Last Chance to RSVP for Encore!
A CLL Benefit at Lookingglass
A limited number of tickets remain for Encore, the first-ever benefit for the Center for Life and Learning, Fourth Church's program for adults 60 and more. This June 14 event combines a pre-show reception in the Gratz Center with a private viewing of Lookingglass Theatre's In the Garden: A Darwinian Love Story.
Thanks to a partnership with the Lookingglass Theatre Company, Fourth Church has the entire house for the Saturday, June 14 performance of In the Garden--so it promises to be a particularly special evening!
This coming Thursday, June 12 is the last day to register. Reservations can be made online.
Saturday, June 14
Reception, 5:30 p.m. in the Gratz Center of Fourth Church
In the Garden production, 7:30 p.m. at Lookingglass Theatre
(in the old Pumping Station on Michigan Avenue,
between Pearson and Chicago)
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Musical Favorites to Send Off the Pipe Organ
A Concert Featuring Works by Widor, Franck, and Bach
Join Fourth Church for a "send-off" concert for our pipe organ! We're preparing to send the organ to Quimby Pipe Organ in Missouri in mid-July as the next step in the organ-rebuilding project. Before it goes, come hear favorites by Widor, Franck, and Bach--performed by John W. W. Sherer, Director of Music and Organist at Fourth Church--in a free concert this coming Thursday, June 12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
While the organ is away, a temporary organ will be used in its place until the rebuilt instrument is installed in late 2015.
Thursday, June 12, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday Is Pentecost
Celebrate the Birth of the Church
This Sunday is Pentecost, which celebrates the birth of the church and the giving of the Holy Spirit to the disciples of Jesus. Red, which is the liturgical color for the day, symbolizes the pentecostal fire of the Holy Spirit, as described in Acts 2. In the Jewish tradition, Pentecost (for "fifty" days after Passover) is a harvest festival of first fruits that also celebrates the giving of the Torah, or Hebrew law. The banners that will be hanging in the Sanctuary that day present Old Testament and New Testament Pentecost themes, including creation, Hebrew law, harvest, Passover, and tongues of fire.
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Classes at 9:30 a.m. Only
This Sunday, Summer Sunday School for preschool through fifth grade children begins, with classes meeting at 9:30 a.m. on the fourth floor of the Gratz Center. (There will not be an 11:00 a.m. class during the summer; it will resume in the fall.)
Classes will be divided into three sections, with three- and four-year-olds meeting in Room 4B, kindergartners and first graders meeting in Room 4D, and second through fifth graders meeting in Room 4E.
During the 11:00 a.m. worship hour, when we do not have Sunday School, the Nursery on the first floor of the Gratz Center will be welcoming children up to age five.
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We're Gathering Graduates' Names
Baccalaureate Sunday: June 15
This Sunday is the last day to submit graduate names! If you or someone you know has graduated or is graduating from eighth grade, high school, college, or a graduate or professional program in 2014, please let John Vest (312.981.4037) know about this accomplishment.
Graduate names received by this Sunday, June 8 will appear in the bulletin on June 15, which is Baccalaureate Sunday.
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Tutoring Is Turning Fifty
Celebrate an Upcoming Anniversary
This coming fall, the Chicago Lights Tutoring program will be celebrating fifty years of changing the lives of thousands of underresourced students! Are you interested in helping to plan for this historic event? Come learn about this upcoming celebration and how you can help: we'll be having an open planning meeting this coming Tuesday, June 10 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 4F of the Gratz Center.
Following the meeting, all are invited to a social hour with refreshments to kick off our summer of planning for our big celebration.
Also in honor of the upcoming landmark year, we are seeking all Tutoring alumni--volunteers, tutors, and students. To join the Tutoring alumni network, please fill out this Google form.
By joining the network, Tutoring alumni will be able to establish relationships with former, current, and future Chicago Lights participants; share and commemorate experiences with other tutors and tutees; and be notified of all the exciting fiftieth anniversary plans and events in the works.
And please save the date for Saturday, September 27--you won't want to miss out!
For more information, contact Alex Cornwell. Back to top
Seedlings and Salad Shares
Fresh Produce from the Urban Farm
Grow your own vegetables this summer and support the Chicago Lights Urban Farm at the same time! Next Saturday, June 14, stop by the Urban Farm (444 W. Chicago Ave.) between 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. for their Plant Sale.
Vegetable seedlings available for purchase will include basil, tomatoes, lettuce, swiss chard, kale, collards, onions, cucumbers, melons, and squash/zucchini. Limited quantities will be available--so arrive early!
Don't have the space or time to garden? Then subscribe to an Urban Farm CSA! Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA), also known as "subscription farming," provides members with a share, or subscription, of fresh, locally grown produce each week. The Urban Farm CSA "Salad Shares" allow members to have direct access to high-quality, fresh, organic produce grown on-site. In return, those shares help support the Farm and its many community-oriented programs.
More information about CSA Salad Shares through the Urban Farm, which will be available starting Saturday, June 28, is online here or by contacting Ben Jaffe (312.252.3597).
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A Great Day for a Walk
GCFD Hunger Walk: June 21
Enjoy the Chicago outdoors and support the Chicago Lights Elam Davies Social Service Center at the same time! The Greater Chicago Food Depository Hunger Walk will take place on Saturday, June 21. Points earned and donations received will help support the outreach of the feeding programs of the Social Service Center.
More information about how you can walk and support this worthy cause is available at the Mission table during morning Coffee Hour this Sunday and by contacting Vicky Curtiss.
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Worship This Week
Sunday, June 8, 2014 Day of Pentecost
We give thanks to God for the gift of eternal life.
Cecy Szuba, May 31, 2014
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, June 21 at 9:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. A reception will follow in Anderson Hall.
Mary Sundberg, June 1, 2014
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Upcoming Concerts at Fourth Church
All concerts are free admission unless otherwise noted
Thursday, June 12, 2014 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary An Organ Send-Off Concert Featuring works by Bach, Franck, and Widor The Fourth Church pipe organ will be removed in mid-July as part of the organ rebuilding project. A temporary organ will be used in its place until the rebuilt instrument is installed in late 2015.
Friday, June 13, 2014 12:10 p.m. in the Sanctuary Thomas E. Gouwens, organist (Associate Organist at Fourth Church)
Friday, June 20, 2014
12:10 p.m. in Buchanan Chapel
Natalie Mann, soprano
Jeffrey Panko, pianist
Friday, June 27, 2014
12:10 p.m. in the Sanctuary
St. Luke's United Methodist Church Choir
A complete concert schedule is available online.Back to top
Volunteer at Fourth Church
There are several ways to get involved in the mission and ministry of Fourth Church. See below for details!
Current Volunteer Needs
Aspiring gardeners to help at the Chicago Lights Urban Farm, Saturdays, 12:00 noon-3:00 p.m.
Members to help host the Chicago Presbytery on Tuesday, June 10 at McCormick Theological Seminary
Dishwashers for Sunday Night Supper from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m., on rotation
Members to usher during 9:30 a.m. worship
To sign up for any of these volunteer opportunities or to learn more about them, stop by Coffee Hour on Sunday morning or contact Larry Nicholson, Director of Volunteer Ministry.
A complete list of volunteer needs is available online.