JBM HR Consulting Inc.

Tight budgets does not translate into inability to reward strong performers.  Such rewards serve as a basic motivator to creating a workforce that is working your mission and performance expectations!

JBM HR Consulting Inc.
Effective employee rewards and motivators
Money is not the most effective method of motivating employees.  In fact, using money usually has a short term motivating benefit.  The types of things employees desire in order to see optimal performance and loyalty are the following:
  • Employee engagement and empowerment
  • Civility in communication style from leaders to co workers
  • Respect
  • Training and professional development opportunities
  • Work/life balance
  • Clear expectations
  • Performance evaluations
  • Clear direction related to mission/values...actions that support the written words
  • Leaders who will address deficient performers and reward those that are strong..such balance is critical!
  • Transparency
  • A safe, neat, organized and clean workplace
  • Clear policies and procedures that are followed/enforced
  • Regular and clear methods of communication
  • Collaborative approaches to resolving challenges
  • Conflict Resolution

The primary focus of my professional services are assisting leaders in creating a workplace that builds in processes, procedures, supervisor/leadership styles that pay attention to those areas listed above.  It is only through "active listening" to staff that an organization can make improvements that are sustainable over time and result in clearly improved services provided overall.


I call this "Building Organization Capacity".  Doing more, better, with " less" and no additional stress on staff is a natural result of the comprehensive approach I bring to my clients.


Consider how well you do with those items listed above...be objective in your assessment..making improvements will pay off in the long run!   


Who doesn't want to seek ongoing improvements in both professional performance and overall organization effectiveness?  Consider investing in the the most valuable resources you have...your staff!
 Warmest Regards,

Jeannine Brown Miller, MA, SPHR President, OD Consultant/Leadership Coach
JBM HR Consulting Inc.