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We are excited to announce that the Debate of the Davids is coming soon - March 5th to be exact. Please note that this is a Wednesday, not the usual Tuesday. Same place though. Details below.

Joni Eisen, President
Next meeting Wednesday, March 5th:
debate between CA State Assembly candidates;
TWO endorsement votes

Supervisors David Campos and David Chiu each want to become Tom Ammiano's successor representing California Assembly District 17. Come hear them debate! The two Davids, both Harvard-educated attorneys, agree on a lot - and that's why it's so important to bring their differences into sharp focus. Which David do you want to represent you in Sacramento? Moderator will be PHDC board member J.R. Eppler. Refreshments will be served, along with the public good.

Members will vote on endorsements for both the Assembly race and the Waterfront Height Limit Right to Vote Initiative (brief speakers pro & con, with Q&A, after the Assembly debate). Ballots will be counted at the end of the meeting.

WHEN: WEDNESDAY (not Tuesday!) March 5 at 7:30pm.
WHERE: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro St

Details about voting and non-voting membership can be found on the membership page on our web site.

Sunday Streets Season Kickoff March 9
Sunday Streets, Esprit Park2012 Come table with PHDC! Registering voters is fun and a great community service. The more registered voters there are in San Francisco, the stronger the progressive voice during statewide elections. Our table will be at or south of the Ferry Building, near one of the activity hubs - see map. Exact location tbd. To volunteer, please reply to this email, call 648-6740 or sign up at the March 5th PHDC meeting. The first 2014 Sunday Streets stretches for three miles along the waterfront, from Embarcadero (northbound lanes) at Powell St to Pier 52 in Mission Bay. Streets will be closed to automobile traffic from 11am to 4pm for people to bike, walk, run, dance, and play.

Updates on past issues
Clean money & fair elections. A mixed bag on this front. The good news is that yesterday the California Assembly passed Lou Correa's SB 27, (a necessary precursor to Mark Leno's SB 52, the California DISCLOSE Act), which requires nonprofits to become political committees as soon as they spend $50K on a campaign - thus mandating that they report their spending and donations to the Secretary of State. So, with SB 27 dealing with nonprofits, SB 52 will be a simpler, shorter bill because it only has to cover - or rather, uncover - the shenanigans of political committees.  

Also, last week Senator Dick Durbin introduced the Fair Elections Now Act in the U.S. Senate - the companion bill to Congressman John Sarbanes' Government By the People Act. The struggle to have a functioning democracy in the wake of the Citizens United decision continues.

But, alas, the forces of big money continue the attack: the Supreme (Corporate) Court will soon have a decision in McCutcheon v. FCC - which could flood elections with even more money. Individuals could directly contribute up to $3.6 million per election cycle to a single party and its candidates. On the day of the ruling, there will be a nationwide rapid response, including a rapid response event at 5pm on the steps of City Hall.

Social security cuts. President Obama has dropped the chained CPI cut to Social Security from his next budget. This is no doubt in response to the resolution PHDC passed in May and sent to him, saying in part, "... Potrero Hill Democratic Club calls upon the President and Congress not to use the Chained Consumer Price Index to calculate cost-of-living adjustments for Social Security or veterans' benefits, thereby increasing the tax burden on low- and middle-income taxpayers..."
Revenue-neutral carbon tax. This Wednesday yours truly will present a "Resolution Urging the United States Congress to Enact" such a thing at the SF Democratic Central Committee's monthly meeting, on behalf of PHDC and co-sponsors - two other clubs and at least eleven Committee members. The resolution is authored by Citizens Climate Lobby, whose SF chair, Dave Massen, appeared at PHDC's June 2013 meeting, during which the club voted to support the carbon tax.

February meeting followup
water panel
A presentation about proposed water rate hikes by SF Public Utilities Commission Environmental Justice & Land Use Analyst Yolanda Manzone (center left) and SFPUC Financial Analyst Jamie Querubin (center right) was followed by an animated and informative conversation about the drought and its implications, with Clean Water Action's Water Policy and Legislative Analyst Jennifer Clary (left), the SFPUC reps, and moderator, PHDC board member and former CA PUC President Loretta Lynch (right). Photo by John O'Neill.

The SFPUC would like to gather community feedback on the rates increase. Here's a link to their 30-second survey for your opinion on what you heard.

Also at the February meeting, 2014 Club Officers were elected.

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