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March 2015
In This Issue

Fourth Church Links

Here's the Good News!  


My apologies for the delayed arrival of this newsletter, everyone. I hope that your collective Lenten seasons have allowed for times of reflection and renewal, and for those of you who gave something up for Lent or picked up something new, stay strong--you're halfway there!


Our Lenten Children's Chapel series has taken us through some wonderful teaching moments from Jesus--reflections on what it means to give, as shown by an elderly widow giving what she could; reflections on the value of being a child, as we learned how Jesus invited and blessed each child that came to him; and reflections on juggling busyness and attentiveness, as we read the story of Mary and Martha. I have been really proud of the way our kids have dug into these stories and engaged with them--and I am also thrilled knowing that later this month we, as a congregation, will be living these stories with them.


On Sunday, March 22, our fourth-grade classes will be receiving Bibles during the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. worship services--a continuation of the promise that we as a congregation made to love and support the children of this church and to hand down the faith that was given to us. And on Sunday, March 29, all of our children will process down the center aisle during worship--a celebration not just of Palm Sunday, but of our embrace of them as they grow and learn in this community.


Friends, thank you for all of the ways in which you make this church a second home for the many boys and girls who come through our doors each Sunday, and blessings be with you as we continue to walk the road of this Lenten journey.



Grace and peace,

Matt Helms signature  

Minister for Children and Families

(Pending) Family Service Project   


Saturday, March 21 
1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

The Greater Chicago Food Depository  

(4100 W. Ann Lurie Pl., Chicago, IL 60632) 


Last month I shared that we were planning on having a Family Service Project with the Greater Chicago Food Depository on Saturday, March 21. Their "Kids' Day" is offered once per month for kids aged 5 to 12 with their parents, and it involves both repacking food donations as well as learning more about hunger in Chicago. While I am still hoping that we will be able to volunteer, we ended up being placed on a wait list shortly after the last Good News Letter went out. The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.


The director told me that we are first in line if another group cancels, so please let me know if you might be interested in volunteering and I'll be in contact with you as soon as I hear anything. My apologies for the added layer of complexity here--sometimes things don't run as smoothly as envisioned!



Fourth grade Bibles
Fourth Graders Receive Bibles in Worship

Sunday, March 22
9:30 and 11:00 a.m. worship
Meet in Room 4E  
On Sunday, March 22, Fourth Church will be celebrating the maturing faith of our fourth graders by giving them each their own Bible. Further details have been sent out in an email to our fourth-grade parents, but I hope that you take the time to congratulate these fourth graders on this important milestone in their faith journey!


If you are a parent of a fourth grader and did not receive an email about your child receiving a Bible, please contact me at

Palm Sunday children
Palm Sunday Processional

Sunday, March 29
9:30 and 11:00 a.m. worship services  

Our Palm Sunday Processional is an incredible sight--about a hundred children marching down the center aisle of the Sanctuary, waving palms in the air and carrying fish banks as an offering. It also requires an incredible amount of logistics, so we ask that you read the following information very carefully!


Prior to the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. worship services, all students will gather in their usual classrooms on the fourth floor of the Gratz Center. Classes will then be led by their teachers down through the Loggia and into the Narthex a few minutes before worship begins.


If possible, please try to arrive early to help with the transportation process! If you are running late, we ask that you wait with your child in the Loggia area (the hallway next to the Sanctuary) until his or her class arrives -- each class will be holding signs to help you identify where your child belongs. Parents of infants and toddlers are also welcome to wait in the Loggia area and then to process with the Sunday School classes while carrying their children.


If you have been filling up a fish bank throughout Lent, please remember to bring your fish banks with you on Palm Sunday! These banks will be carried down the center aisle as an offering during the morning's processional.


Sunday School classes will still occur following the processional, and you will still pick your children up from their usual classrooms on the fourth floor following the service.

Thanks in advance for helping make Palm Sunday an incredible experience for all!


Save the Dates  




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