St. Martin's Newsletter
   Weekly E-News   May 8, 2015

Worship Schedule
8am and 10am
Holy Eucharist
9:45am Nursery
9am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
7am service with Holy Eucharist 
 +Saturday - Eastertide Confirmands

 The following people will be Confirmed and Received tomorrow at 
St. Barnabus, Warwick, RI. 
Confirmed will be Spencer Winfield Izzo, Benjamin Frederick Schweitzer Loell, David Charles Medeiros, Samuel Joseph Medeiros, and Henry Ashworth Petree.
Received will be John Paul Reardon and Louise Marie Ely.


For me there will always be a tension between being the talking/doing and listening/worshiping community of God. During this last Sunday morning I experienced how the two complement rather than compete with each other. May Breakfast showed how amazing we can be when the energy that lies pent-up within our St Martin's community, is released for service.


At May Breakfast I saw an intensity of participation from over 50 volunteers. We had children and teenage members all working hard alongside the core of hardened veterans. In addition to those loyal workers who always show up to work our social events I spied many new volunteers, some only very recent arrivals at St Martin's. From 7 am - 12pm we served, fed and coffeed some 350 + bodies. Alongside the pulse and buzz of energy in the Great Hall we still managed to spiritually feed a combined total of 170 worshipers in the Church. What an amazing community we are!


This is the first year that Gail Peet, for 30 years and more, the energy behind the May Breakfast had to content herself with channeling her indefatigable energies through Chris Izzo, this year's new chief organizer. I recognize that it's not a small feat to channel Gail and live to tell the tale. Chris was undoubtedly well supported by Elke Moonan, shopper and kitchen manager extraordinaire together with oh so many other cooks, servers and clearers, dishwashers and welcomers! The list of names could go on and I wish there was room to mention everyone individually.


St Martin's depends on the hard work of a generation of members schooled in the importance of building and serving the community. The fear many of us have is that as we see this generation age we wonder if there will be younger folk to take up the Mantle. This year's May Breakfast encouraged me to hope. With Chris as a new organizer, supported by experienced hands and yet assisted by so many of our young people - in some cases whole families working together, and by some new arrivals, we all could see generational transitions in action. We live increasingly in a world where while we are hungry for community, many of us feel way too stretched and stressed to be able to devote much energy to building community, and so our hunger continues unsatisfied. At St Martin's we are committed to bucking this trend, and not just at May Breakfast.


This Sunday is Mothers Day. For the history of this celebration click here.  Mothers Day is about gratitude for our biological and adoptive mothers. Yet, more significantly for Christians Mothers Day is an honoring of the quality of mothering; a quality present in those who have never born children and inherent in many who are not even female. Mothering is a quality that speaks of the divine in us. In Jesus we see that mothering is a core attribute of God.


Here's the link to last Sunday's sermon. See you in Church this Mother's Day Sunday.  


In Your Neighborhood...

* Lifelong Learning Collaborative/community education classes
* Classes including Yoga, Piano, and Indian Cooking are here at St. Martin's!
For more info: contact Deborah Bshara here or call  the church office  at 751-2141

ACTS 10:44-48 (OT)

  1 JOHN 5:1-6 (NT)
 JOHN 15:9-17 (Gospel)
Click here for this Sunday's readings.
Healing Prayers in the Chapel after the 10am service. See Jeana Whittredge
Gluten Free Hosts available at the altar rail
It is my practice to endeavor to say Morning Prayer in the Chapel of the Church at 9am   on Tuesday through Friday each week I look forward to seeing you there!
 Thrivant Financial Services

 Sunday, May 17 from 11:30-1pm

St. Martin's is excited to welcome Jon Skov and Bryan Schmeling from Crossroad Financial Associates of Thrivent Financial. They will be hosting a brunch and informative seminar.     We encourage you to sign up for this wonderful opportunity.                                                        

Thrivent Financial is a non-profit organization whose goal it is to help Christians be wise with money and live generously. The expertise and tools provided by Jon and Bryan at this event are designed to help you reduce stress related to financial concerns and provide you with a road map to not only solidify your financial position, but that of our community as well.  

They will also share information about InFaith Community Foundationa charitable foundation created by Thrivent Financial, a resource to turn to for planned giving work.


Child care will be provided. Please RSVP to the church office at 401-751-2141 or email 


Calling all High School Graduating Seniors

We'd love to hear from you! Let us know what you are doing next year, so we can brag about you.  We are proud of you! Please contact the office at 751-2141 with your graduation news or email Susan Esposito at We will recognize graduating seniors on May 31st during the 10am service.

Save the Date!

Sunday, May 17 from 11:30am-1pm
Thrivant Financial

Brunch and Information Session

Great Hall
(see box above) 


Friday, May 22 at 6pm 

Youth Movie Night with a potluck.

Please contact Jennifer Potter at if you can attend.


If anyone has borrowed tables and/or chairs from the church, please return them as soon as possible. Our sexton can help you carry them in.

Applications are now available for grants from St. Martin's Outreach Committee Grant amounts generally range from $250-$1000.  The deadline is June 1st.  If you are interested in applying, please contact the church office.

Time for your Annual Spring closet clean-out!

onations for Saint Martin's Thrifty Goose and The Cloak closet are always welcomed!  (And they are tax deductible).                                                                                                                 

               The CLOAK is looking for blue jeans for men/women/children.                                                         

The Thrifty Goose is in need of summer items: clothes for the family, all things for the beach, sun hats and umbrellas!                                                                                                                              

              Make your spring closet clean-out a win-win situation!!                         

For the Cloak please contact Mary Gray at
For the Thrifty Goose please contact Karen Bracken at

Participants in Worship
May 10, 2015
May 17, 2015
Reading Link 
Reader/EM: Denny Scott
Altar Guild: Al Howes
Cynthia Shattuck (OT)
Susanne Thomas (NT)
Joseleyne Slade (Prayers)
Altar Guild:
John Condon
Louise Ely
Eucharistic Ministers:
Meg LoPresti (Verger)
John Condon (H)
Elke Moonan
Robin McGill
Alex Potter
Olivia Gray
Jill Scott
David Brookhart
Linda Brookhart
Stephen Ellicott
Gabrielle Ellicott
Irving Sheldon
Reader/EM: Alec McLure
Altar Guild: Pat Knowles
Emily Gray n(OT)
Henry Petree (NT)
Melissa Calhoun (Prayers)
Altar Guild:
Raya Goff
Lisa Ballou Tyler
Eucharistic Ministers:
Helen Bodell (Verger)
David Whitman (H)
BG Goff
Elizabeth Blake
Diana Blake
Gabrielle Ellicott
Amy Fuller
David Brookhart
Linda Brookhart
Emily Hollenbeck
Kurt Loell
Ben Loell 

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