Build Math Confidence   January 2016 Volume 80
Happy New Year!  Best wishes for 2016!
January Events
Wednesday Jan 6 AMTNJ Math and Special Ed Conference, Jersey City, NJ
Thursday Jan 7 How to Make Math Count Molloy College LI
Tuesday Jan 19 Prof Dev Workshop Rutgers/Piscataway, NJ
Times Tables by Heart?
With so much technology available should today's students memorize times tables?  Common Core Math Standard 3.OA.C.7 says a resounding YES with "Multiply and divide within 100" including "By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers."  There is a debate about understanding vs. memorizing but if students have the automaticity of Math facts they can use their working memory for problem solving.
That being said, it's great if students can memorize their Math facts, but even those who can still achieve high levels of mathematical thinking.
Times tables apps Android: Mult Table Kids Math   Apple: Times Table Quiz
Living an Intentional Life: Free 7 Day Experiment
Get inspired to lead others and yourself through and beyond 2016!
Leadership expert John Maxwell is offering this free 7 day course to help people be more intentional about choosing a life that matters.  These are the words that changed John's life:  Growth is not an automatic process.  It takes intention.  Living a life of significance starts with small actions.  Take this 7-Day Experiment and you'll jump-start your ability to seize significance.
If you like the 7 day experiment, sign up for John Maxwell's Intentional Living 30 Day Journey.
Math Success for All
How can we "ensure Math success for all?"  This book is helping to connect people to share ideas and create momentum to improve Math education in the US and beyond.  December 28th kicked off a Twitter chat using hashtag #NCTMP2A for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' Principles to Actions. This $28.95 book/$4.99 downloadable pdf offers guidance to teachers, mathematics coaches, administrators, parents, and policymakers by connecting research with practice essential for a high-quality mathematics education for all students are combined with core principles to build a successful mathematics program at all levels. 
NCTM PD Guide Ensuring Math Success for All
Brain Teaser
A swindler showed an honest man a six sided die.  If the man rolled a ONE, he wins, and gets back twice the amount of his bet. If not, the swindler keeps the bet.   " chances are only one out of six," retorted the man.  "True," grinned the swindler, "But I'll give you three tries to get a one."  The man considered if I have 3 tries, each try has a 1/6 chance of winning, so my  chances of winning are  3/6 or 1/2. Is the bet really fair? If not, what are the chances of the man winning?
Answer to last month's brain teaser: 5! (5 factorial) = 120 
Click here for the question and solution to December's Brain Teaser  
Thanks, Robin the Math Lady Schwartz        
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