St. Martin's Newsletter
   Weekly E-News May 13, 2016

Worship Schedule

   8:00am  Holy Eucharist
   8:45am  Bible Study 
   9:15am  Nursery
   9:30am  Holy Eucharist with choir
and sermon
     10:45am   Christian Formation
9am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
7am service with Holy Eucharist

Community Reading of The Story: review questions for May 15th

The Story,
chapters 4 through 6 follow the themes of deliverance, nation forming and fulfillment of the promise. Reading The Story is having an effect upon us. Many of us don't warm to what we are reading, and have strong reactions to the image these chapters portray of God. It's the visceral response of the reading upon us that I am particularly keen for us to explore with one another. You can review in advance the questions for this coming Sunday's review here.

Dear Friends,
What a wonderful celebration we had last Saturday morning! There are so many, many people to thank for making the occasion of my ordination to priesthood such a marvelous and smoothly-run event. The Hospitality Committee, led by Jane Taylor, worked tirelessly to cater, bake, serve and decorate for the festive brunch reception. Bob Amarantes, Barbara Blossom, and Mary Worrell created the gorgeous floral arrangements in the church. Our Sacristan, Al Howes made sure everything was in perfect order for the Eucharist. Jay MacCubbin and the choir provided beautiful music throughout the service. Our Head Verger, Meg Lopresti, and head ushers, Peter Lofgren, Peter Dennehy, Cathy Bodner, and Greg Piper, helped everything run smoothly during the liturgy. The St. Martin's staff including sextons Mario Costa and David Ely went above and beyond behind the scenes attending to details no one thought of; they were truly unsung heroes of the day. And our young people were admirably represented by acolytes Rebecca Loell, Alex Potter, and Erin Welshman, and oblationers Abby and Emma Marion. Thank you, all of you!
Thank you also for your generous contributions to my Discretionary Fund, and for the gift certificate from CM Almy. I have yet to meet a clergy person who does not delight in the opportunity to shop for vestments, and I am no different!
Most of all I am deeply grateful for your prayers and support as I have made the journey from lay person to priest. Your faith in my vocation has meant more to me over the past two years than you can possibly know.
"What shall we call you now?" This has been a common question lately......

Healing Prayers will be offered in the Chapel during communion 
Christian Formation in the Great Hall following the service.  
We will continue our discussion of The Story, chapters 4-6. 
Children's Formation upstairs in the KidZone 
'Lectio Divina'from 4-6pm in the Fireplace Room/3rd Floor. Open to those in their 20's & 30's. For more information speak with Rev. Mark Sutherland.

Please click here for Participants list for Sunday, May 15th.  

Genesis 11:1-9 (OT)
Acts 2:1-21 (NT)
John 14:8-17, 25-27 (Gospel)
Click here for this Sunday's readings.
8am  Holy Eucharist

8:45am Bible Study   
9:15am  Nursery
9:30am Holy Eucharist with choir and sermon 
Adult Christian Formation in the Great Hall and Children's Formation in the KidZone both following the 9:30am service
Gluten Free Hosts available at the altar rail
Sunday Coffee Hour is hosted by the Tuckers. 
Morning Prayer is said in the Chapel of the Church at 9am on Tuesday through Friday each week. All are welcome!

(Weekly Bible Study) 
John 14:8-17, 25-27
To dig a little behind the Gospel text for this Sunday, take a look at this week's  Working Preacher in preparation for discussion at our weekly Sunday Bible study at 8:30am in the Church Office this week.

Save the Date!
♫ "Take me out to the ballgame "♫
PAWSOX Day is July 25th!!  St. Martin's has 40 FREE tickets for a 7:05 pm night game. The ticket includes a $2 food voucher. First come, first served. Our host is Malcolm Griggs. Come and join us for a great night of baseball fun!! More details to follow.

Coming Up...  

Saturday, May 14th & 15th 
The RI Civic Chorale and Orchestra 
May 14th: 7:30pm at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter & Paul
May 15th: 3pm at St. Joseph's Church, Newport
Beth Shearer and Hal Conner sing in the Chorale, and have half-price tickets available
for both concerts.

Saturday, June 11th 11am-3pm  
Prayer Shawl Ministry 
Last Prayer Shawl Ministry session until the Fall
Great Hall  Pot Luck
For more information contact Natasha Lofgren 
The Thrifty Goose
Time for your Annual Spring closet cleanout!
The Thrifty is in need of spring and summer items: clothes for men, women and children, swimwear, umbrellas, sun hats, sneakers and beach toys for the kids. Make your spring closet cleanout a win-win situation!
Drop-offs can be M-F 9am to 3pm, as well as Thrifty hours of Wed. and Sat. from 10am to 2pm. Please call ahead if you would like assistance from the sexton.

Calling all graduating seniors!
We'd love to hear from you! Let us know what you will be doing next year, so we can brag about you.  We are proud of you! Please contact the office at 751-2141 with your graduation news or email
Susan Esposito at

[Correction to step #4 below...please take note]

St. Martin's joins the Amazon Smile Program!
St. Martin's has registered with Amazon's charitable giving program which is called Amazon Smile. Under Amazon Smile, � of 1% of all your purchases go a to a charity of your choice. Parishioners can now designate St. Martin's to receive � of 1% of their Amazon purchases.  
Here is how to participate:
  1. Go to
  2. Enroll in program by giving your email address and your regular Amazon password
  3. The next page will welcome you to the program and show a default charity such as the Audubon Society. Next to the default charity name will be a small arrow asking if you want to change the charity. Click on the arrow.
  4. Type in St. Martins Parish (exactly) in the box and our name will come up. Click select.
  5. After this, when purchasing from Amazon you must go through for you purchases to qualify.
  6. Price, service and selection is exactly the same as on the 'normal' Amazon web site. Subscribers to Amazon Prime can use the Smile program.
If you have any questions please contact the office. (And thank you!!)