Photos from our Wilderness Travels!
A Look Back at Vacation Bible School
Last week our children and their leaders journeyed on a Vacation Bible School adventure with Moses and the Israelites through the wilderness. Check out the photos of the wonderful fun these preschoolers through fifth graders had as they learned how God guides and provides!
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Singing with the Chancel Choir
Rehearsal Begins September 4
Are you interested in offering the gift of music during morning worship at Fourth Church? New voices are invited to join the volunteer Chancel Choir, which sings at the 8:00 a.m. worship service each Sunday, September through June.
The Chancel Choir rehearses weekly on Thursdays, beginning September 4, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary Choir Loft and again on Sundays at 7:30 a.m.
For more information, contact John Sherer.
Tutors Needed for 50th Anniversary Year
Volunteer to Mentor an Underresourced Child
This fall the Chicago Lights Tutoring program is celebrating fifty years of making a difference in the lives of children from Chicago's under-resourced communities. Come be a part of this historic year: volunteers are needed to be tutors and mentors to the 400 first- through twelfth-grade students who participate in the program.
New volunteers are asked to attend one of the following orientation sessions at 6:00 p.m. in Borwell Dining Room: Thursday, September 11; Tuesday, September 16; Wednesday, September 17; or Monday, September 22. RSVP online here.
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Life Time Tri Chicago Triathlon Is August 24
The Life Time Tri Chicago triathlon will take place this Sunday, August 24. Please be advised that those using Lake Shore Drive from Division to Cermak that morning may want to plan alternate routes for getting to worship.
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Autumn Salad Shares
Fresh Produce from the Chicago Lights Urban Farm
Summer may be winding down, but it's not too late to get fresh produce from the Chicago Lights Urban Farm! Community-supported agriculture (CSA) "salad shares" are offered through the fall, with half shares available beginning Saturday, September 6.
The Urban Farm CSA allows direct access to high-quality, organic produce grown on-site and supports the Farm and its many community-oriented programs.
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An Invitation from Children and Youth
Kickoff Sunday Is September 7
All are invited to a time of fellowship and fun as children and youth programming resumes on Sunday, September 7. In addition to regular Sunday School classes being held at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. and youth gatherings for sixth through twelfth graders, the children, youth, and their families will be the hosts of a festive all-church luncheon taking place at 12:00 noon in Anderson Hall. Outdoors in the Michigan Avenue courtyard there will be games and activities and fellowship fun.
We hope you'll join us for this intergenerational event as we kick off autumn at Fourth Church!
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Worship This Week
We give thanks to God for the gift of eternal life.
Music by the Fountain
Free Friday Noonday concerts continue outdoors in the courtyard off Michigan Avenue, by the fountain, through August.
Friday, August 29, 2014
12:10 p.m. in the courtyard
Arlene Bardelle, vocalist
In September, Noonday concerts return indoors to either Buchanan Chapel or the Sanctuary.
Friday, September 5, 2014 12:10 p.m. in Buchanan Chapel Georgia and Louise Mangos, piano duo Cosponsored by the Musicians Club of Women Friday, September 12, 2014 12:10 p.m. in Buchanan Chapel Marc Stingley, vocalist
Friday, September 12, 2014
7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Lyric Opera: "A Wondrous Sound" Tickets available at www.lyricopera.org
A complete concert schedule is available online.Back to top
Volunteer at Fourth Church
There are several ways to get involved in the mission and ministry of Fourth Church. See below for details!
Current Volunteer Needs
Audio recording equipment operators for Sunday morning worship services
This volunteer opportunity is available immediately. Training will be provided.
New volunteers for the Chicago Lights Tutoring program are asked to attend an orientation sessions. See above for details.
Labyrinth walk hosts to serve as a welcoming presence and to offer guidance on walking the labyrinth
Orientation will be provided.
Volunteers to wash and dry clothes, on rotation, for a Fourth Church family with a chronically ill child, located in zip code 60618
To sign up for any of these volunteer opportunities or to learn more about them, stop by Coffee Hour on Sunday morning or contact Larry Nicholson, Director of Volunteer Ministry.
A complete list of volunteer needs is available online.
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