Build Math Confidence   June 2015 Volume 73
Play Freerice to Learn and Help
The online game Freerice was launched in 2007 to fight hunger. For every correct answer you choose,10 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations' World Food Programme(WFP) to help end hunger, the world's biggest health issue
Categories for play/learning include Vocabulary, Geography and Math among others and you can even play on your Android device or ipad.
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Stress Can Be Good?
Thinking the stress response is helpful can transform the way people view stress.  As author Stanford Prof. McGonigal brashly suggests:  "Normally we interpret physical signs of stress as bad. But what if you viewed them instead as signs that your body was energized, was preparing you to meet this challenge? "
In her TED talk How to Make Stress Your Friend, she uses Math to create stress: "I want you all to count backwards from 996 in increments of seven. "
How to Attract Female Engineers?
An engineering degree promotes problem solving and financial independence.  So it's no wonder that people would like to see more women engineers.  A recent NYT Op-Ed How to Attract Female Engineers suggests that girls will choose engineering if it has societal benefits.  However, I agree more with Human Resources magazine of the UK:many young women do not have the Math/Science prerequisites to study engineering.  Taking Math senior year of high school expands college major and career options but in many places including New York only 3 years of Math are required. Check out these resources for both genders to encourage and retain STEM students:The Value of the Fourth Year of Mathematics from Achieve and Stay With Itthe virtual support community for engineering students.
Brain Teaser 

Can you take the clock face below, and cut it into four pieces such that the numerals on each part add up to the same number?



Click here for the question and solution to May's Brain Teaser 

(answer: July 16th)


Thanks, Robin the Math Lady Schwartz        

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