Tasty Treats to Support Haiti Trip
Satisfy your sweet tooth--and support the mission work of Fourth Church youth--at this Sunday's annual Youth Bake Sale. Traditional baked goods, plus gluten-free options, will be available during Coffee Hour in the courtyard following morning worship services.
Funds raised from the bake sale will support travel and other expenses for the Senior Highs work camp trip to Haiti taking place July 11-19.
Sunday, June 15, following 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. services
During Coffee Hour in the courtyard off of Michigan Avenue
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It's GA Time
221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
The 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) will begin tomorrow and continue through June 21 in Detroit. Shannon Kershner, John Vest, and Joyce Shin will be attending. As part of this Sunday's proceedings, Joyce will be receiving a 2014 Women of Faith Award, presented by the Presbyterian Mission Agency. John will be serving as vice-moderator of the committee on ecumenical and interfaith relations.
Looking back in GA history, 100 years ago, the General Assembly of 1914 was hosted by Fourth Church in our Sanctuary, which had been dedicated barely a week prior. A fourteen-foot-long print of a photograph showing that year's almost 900 delegates is currently on display just outside the Sanctuary's south transept doors to Anderson Hall and the Loggia.
You can follow the work of this year's General Assembly online at www.pcusa.org/ga221
A Farm Day for Men's Ministry
Cookout at the Chicago Lights Urban Farm
All men are invited to tour the Chicago Lights Urban Farm and then enjoy a cookout amidst the garden at this Saturday's Men's Ministry gathering from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Come join Ben Jaffe, Associate Director of Urban Farm Operations, who will speak about climate change and the environment and how this relates to the Urban Farm's daily operations and mission. A time of food, drinks, and fellowship will conclude the get-together.
Please note that a $10 donation will be collected at the Farm.
Opportunity for all to support the Urban Farm will also be taking place this Saturday during a Plant Sale from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Farm, 444 W. Chicago Ave. (two blocks west of Orleans). Vegetable seedlings available for purchase will include basil, tomatoes, lettuce, swiss chard, kale, collards, onions, cucumbers, melons, and squash/zucchini. Limited quantities will be available--so arrive early!
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Construction on the Kennedy This Weekend
Please be advised that the Kennedy Expressway at the Ohio/Ontario ramp is undergoing massive 24-hour-a-day construction projects beginning this weekend and continuing on the weekends of June 21-22 and June 29-30. To help plan alternate routes to church on those dates, visit the project information page, which includes route options.
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Congratulations, Graduates!
Baccalaureate Sunday: June 15
This Sunday is Baccalaureate Sunday, a day when we celebrate members and Chicago Lights Tutoring students who have graduated or will graduate from eighth grade, high school, college, or a graduate or professional program this year. Names of graduates will be printed in the June 15 bulletins.
Congratulations to our 2014 graduates! Back to top
Calum, St. Giles', and Scotland
As you likely know from yesterday's Facebook post, we are delighted to share the news that Calum MacLeod has been invited to preach on July 13 as "sole nominee" at St. Giles' Cathedral in Edinburgh, Scotland. Following worship that day, the members of that Church of Scotland congregation will vote on whether to call Calum as their new Minister of the Cathedral. Please join in keeping Calum, Missy, and the St. Giles' congregation in your prayers in the days ahead.
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Worship This Week
Sunday, June 15, 2014 Trinity Sunday Baccalaureate Sunday
We give thanks to God for the gift of eternal life.
Cecy Szuba, May 31, 2014
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, June 21 at 9:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. A reception will follow in Anderson Hall.
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Upcoming Concerts at Fourth Church
All concerts are free admission unless otherwise noted
Friday, June 20, 2014
12:10 p.m. in Buchanan Chapel
Natalie Mann, soprano
Jeffrey Panko, pianist
Friday, June 27, 2014
12:10 p.m. in the Sanctuary
St. Luke's United Methodist Church Choir
Monday, June 30, 2014 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary Cathedral Festival Chorus and Orchestra Requiem for the Living by Dan Forrest conducted by Hugh Floyd Tickets available at mcp.us
A complete concert schedule is available online.Back to top
Volunteer at Fourth Church
There are several ways to get involved in the mission and ministry of Fourth Church. See below for details!
Current Volunteer Needs
Summer Farm Camp helpers at the Chicago Lights Urban Farm; one day a week, June 24-August 15; 1:00-5:00 p.m.
Volunteers to wash and dry clothing for a family with a chronically ill child
Dishwashers for Sunday Night Supper from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m., on rotation
Members to usher during 9:30 a.m. worship
To sign up for any of these volunteer opportunities or to learn more about them, stop by Coffee Hour on Sunday morning or contact Larry Nicholson, Director of Volunteer Ministry.
A complete list of volunteer needs is available online.