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Did you grow up using a calculator? Those of us from the BC era (Before Calculators) may not be familiar with graphing calculators. Texas Instruments' new TI-84C combines color graphing with the friendly and familiar TI-84 functionality for better viewing and understanding of Math and Science. A journal can help track goals and progress for academic, professional and personal development as it promotes self-awareness and opportunity for growth. In this issue, I share my favorite tools for staying on tracking and monitoring progress. |
Recommended Technology Tool
 This just in! The new Texas Instruments TI-84C (C stands for color) is similar to the TI-84 family in functionality although it will be lacking many popular apps until later this year. The color display makes it easier to distinguish between multiple graphs. The 84C comes with MathPrint which " allows you to input and view math symbols, formulas and stacked fractions exactly as they appear in textbooks". The awesome screen is backlit and looks like a cool cell phone display and rather than batteries, it is rechargeable. There is a deliberate lack of Internet connectivity so students are learning instead of browsing.
Journaling as a Path to Growth
Whether recording workouts or ideas for a novel, using a journal can inspire personal development and enhance awareness of growth and progress. One daily tool I love to use is the Weekly Rhythm Register to record goals like stretching 10 minutes/day, power walking, drinking enough water, listening to personal development leaders and getting fresh air. Also included weekly goals like exercising 4-5x/week, lesson planning and current projects. I journal ideas and thoughts into this Jim Rohn Leadership Journal along with Design Your Best Year Ever by Darren Hardy. Clever quotes and sweet moments are captured online using Evernote and on paper into gorgeous Paper Blanks or simple and lightweight Moleskines. Get inspired by Robin Sharma's video on How to keep a Journal and/or Jim Rohn's CD How to Use a Journal.
Weekly Rhythm Register pdf from Darren Hardy's Compound Effect
Brain Teaser
Between 1000 and 2000 you can get each integer as the sum of nonnegative consecutive integers. For example, 147+148+149+150+151+152+153 = 1050
There is only one number that you cannot get. What is this number?
Answer to May's Brain Teaser: 10,100
May 2013 Brain Teaser Solution
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Robin "the Math Lady" Schwartz