"Those having torches will pass them on to others."
In addition to skills, concepts and processes, the Singapore Mathematics Framework amazingly includes attitude and metacognition. Helping with homework focuses on the new new Math and how parents can help their kids to be better Math learners. The role of technology in learning Math for elementary and middle schoolers is featured along with calculators for that age group. This month, Robin will present at PS 24 on April 9th, the Academic Resource Center at the College of Mount Saint Vincent on April 17 and at the CMSV Faculty Research Forum on April 24.
Recommended Framework
Singapore's Math students outperform most of the rest of the world according to the Trends in Intl Math and Science Study (TIMMS. Singapore is not rich in natural resources so it was a conscious decision by the government in the 1980's to unify the curriculum to prepare students for the global economy. With the move to the Common Core, many American districts are choosing a Singapore based program like Math in Focus to improve Math education and also perhaps the ranking of the US internationally.
What can parents do to help with Math homework? If parents have a positive outlook on Math, it helps their kids to learn and enjoy Math more. Math has changed since 19XX and parents may not recognize the Math their kids are learning. This is primarily due to dependence on technology like the calculator and Excel in the classroom, workplace, and home. There is much emphasis in the early grades on place value and understanding how the numbers are constructed -- students and parents can practice these concepts on the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. It is still very important to know Math Facts as it helps with computation and confidence.
This past month, a Texas Instruments representative visited my students in the Math for Elementary Educators class and demonstrated the TI-34 Multiview which allows addition of mixed numbers and conversion of mixed numbers into improper fractions. The future teachers loved the multiview capability and the ability to decompose numbers. They also felt that students should not become too reliant on calculators. We discussed the appropriate use of technology in the classroom because if the students have a calculator, then different kinds of questions will be asked different kinds of questions. The TI-10 and TI-15 are for the lower elementary grades-- click on the link for a demo.
Which unit fractions 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 etc have terminating decimals and which repeat? For example, 1/2 = 0.5 terminates but 1/3 = .3333etc and repeats.
How many unit fractions up to 1/1000 have terminating decimals? What is the key to figuring this out?
Answer to March's Brain Teaser: If the tide is rising, then the ship is also rising on the water. So the water will stay at the level of the bottom rung.