MAY 2013


Ministry News from 56

projects around the world 

Shepherding God's people

toward their Calling 

In This Issue
From His Word
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Tout va changer
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From His Word

Mark 9:24  

"Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, 'I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief."



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Our New Address 

Teal & Megan RAPP

3330 Mulberry Creek Dr. 

  Austin, TX 78732  


Our Accountability

If you would like to review our financial accountability report, please click this 

CA profile page 

as posted by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. The ECFA is a global leader in ensuring the proper use of donor support.

 ECFA Logo


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Watch for Olivia's up and coming website,

Until then check out her 

YouTube page

and her

SoundCloud page !!



France Video


Here is a link to our (old) Furlough Video that Jeff Fountain put together for us.  He did an amazing job.  Enjoy!

It may take a couple of minutes to download.


Tout va Changer dans ta Vie !


Hi   - God is doing some cool stuff in our lives and I want to give you a few bullet points to read over and pray through, along with us.  While attending a Pastors Prayer Retreat recently, I received a text from a French cell phone, "Tout va changer dans ta vie !" "Everything will change in your life!" Interesting, huh? There have been some big changes since then and we are looking forward to what else God has in store.

  • Lexi, Olivia and Megan will be writing more on this, but we are taking a team of 23 people back to Aix-en-Provence this summer to work at The International Christian Community of Provence's Camp. 10 are coming with our friend, Tony Sheng and his group of Student Leaders, The Ember Cast. 13 are coming from Austin; Alex, Lane & Milo Jacobsen, Carla & Sarah Stoltman, David, Amanda, Kate & Alex George and Megan, Olivia, Lexi & I. We are so excited to get to introduce our team to our friends in Aix, whose lives have been changed by the partnership God has formed over these last 8 years!  Please pray for our teams' fundraising efforts as we prepare our hearts, minds and hands for this mission.
  • Earlier this month, I attended Christian Associates' Summit Leadership meetings in London. Summit is always a great time for me to connect with all of our international staff and press into their team's needs.  Our key note speaker was Kim Hammond, the International Director of Forge,  Our President, Dudley Callison, Kim and others taught, trained and challenged us toward church multiplication.  Please pray for CA's efforts to multiply our churches as we work toward furthering His Kingdom.
  • I just returned from Portland, OR, where we held our Engage Assessment Week.  Between our Engage two weeks ago in Brussels, Belgium and the Portland Engage, we assessed 19 Christ Followers who want to plant churches with Christian Associates, and for the first time since I have been leading recruiting, God led us to say yes to all 19 candidates!  Please pray for their fundraising and transitions to the field over the next year or two.
  • I am applying for the role of COO/Operations Team Leader of CA, which opened when Dudley Callison accepted the role as our new president. I am available to be used as needed, and believe my character and skillset can be utilized to add value to the work that God is doing through Christian Associates. If God has set me aside for this work, I am ready. Please pray that God's will be done in this hiring process.

Jesus, I entrust all these prayers to you.  I ask that even as I believe and have faith in you, that you would continue to strengthen my belief and my faith in you.  You are our provider and I thank you for the good gifts that you give us.  Amen. 

Pastors Prayer Retreat Mimi, Livi & Lexi London Summit Leadership ConferenceMay Portland Engage

Thank you for your steadfast prayers, love and support.  We appreciate your friendship and partnership with us as God brings His kingdom here on earth.

By His Grace,
Teal, Megan, Olivia & Lexi


Director, Recruiting  *  Shepherding God's people toward their Calling
Christian Associates International  *  
Establishing churches who follow Jesus in transforming their world.

Cell Phone +1 (720) 891-8344  *  *  Skype:  tealrapp  * 


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