Math Confidence Newsletter
Volume 48
May 2013
In This Issue
Math Confidence Video
Recommended Reading
Alternatives to College
Brain Teaser
Math Confidence Video   
Is Algebra Necessary?.MOD
Is Algebra Necessary?
Math Confidence Workshops 
Info on Robin's 2 Presentations this month

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Quote of the Month
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"
Marianne Williamson

When will you need Algebra?  You never know! A close friend was just accepted to a grad program after studying for and acing the GRE.   Teaching Math is conveying concepts and formulas with inspiration and motivation. SUCCESS for Teens, by the publisher of SUCCESS magazine, is designed to help teens develop a personal philosophy to set goals and stay on track in school, work and life.   The Math topic is probability and the education spotlight is on college alternatives.
Recommended Reading
Success for TeensThis fabulous free book and  workbook was created by the editors of the SUCCESS Foundation whose mission is to "Provide teens with the fundamental principles of personal development and the resources to help them reach their full potential." Based on Jeff Olson'sThe Slight Edge (Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success",  the chapter titles are encourgaging and descriptive: Little Things Matter, Attitude is Everything, There's No Such Thing as Failure, Everything Starts with Small Steps, Use the Moment, You're Always Learning, You Can Make Your Dreams Come True and Habits are Powerful.
Get the free pdf from the Success Foundation
Probability: Counting the Possibilities

If you have 3 books, there are 6 ways (3 x 2 x 1) to arrange them and with 4 books there are 24 ways (4 x 3 x 2 x 1) so with 10 books there are 10! (10 factorial: 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1) or 3,628,800 ways. This is the Fundamental Principle of Counting

If we were to choose 2 students to be president and vice presdent from a class of 10, there would be 90 possibilities using a permutation (first choose from 10 then after you pick that person there are 9 left).  If, however, you would like teams of two without ranking (no Pres and VP), there would be half that number -- 45 combinations.  We can use nPr and nCr on the Texas Instruments TI-84 for combinations and permutations.  Impressively, a 52 card deck would have 52! arrangements or more than 10 to the 67th power.

Combination vs Permutation 

Combinations and Permutations on MathsIsFun 

Table of Factorials up to 30 

Alternative Routes to College and Career
Three really awesome reasons to go to college:
1. A love of learning   2. A chosen career or 3. A paycheck.  How can we ensure that students are college ready if they want to go?  Too many students are not ready for college -- read this report by ACT:
How can we help people become lifelong learners so they can have choices and opportunities at any age?  Some high schools are creating a collegiate atmosphere in hopes that this will prepare students for higher education.   Rigorous Schools Put College Dreams into Practice
PayPal founder Peter Thiel is raising awareness of The Education Bubble and encouraging young entrepreneurs to take off two years from college to pursue their ambitious ideas and projects.  The Thiel Fellowship winners are given a $100K no-strings-attached grant to skip college and focus on their work. 
Brain Teaser 
Numbers thru Funnel

When a number goes into this function machine, a different number comes out. A basic formula is used to determine what comes out. If:
3 -> 90
4 -> 272
5 -> 650
6 -> 1332
7 -> 2450
What will come out if 10 goes in? 


Answer to April's Brain Teaser: 28  April 2013 Brain Teaser Solution

Thanks for reading!  How can we make this newsletter better?  Please send comments and suggestions to Robin 


Robin "the Math Lady" Schwartz
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