My apologies for the delayed arrival of this newsletter, everyone. I hope that your collective Lenten seasons have allowed for times of reflection and renewal, and for those of you who gave something up for Lent or picked up something new, stay strong--you're halfway there!
Our Lenten Children's Chapel series has taken us through some wonderful teaching moments from Jesus--reflections on what it means to give, as shown by an elderly widow giving what she could; reflections on the value of being a child, as we learned how Jesus invited and blessed each child that came to him; and reflections on juggling busyness and attentiveness, as we read the story of Mary and Martha. I have been really proud of the way our kids have dug into these stories and engaged with them--and I am also thrilled knowing that later this month we, as a congregation, will be living these stories with them.
On Sunday, March 22, our fourth-grade classes will be receiving Bibles during the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. worship services--a continuation of the promise that we as a congregation made to love and support the children of this church and to hand down the faith that was given to us. And on Sunday, March 29, all of our children will process down the center aisle during worship--a celebration not just of Palm Sunday, but of our embrace of them as they grow and learn in this community.
Friends, thank you for all of the ways in which you make this church a second home for the many boys and girls who come through our doors each Sunday, and blessings be with you as we continue to walk the road of this Lenten journey.
Grace and peace,

Minister for Children and Families