A Time for Travel Stories
A Look Back at Mission Trips to Guatemala and Cuba
This Sunday mission trip participants will share stories from their travels in Guatemala and Cuba earlier this year. We'll hear from those who offered the gift of music through concerts and worship services around Antigua and Guatemala City in February, along with a group of women who, in March, reinforced our sister relationship with First Presbyterian Church of Havana by learning about the church's ministries and sharing in a worship service.
All are invited to attend and learn about mission at Fourth Church! Light refreshments will be served.
Sunday, June 1, 12:00 noon
Borwell Dining Room
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Volleyball Fun at Oak Street Beach
Young Adults Kick Off the Summer
What better way to enjoy the summer sun and warm weather than with some beach volleyball! The Young Adults fellowship group will set up nets on Oak Street Beach on Mondays, starting this coming Monday, June 2, at 6:30 p.m.
All skill levels are welcome to play and enjoy fellowship with other young adults. To sign up to receive emails on Mondays about weather updates and time changes, email Edwin Estevez.
Mondays, starting June 2, 6:30 p.m.
Oak Street Beach (near Oak Street and Lake Shore Drive)
Meditation and Yoga Tuesdays
Recharge at the Replogle Center
Are you tired, stressed, overworked? "Tuesday Evenings at Replogle" offers opportunity for healing and spiritual renewal through meditation on the first and third Tuesdays of the month, beginning June 3, and yoga on the second Tuesday of the month, beginning June 10. An introductory meditation session will be held at 6:30 p.m. with regular meditation immediately following at 7:00 p.m. Spiritual yoga will be held at 7:00 p.m. All of these drop-in sessions, hosted by the Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being, will meet in the Boyle Conference Room on the third floor of Parish House.
All faiths are welcome as are all levels of experience with meditation and yoga. A $10 donation will be received at the door.
First and third Tuesdays, beginning June 3
Introduction to Meditation, 6:30 p.m.
Regular Meditation, 7:00 p.m.
Second Tuesdays, beginning June 10
Spiritual Yoga, 7:00 p.m.
Boyle Conference Room
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To Honor on Baccalaureate Sunday
If you or someone you know has graduated or is graduating from eighth grade, high school, college, or a graduate or professional program in 2014, please let John Vest (312.981.4037) know about this accomplishment.
Graduate names received by next Sunday, June 8 will appear in the bulletin on June 15, which is Baccalaureate Sunday.
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An Invitation to a Baby Shower
"Great Expectations": June 29
Parents who have welcomed a child into their home in the last year are invited to a "Great Expectations" Baby Shower at Fourth Church on Sunday, June 29 at 12:00 noon in the Randolph Room. Celebrate the latest addition to the family with other new parents while learning about parenting groups and children's programs at Fourth Church. Lunch will be provided.
To RSVP, contact Liz Nickerson (312.573.3366) by Wednesday, June 25.
Sunday, June 29, 12:00 noon
Randolph Room
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Two Art Shows on Exhibit
"Connections" and "Birds of Longing"
Stop by the Loggia and the fifth floor of the Gratz Center to view two collections of artwork: "Connections" by Center for Life and Learning art students and "Birds of Longing" by Laurie Wohl.
On display in the fifth-floor lounge of the Gratz Center, "Connections" features paintings, drawings, and writing by students sixty and older who attended art classes through the Center for Life and Learning. This collection is on display through June.
"Birds of Longing: Memory and Exile" features work by Laurie Wohl, the fiber artist who designed and created the Fourth Church "Unweavings" Ordinary Time banners. Through form, color, texture, and calligraphy, this collection interweaves Muslim, Jewish, and Christian poetry and spiritual texts from the Spanish Convivencia, the time when all three Abrahamic faiths lived together in peace in the Moorish Iberian kingdoms. "Birds of Longing" is on display in the Loggia through July.
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Enjoy Family Camp!
Today Fourth Church families are traveling to Camp Geneva in Holland, Michigan, for Spring Family Camp. Please keep in your thoughts and prayers all the families participating in this weekend of fellowship, learning, and fun!
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Worship This Week
We give thanks to God for the gift of eternal life.
Grant Law
October 31, 2013
We give thanks to God for the gift of new life together.
Jessie Chen and Tony Peng
May 24, 2014
Jennifer Michelle Opatik and Garrett Alexander Marshall
May 24, 2014
Angelica Dawn Semler and Lyman Clay Welch
May 24, 2014
Upcoming Concerts at Fourth Church
All concerts are free admission unless otherwise noted
Thursday, June 5, 2014 8:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary Lyon and Healy 150th Birthday Festival Concert Judy Loman, harpist Jana Bouskova, harpist The Myriad Trio Tickets are available at www.lyonhealy.com Friday, June 6, 2014
Angela Presutti-Korbitz, soprano Cosponsored by the Musicians Club of Women
Thursday, June 12, 2014 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary An Organ Send-Off Concert Featuring works by Bach, Franck, and Widor The Fourth Church pipe organ will be removed in mid-July as part of the organ rebuilding project. A temporary organ will be used in its place until the rebuilt instrument is installed in late 2015.
Friday, June 13, 2014 12:10 p.m. in the Sanctuary Thomas E. Gouwens, organist (Associate Organist at Fourth Church)
A complete concert schedule is available online.Back to top
Volunteer at Fourth Church
There are several ways to get involved in the mission and ministry of Fourth Church. See below for details!
Current Volunteer Needs
This high energy, six-week program, serving children entering first through eighth grades and living in Chicago's underresourced neighborhoods, offers instruction in language arts, math, science, music, dance, drama, and art. Opportunities to serve as classroom assistants, art class assistants, meal-time assistants, and field trip chaperones are available. For more information, please attend one of the following volunteer orientation sessions: Tuesday, May 20 at 5:30 p.m. or Thursday, June 5 at 3:00 p.m. in Room 4G of the Gratz Center.
Dishwashers for Sunday Night Supper from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m., on rotation
Members to usher during 9:30 a.m. worship
To sign up for any of these volunteer opportunities or to learn more about them, stop by Coffee Hour on Sunday morning or contact Larry Nicholson, Director of Volunteer Ministry.
A complete list of volunteer needs is available online.