Build Math Confidence   August 2015 Volume 75
The New SAT starts March 5, 2016
The new SAT will debut in March and has been redesigned to reflect the Common Core Learning Standards.  It now has significantly harder Math and more complex Reading Comp like the ACT exam.  Some colleges do not consider scores in the admissions process and are test-optional although SAT/ACT 
is important for top tier schools and to mark a standard of what students should know by the end of HS.   For a free version of all 4 SAT tests included in this book click on this link.
I already registered for the March exam and have been studying since receiving the book in early July. 

Get Inspired!! Read Brain Pickings for Creativity

Maria Popova identifies herself as a "reader, writer, interestingness hunter-gatherer, and curious mind at large."  She started the Brain Pickings weekly e-newsletter in 2006 with an audience of 7 friends and it now gets millions of hits per month as she has become a widely followed 21st century thinker and curator.  The subject of her posts are as varied as Carol Dweck's Mindset, Sara Maitland's How to be Alone, a multitude of Oliver Sacks postings and many on Martin Luther King.

The Best Brain Pickings articles of 2014

7 Lessons from 7 Years of Brainpickings

Interview with Maria Popova on how she writes and reads

Subscribe to weekly Brainpickings here

Intense Twitter stream of Brainpickings                    Maria Popova's bookshelf

Focus at Will: Improve Your Focus, 

Concentration and Productivity

Working on the Internet writing this month's enewsletter it's super easy to get distracted.  Focus at Will, a music subscription service, helps me stay on track.  "Attention, concentration, focus, flow... These are words associated with mental states that assist in doing work. If we can focus our attention, we might be able to concentrate long enough to reach flow state, and actually get some work done."  I prefer the Up Tempo but there are many categories including Alpha Chill, Classical and Cinematic.

Try Focus at Will for free

Take Focus at Will on the go:Focus at Will Android App Focus at Will iphone app

Science Primer on how Focus at Will works

Focus at Will on Twitter       Facebook page for Focus at Will

White Paper on Focus at Will

Brain Teaser 
You have 8 batteries but only 4 of them work and 2 are needed to power a flashlight.  What is the fewest number of pairs you need to test to guarantee you can get the flashlight on?

Click here for the question and solution to July's Brain Teaser  

Thanks, Robin the Math Lady Schwartz        

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