warns me. "Yeah, sure! Whatever!", and I immediately race lickety-split across the back yard to "the bird". I'm like totally cracking up now that I'm standing by the object of her distress and she's hollering "NO NO NO!!". I'm just enjoying the moment. I reach out and touch "the bird" with my paw and it flops over. "Arrrggghhhhh!", she says and goes inside to get her shoes. Personally, I thought it looked less like a dead crow after I flipped it but some people need convincing.

She grabs the cell phone camera and notices that the battery is dead, so she plugs it in to charge it. She looks outside and I'm not by "the body" anymore. This is way too much fun to clue her in right now, so I saunter over to the fence and twiddle around over there and then I amble into the house, soggy feet and all.

About a half-hour later she checks her cell phone and it's got a 50% charge, so she goes out to inspect the "body". I might add that it's raining and the back yard is like a swamp in some places, but still she goes out. She seems to want to document this event for posterity.

I'm standing in the kitchen watching all this and trying really hard not to laugh out loud. Mom takes her picture and wades back into the house, glaring at me the whole time. "Funny, Mary-Margaret!", she says. "REAL FUNNY!". Well, I think so but then some people don't share my sense of humor.

Amazing what shape a twig with a few wet moldy dead leaves can take in some people's imagination. 
I find my entertainment wherever I can.


Mary-Margaret O'Brien 
Lt. Chaplain - Yorkie Brigade Chapel 
"Yorkie prayers are Angel's wishes!"




Rick Caran & Jilli Dog

Two Generations of YTNR Goodwill Ambassadors

Tellington Touch

The Ears Have It!


     Ellie and I were relishing a rare opportunity for in-person conversation when Ellie's little dog Maizy came and sat almost in front of me, back turned,  left hip resting against the outside of my right foot. 


    I leaned over to say hello, offered her my hand to examine, then stroked her with the back of my hand.  She liked the contact, leaned into it.  I turned my hand over, continuing to stroke with palm and fingers, while returning my attention to Ellie.  A few minutes later, Ellie abruptly stopped talking and began listing intently.  What she heard was Maizy, making humming exhales and soft sighs of pleasure.  I looked down to discover my hand doing Ear TTouches, while I was intuitively supporting her body with my foot and ankle.  


     Decades of passionate experience learning and using  Tellington TT  have infused this gentle, powerful work into my cells.  When I have the priviledge of touching an animal, a connedtion is turned on between the Being and me,  an impluse that bypasses my conscious brain and comes directly from my hands.  Within seconds, my hands  begin to TTouch them.   Thus Maizy got Ear Touch without me planning it, and she loved it.  Ellie said she'd never heard Maizy make such sounds before, and Maizy has been with Ellie for many years.  Now Ellie TTouches Maizy's ears often.


    My gratitude to Maizy for reminding me to share Ear TTouch with you, either again, or for the first time!  Ear TTouch, done gently,  stimulates acupressure points for every organ, promotes relaxation, stimulates recovery from shock and trauma, stabilizes circulation, helps digestion and upset tummy, helps reduce fear, feels good, and so much more.  Ear TT works its magic on any animal with ears, including a human animal. 




"Stabilize the dog's head with one hand.  The thumb and fingers of your other hand hold the opposite ear in such a way that your thumb is on top.  Change hands when you want to stroke the other ear.  Gently stroke the ear with your thumb from the center of the head tp tje base pf tje ear. and all the way to the tip.  Work different areas with each slide so that you cover every square inch of the ear.  With a floppy-eared dog, lift the ears gently so they are horizontal to the ground.  Work upright ears in an upward direction. 


If your dog has soft, flopy ears, support the ear with your fingers.  Do not pull the ear, but just stroke the fur gently,  Imagine the ear to be a rose petal, so use only the lightest pressure.  If you are trying to help your dog relax, use slow, gentle slides. 




1. Even long ears should be stroked horizontally all the way to the tip. 


2. You can also make small circles with your thumb in order to cover the entire surface of the ear.  Hold the ear out sideways and start at its base.  This circular Ear TTouch helps the dog with arthritis. 


3. Work the whole surface with small, light TTouches until you arrive at the lower edge of the ear.  "


                                                   From: GETTING IN TTOUCH WITH YOUR DOG

                                                                Linda Tellington-Jones

                                                                Copyright 1999, used with permission.



Ears to you!  Stay in TTouch,


Penny Case

Guild Certified Tellington TTouch Practitioner



Happy Endings...
 Squirt was a very good traveler and she is adapting very nicely into our family.  Her and Buddy are getting along just fine.  She slept with Lily and Buddy last night.  I believe she is a nice fit and we plan to spoil her rotten.  She loves looking out the window at the backyard and lets me know when she wants to go potty.  She is not too sure about our doggie door but we will work on that.

Alfie is in his new home with his new family.  Wonderful people and they were specifically looking for a senior dog to love. We are so happy Alfie found such a great home. 

This is Kristina Brooks and Lily

Genie (new name - Lola) went to her new home  She plopped right down on the couch next to her new mom, Janet, and was following Michael around the condo. She seems very comfortable and it's so nice to see another wonderful forever home for one of our precious rescues.

The Hughes were able to travel to Manteca and pick up Missy today. She is going to learn to ride in the basket of Bill's scooter

Trivia  told by supermodel Athena Maria  

* Did you know February is the only month of the year that can pass without a single full moon, because it only has 29 days most years? 


* February was named after the Latin word februum, which means purification which is associated with the ancient Roman purification ritual Februa that was held on February 15 each year.

* In the Southern Hemisphere of the earth February is a warm month in the Northern Hemisphere it is a winter. Cold and icy month. 


* America celebrates February as Feed the Birds Month.  

* The birth flower for February is the Violet.


 February 20th is "Love Your Pet Day".   


Neeko's Joke ;o)


Deep within a forest a little turtle began to climb a tree. After hours of effort he reached the top, jumped into the air waving his front legs and crashed to the ground. After recovering, he slowly climbed the tree again, jumped, and fell to the ground. 


The turtle tried again and again while a couple of birds sitting on a branch watched his sad efforts. Finally, the female bird turned to her mate. 

"Dear," she chirped, "I think it's time to tell him he's adopted." 





Love to all, 

Neeko :o)                                                                                         BackToTop

Every time we remember to say "thank you", we experience nothing less than heaven on earth. -- Sarah Ban Breathnach

Chris Hogan, Executive Vice President of the Hogan Family Foundation, Inc, is the Program Director of Lifeline-4-Paws. 
She is a YTNR member and has generously supported our rescue efforts, contributing tens of thousands of dollars 
to over 120 of our dogs since 2007.