Math Confidence Newsletter
Volume 42
November 2012
In This Issue
Math Confidence Video
Recommended Reading
Time Management
Math for 2014
Brain Teaser
Math Confidence Video  
The Math You Will Need for 2014.MOD
Math for 2014.MOD
Math Confidence Audio
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Quote of the Month
"Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence."
Abigail Adams

Will the Internet revolutionize education?   Khan Academy founder Salman Khan offers his perspective on individualized learning and technology in "The One World School House".  This month, Robin will present on November 8th at the Association of Math Teachers of NY State conference and will coordinate the Association of Teachers of Math of NYC conference on November 17th.  Wishing you and yours a safe cleanup after Hurricane Sandy.
Recommended Reading and Viewing  
The One World School HouseIn 2004, Salman Khan made a Math video for his middle school cousin who had been tracked into a "slow" class even though she was very capable.  Her Math knowledge and confidence soared and other relatives wanted his tutoring. Khan started recording one video a day and has amassed over 3000. His vision of "flipping the classroom" has students watch videos as homework and do problem sets in class.  Some critics have worried that this will reduce student-teacher interaction but Khan states that this technology is a supplement rather than a replacement for teachers.
Time Management for Middle and High School Students

Time management for middle and high school students can be improved by their home environment so it is important to help young adults stay on track with planners, timers, and especially technology.  How long would homework take without an Internet connection? Students often multitask and may be homeworking while they are also gaming or Facebooking.   Freedom "locks you away from the 'Net so you can be productive" while Anti-Social blocks Facebook, Twitter and/or other sites that you specify.  

PBS Kids It's My Life Time Management 

Switch Facebook into Study Mode with Hoot

Homework as an Enjoyable Challenge 

Student Planners on Squidoo 

Math for 2014 
Nationwide exams and unified curricula are the goals of The Common Core State Standards that have been adopted by 46 states to standardize education throughout America.  The 2014 - 2015 school year will be the pilot assessment year for both of the Common Core consortia -- PARCC and Smarter Balanced. 
Brain Teaser 
Numbers thru Funnel

What mathematical symbol can be placed between 5 and 9, to get a number greater than 5 and smaller than 9?


Answer to October's Brain Teaser: 6

October 2012 Brain Teaser Solution

Thanks for reading!  How can we make this newsletter better?  Please send comments and suggestions to Robin 


Robin "the Math Lady" Schwartz
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