Math Confidence Newsletter
Volume 50
July 2013
In This Issue
Math Confidence Video
Recommended Reading
The New Algebra I
Check Your Work!
Brain Teaser
Math Confidence Video  
Common Core Algebra I Multiple Choice from New York State
Common Core Algebra I Multiple Choice from New York State
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Quote of the Month
"I like to figure things out and solve problems"
Temple Grandin 

This month's book "The Greatness Guide" by personal development expert Robin Sharma has 101 lessons for "getting to world class" including "Get Big Into Blessings" and "Your Schedule Doesn't Lie". The Math topic (and video) is on the new Common Core Algebra I which will be implemented in New York State with a new Regents exam in June 2014.  This issue also includes the importance of checking one's work.
Recommended Reading
Robin Sharma The Greatness Guide Robin Sharma has gems of advice for getting to great in all areas of life.  Some of the best tips are "Act Like an Athlete", "Your Days Define Your Life" and "Six Reasons to Set Goals".  His webinar series Your Absolute Best Year Yet has been amazing and I have finally adopted the Be Wise, Early Rise philosophy.  Robin is a consultant to organizations like Microsoft, Nike, FedEx and IBM and helps develop employees to lead without a title and get to world class.  These same tips are also applicable to students, parents, and teachers. Check out Robin's Twitter for frequent inspiring updates!
The New Algebra I

The Common Core is coming to the high school level in New York State and around the country.  New York State is part of PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career) while over 20 states belong to the Smarter Balanced consortium.   There are 8 sample items that are compared to recent Regents items and most seem reasonably similar, except for #1 which is the most challenging by far!!

Algebra I Common Core Sample Items from New York State  

CCSS Toolbox from PARCC 

Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice 

Student Interface for Smarter Balanced Practice Tests 

Checking Work is Essential!

One way to be a great student is to check your work which takes time and effort and is one of the most important success factors in Math.  This can take the form of re-doing the problem, estimating, or rereading the problem to make sure you have answered the right question.  When engineering professors were asked about what Math topics were most critical, evaluating solutions / checking work was 4.5/5 with being familiar with units and dimensions a close second (4.4/5).  Read more at:

Most Important Math Topics in the Chronicle of Higher Education 

Brain Teaser 
Numbers thru Funnel

This is from the game show "Let's Make a Deal": Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?


Answer to June's Brain Teaser: 1024

June 2013 Brain Teaser Solution 

Thanks for reading!  How can we make this newsletter better?  Please send comments and suggestions to Robin 


Robin "the Math Lady" Schwartz
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