JBM Consulting
Performance Evaluations are a KEY responsibility for Supervisors, Management, Leaders or Business Owners
Avoid the challenge regarding performance evaluations

So often the time consuming aspects of our jobs are related to managing people.  Inappropriately doing so can not only be inefficient but could result in litigation.  We need to ensure "damage control" .  We need to recognize the importance of effective management, appropriate performance management.  


Let me cover some tips to get you focusing on this important topic.
Tips for a Solid Defense

An employer gets in "trouble" when it comes to challenges by employees for disciplinary action imposed, particularly when there are inadequate or inaccurate performance evaluations and/or an inadequate performance management system overall. Nothing is worse to an employee than being "blindsided" by the information.  Further, most employees become disgruntled when they feel they are not being evaluated objectively and timely.  Believe it or not, it is the employees who truly want this feedback, despite what they may say.  Employee evaluations are a key form of communication with employees, ensuring all are focusing on the important aspects of the job duties and doing them well.  Further, such evaluations help identify areas where additional training is important. 


Conducting employee evaluations in an effective manner "show" that you care about your staff and value their work when you take the time to meet with them personally to review performance.


More than worrying about being sued, focus more on being proactive and take care of this to ensure you are on solid ground and more importantly have good, respected, management practices. 




Document, document, document!!!!


  • Ensure details related to time, dates, content of discussions/meetings
  • Document good and substandard performance, be consistent with how you handle all employees
  • Be sure you have useful, accurate position descriptions
  • Ensure you have clearly outlined expectations and goals
  • Be sure employees know what is in their files
  • Be respectful but direct and explicit...details matter
  • Be sure to have the facts!
  • If raises are tied to performance, be sure to ONLY give merit increases to those "exceptionally performing" employees
  • Be timely with your correcting of performance issues...addressing it as soon after the issue occurs the better
  • Be sure that your comments are constructive and will provide the detail necessary, most likely to result in improved performance
  • Keep in mind not to use phrases that could result in perceived discrimination such as: "the younger generation does this aspect of the work with ease" 


Keeping in mind, increases in pay will NOT serve as a motivator for poor performers, effective coaching, mentoring and providing training will! 


Pay raises indicate good performance to the average person!  Do not send mixed, inappropriate messages.

Building Effective Leaders is Worth the Time and Investment 

Leaders, those that handle the performance management process, are critical to the success of your business.


Be sure:

  • They possess the personality characteristics important to leadership ("super workers" don't always, automatically, make good team leaders) 
  • They serve as positive role models through their actions
  • They are diplomatic and fair
  • They understand the basic principles of leadership, coaching, directing the work of others
  • Be sure they know the legal "do's and don'ts" of supervising to avoid legal mistakes that could cost you big and a whole lot of bad PR!
Are well trained and have the ongoing support to appropriately apply what they learn as best practices

Leadership Development Resources:
Develop Leaders that make a difference

Tips on building effective "work teams"..inspire, engage..become a great leader

Transformation Leadership Techniques

Provide Formal Professional Development


 Move leaders to that "next level" through the popular approach of "Leadership Coaching"
Warmest Regards,

Jeannine Brown Miller, MA, SPHR Principal Consultant
JBM Consulting & HRWebsource.com