Build Math Confidence   March 2015 Volume 70
Read This! for Parents and Teachers
Ron Clark, a Disney "American Teacher of the Year", is the founder of the Ron Clark Academy, an Atlanta middle school that is a model for educators all over the world.  Check out this Prezi to learn about Ron Clark and his philosophy.  
Here are some of my favorite of the 101 solutions for both
teachers and parents that will inspire and amaze: Show Them How To Study, Move Around the Room When You Teach, Teach the Students not the Board, Teach Parents the Correct Way to Tutor Their Children, and Realize You Never Know All That is Going on in the Life of a Child.  In order to share these ideas, the Ron Clark Academy offers teacher training and has had over 22,000 educators visit from over 22 countries!
Upcoming Conferences/Presentations 
Sat March 14 Ten County Math Conference North Rockland High School, Thiells, NY
Fri March 20 Precalculus and More Conference Rutgers New Brunswick, NJ 
 Blog Post: How to Raise Test Scores: Read Carefully!
Can you figure out why the 3 wrong answers are featured in this 4th grade multiple choice item?  Asking students to do this can help them be more self aware of the potential for fuzzy errors.  The right answer for this question is 61 but my student forgot that 40 was the first number so she got 68 -- which was a featured answer!!
Brain Teaser
A group of 100 students play various instruments: 70 play trombone, 75 play accordion, 85 play violin and 80 play guitar.  What is the minimum number of students who must play all 4?
Click here for the question and solution to February's Brain Teaser (answer: on a clock)


Thanks, Robin the Math Lady Schwartz        

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