St. Martin's Newsletter
   Weekly E-News  September 3, 2015

Summer Worship Schedule
8:45 am  Nursery
9 am Holy Eucharist
5:30 pm Evening Prayer

7am Service with Holy Eucharist 
9am Morning Prayer in the Chapel 
7pm in the Stearns Room
Gander is a group experience, bringing a spiritual focus on life in the here-and-now, tailored for men. All are welcome! 
This Sunday...
Healing Prayers in the Chapel after the 9am service

Weekly Morning Prayer on Tuesday through Friday at 9am begins again on
Tuesday, September 8th.
The start of Adult Choir Rehearsals has been temporarily moved to Tuesday, September 8th at 7:30pm. After this, the regular Thursday evening choir rehearsal will resume on Thursday, September 17th at 7:30pm.
Sunday services at 8am and 10am resume on September 13th, Homecoming Sunday.
***Summer Service Hours***
(last week) 
Sunday Services
9am Holy Eucharist 
Evening Prayer
Holy Eucharist on Wednesdays at 7am
Morning Prayer at 9am on Wednesdays ONLY.

Have you a longing, almost a hunger for something more, even if you don't know exactly that is? Do you hope to live a fruitful life that serves those you love and beyond them, your friends and neighbors? Do you desire community, yet feel robbed of the time and energy you need to give to fulfill your wish? Do you clutter your life to drown out God's call to you? How we all respond to these kinds of questions give us a good indication of the level of priority we give to our spiritual needs.
RenewalWorks is a spiritual inventory tool. We are going to use it as part of our Parish Annual Renewal Process. Together with eleven other parishes, nationwide we launch on Sunday September 13th with an online anonymous, individual survey. There will be a three-week window to complete the survey and we need a minimum of 60% uptake to give us statistically reliable data. The survey questions will help each of us to focus our spiritual self-perceptions, giving us a clearer picture of what we want for our spiritual lives.
RenewalWorks Central will then crunch our survey results and send them back to our parish leadership team. Over the following six weeks the team will drill down into the survey findings to discern the following areas:
  1. Where is my congregation right now? Where would we like it to go? How are we going to get there? Is there a difference between how we are now and where we want to go? What are the steps to get form here to there?
  2. What do the numbers tell us about our spiritual growth?
  3. Are we ready to take responsibility for our own spiritual growth? Can we help others take those first footsteps too?
  4. What is God calling our Church to do and be? What is God calling me to do and be?
The leadership team will then make recommendations to the parish about a vision for our spiritual development as a community focused on encouraging the spiritual health of all its members.
I admit that I am both daunted and very excited by the coming process. One of the results other parishes report is that activity and ministry programs become fewer and simpler after RenewalWorks. So this is not a process that leads to more activity, more frenzy. It encourages a less is more approach to putting into practice our articulation of who and how we want to be. Our motto: Come as you are, Grow with us in faith, Go forth in peace - becomes simply - Join us, you will grow!
Remember, the leadership team will provide computer and personal support for anyone who is not Internet savvy. Each Sunday a bank of laptops and advisors will be here to support you should you need it.
Only one more week of official summer time left. I understand that after Labor Day I have to start wearing shoes again to the office.  Remember September 13th as well as RenewalWorks launch date is also Homecoming Sunday and the start of a new ministry program year. 

See you in Church.

A Message from the Director of Christian Formation 
Important Youth Group News
With less than two weeks to go before the program year begins, we are in a situation of some urgency. We are now looking for two people who feel called to lead our Middle School Youth. This delightful group of teens meets on Sundays after the 10:00 service. This year we will be adapting the My Faith, My Life curriculum. Please contact me as soon as possible if you feel that God is inviting you into this vital ministry with our young people. Thank you.
KidZone News
I am feeling grateful for many things: For Erin Welshman and Abby and Emma Marion for helping me to sort the bounty of Lego's filling my office! For all of the kind people who donated shoe boxes-thank you! And for Lego Fairies Allison Spooner, Karen Bracken and Mary Worrell who donated such a wondrous collection for our Brick By Brick lessons!
I am also grateful that last week's invitation for new teachers has yielded two additions, one each to our Pre-K and 1-3 teams. We still need just one more to complete our Pre-K team, and I am confident that we will find him or her soon. So if you think you feel called to a ministry that involves nurturing and playing with our youngest ones, please let me know as soon as possible-KidZone starts up in just nine days!
We also welcome creative volunteers who would prefer an occasional ministry of substitute teaching or greeting, or who would like to share talents for such things as bulletin-board decoration or music. Can you play a guitar? Banjo? Kazoo? Did you once lead songs at camp? I'd love to hear from you!  
Adult Formation News
Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 17, 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., when we will host author Ray McGinnis for a workshop based on his book, Writing the Sacred: A Psalm-Inspired Path to Writing Sacred Poetry. More information is forthcoming for this limited-enrollment opportunity, but in the meantime please contact me if you are interested. Suggested donation $15; lunch provided.

Isaiah 35:4-7a

  James 2:1-10., (11-13),

Mark 7:24-37 (Gospel)
Click here for this Sunday's readings.
 Nursery at 8:45am
Services at 9am and 5:30pm
Healing Prayers in the Chapel after the 9am service
Join us for Coffee Hour in the Great Hall after the service
Gluten Free Hosts available at the altar rail
It is my practice to endeavor to say Morning Prayer in the Chapel of the Church at 9am.

In July and August, Morning Prayer will be offered on Wednesday mornings only
I look forward to seeing you there!   
Coming Up in September...
Healing Prayers
Sunday, September 6
Saturday, September 12
Celebrating 225 yeats of the Diocese in RI
Homecoming Sunday
September 13
*Church School begins
*Annual Ministry Fair follows both services
Annual Hot Dog Lunch
Sunday, September 20
Thrivent outreach programs discussed 
Thrifty Goose...upcoming events and schedules!!

Grand Opening!!
Wednesday, September 9
10am to 2pm
Homecoming Sunday
Sunday, September 13
9am to 12noon 
Waterfire Event!

Celebrate 225 years with the Diocese of Rhode Island 
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Join with voices from around the Diocese as we celebrate 225 years of serving Rhode Island. On Saturday, September 12, the Diocese will participate in a WaterFire, providing interactive activities and musical performances. Our participation in this event was made possible with the help of a generous gift and the support of Thrivent Federal Credit Union.

*Please email Ben at the Diocesan office if you would like to volunteer for this event.

In your neighborhood.....
From Sea to Shining Sea
MultiMedia Organ Concert
Friday, September 18th   7:30pm
The First Baptist Church in America
75 North Main Street
Providence, RI  02903
Free Admission

Dr. Jeannine Jordan, organist and David Jordan, media artist, share the fascinating story of how the organ developed in America -- from its roots in Europe to becoming the premiere social instrument in America.  From Sea to Shining Sea features a program of some of the most-beloved American concert organ works and a narration that encompasses how American history interacted with the development of the organ. 

From Sea to Shining Sea also features not only stunning visuals, but also a live video feed so every audience member can see how the instrument is played with the amazing coordination of feet, hands, and body to produce music filled with color and imagination. This event is sponsored by the RI Chapter American Guild of Organists.

Click here to read more about this wonderful event!

To our September volunteer Diana Hassel for helping maintain our beautiful St. Martin's Memorial Garden.

September 6, 2015
Reading link (Track 2)
September 13, 2015
Reading link (Track 2)
Paul Parker
Altar Guild (9am)
Elizabeth Welshman
Louise Ely
Altar Guild (5:30pm)
Tom McDonald
Eucharistic Ministers
Linda Griggs
David Whitman
Rebecca Loell
Linda Brookhart
David Brookhart
Peter Gray 
David Brookhart
Altar Guild
Linda Brookhart
Pat Nolan (OT)
Paul Parker (NT)
Gordon Partington (Prayers)
Altar Guild
Jane Taylor, Raya Goff,
Brooke Hammerle
Eucharistic Ministers
Al Anderson (V, H)
BG Goff
Denis Moonan
Elizabeth Blake
Diana Blake
Alex Potter
Peter Dennehy
Peter Lofgren
Brooks Magratten
Ray Esposito
Irving Sheldon

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