Bring Your Pets This Saturday!
An Outdoor Blessing of the Animals Service
Calling all pets! An interfaith Blessing of the Animals service will be held this Saturday afternoon, October 11. Cosponsored by Fourth Church and Chicago Sinai Congregation, the service will be held at 1:00 p.m. in the Fourth Church courtyard off of Michigan Avenue (weather permitting).
All pets on leashes or in carriers are welcome. Those choosing not to bring a pet are welcome to bring photographs of them to be blessed. Associate Pastor Joyce Shin and Rabbi David Levinsky will bless God's creatures, great and small, during this annual service. There will also be time to remember pets that have died in the past year.
For those without pets, PAWS will be on hand to provide information about pet adoption options and to introduce some dogs available for adoption.
Saturday, October 11, 1:00 p.m.
Michigan Avenue courtyard
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Easiest Routes to Church This Sunday
During the Bank of America Chicago Marathon
The Bank of America Chicago Marathon is taking place this Sunday, October 12, affecting the accessibility of roads downtown and near Fourth Church during morning worship services.
Directions for the easiest routes to get to Fourth Church that morning can be found online.
Pumpkin-Decorating Family Night
An Evening of Fall Festivities and Fun
Get ready for Halloween with Pumpkin-Decorating Family Night next Friday, October 17! From 5:30 to 8:00 p.m., all families are invited to an evening of fall-themed activities, including games and a viewing of a classic Peanuts film.
Anderson Hall will be transformed into a pumpkin patch, where children will select a baby pumpkin to then decorate in Borwell Dining Room. A spaghetti dinner and caramel apples will also be served.
We hope to see families then for an evening of October fun!
Friday, October 17, 5:30 p.m.
Anderson Hall and Borwell Dining Room
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Academy for Faith and Life Class Begins Sunday
What is "holiness" and how do people experience that which is holy? Beginning this Sunday at 11:00 a.m., the four-week Academy for Faith and Life class, "The Power of Holiness: Varieties of Religious Experience in the Bible," will explore these questions as it delves into the meaning of holiness using resources from contemporary Jewish and Christian writers.
Led by Tom Dozeman, Professor of Old Testament at United Theological Seminary, "The Power of Holiness" will highlight the range of the experience of holiness, from personal encounters with the divine to the corporate worship of God through word and sacrament.
Sundays, October 12-November 2
11:00 a.m.
Room 5G in the Gratz Center
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Have You Pledged to Be "All In!"?
Fourth Church and Chicago Lights Annual Appeal 2015
Sunday, October 26 is Commitment Sunday, a day when we celebrate all that we are able to do together through our generous response to God's blessings in our lives. As we look ahead to this year's celebration, we encourage everyone to complete a giving response card for the 2015 Annual Appeal for Fourth Church and Chicago Lights prior to worship that day.
If you have not yet had opportunity to complete a response card, please do so today: cards were sent to members' homes and are also available in the pew racks and online.
To those who have already given--thank you! We are deeply grateful for your generosity, which will allow the work and ministry of Fourth Church and Chicago Lights to continue in 2015. Please join us in being "All In!" and support the 2015 Annual Appeal, as together we continue to be faithful followers of Christ and active citizens of the world in which we live.
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A Fall Cookout at the Farm
An Afternoon of Seasonal Games and Food
Enjoy the season at next Saturday's Fall Farm Festival at the Chicago Lights Urban Farm!
From 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. that day, the Farm will host games, crafts, and lunch prepared with produce harvested fresh onsite. A menu of salad and traditional and vegetarian chili and hotdogs will be served.
The Fall Farm Festival is free and open to the public. Bring your friends!
Saturday, October 18, 12:00 noon-2:00 p.m.
Chicago Lights Urban Farm (444 W. Chicago Ave.)
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Early-Bird Tickets for GLOW
Annual Chicago Lights Associates Board Gala
Young adults, are you going to GLOW, the annual Chicago Lights Associates board gala? If you haven't reserved a ticket, this coming Tuesday is the last day early-bird discounted tickets are available!
GLOW, a night of food, drinks, and dancing, will be held on Saturday, November 8 at 8:00 p.m. at the Museum of Contemporary Art (220 E. Chicago Ave.). This social and philanthropic event for young professionals will feature a look at the "David Bowie Is" exhibition, Chicago's DJ Sye Young, complimentary drinks, appetizers from Wolfgang Puck Catering, cupcakes from Sprinkles, and an afterparty at Cuvee.
All proceeds benefit the community outreach programs of Chicago Lights.
Saturday, November 8, 8:00 p.m.
Museum of Contemporary Art (220 E. Chicago Ave.)
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Worship This Week
We give thanks to God for the gift of new life.
Hudson Walter Carlton,
son of Christopher and Lindsay Carlton
Gage Ryan Masson,
son of Mark and Shannon Masson
Holden Prescott Schenk,
son of Hunter and Kira Schenk
Jackson Thomas Slaby,
son of Mark and Dana Slaby
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Concerts at Fourth Church
The Noonday concerts listed here are free.
Friday, October 10, 2014 7:00 p.m. in Buchanan Chapel Camerata Chicago Orchestra conducted by Drostan Hall with Joshua Roman, cellist
Dvořák Cello Concerto Beethoven Symphony no. 5 Rossini Overture to Barber of Seville Tickets available through Camerata Chicago cameratachicago.org | 630.221.5555
(Enter "FPCC" for a 20-percent discount)
Friday, October 17, 2014 12:10 p.m. in the Sanctuary Thomas Gouwens, organist (Associate Organist at Fourth Church)
Friday, October 24, 2014
12:10 p.m. in Buchanan Chapel Hamline University A Cappella Choir
Thursday, October 30, 2014
7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Fourth Church Choral Society
and Chicago Chamber Orchestra Featuring Schubert's Mass in G Major $20 donation collected at door A complete concert schedule is available online.Back to top
Volunteer at Fourth Church
There are several ways to get involved in the mission and ministry of Fourth Church. See below for details!
Current Volunteer Needs
Audio recording equipment operators for Sunday morning worship services
This volunteer opportunity is available immediately. Training will be provided.
Instructors for In2it Café enrichment courses for children prior to Chicago Lights Tutoring
Share your hobbies and activities! Classes include art, chess, acting, knitting, martial arts, yoga, scrapbooking, crafting, playing guitar, fitness, singing, improv, healthy cooking, science, drumming, cheerleading, dance, computers, creative writing, and more. The time commitment is from 5:25 to 5:55 p.m., one evening a week.
Volunteers to wash and dry clothes for a Fourth Church family with a chronically ill child
To sign up for any of these volunteer opportunities or to learn more about them, stop by Coffee Hour on Sunday morning or contact Larry Nicholson, Director of Volunteer Ministry.
A complete list of volunteer needs is available online.