St. Martin's Newsletter
   Weekly E-News   February 6, 2015

Worship Schedule
8am and 10am
Holy Eucharist
9:45am Nursery
9am Morning Prayer in the Chapel
7am service with Holy Eucharist 

Psychologically speaking, communal memory contains a huge reservoir of positive energy. We can unlock some of the energy of past positive memory so that, staying with the analogy of the reservoir, the water of past goodwill becomes the source for irrigating the present. This requires the creation of conduits through which the energy of past memory can flow. An example of such a conduit is the St. Martin Window Restoration Project. Dedicating the project in memory of Dan Burke builds a conduit through time for the positive memory of Dan's tenure as rector to flow into the present. The window restoration becomes both a conduit for positive energy from the past and a potent sign of our vibrancy and renewal in the present-time.  If you would like to honor Dan's memory and support this conduit for the flow of necessary energy from past to present, consider visiting for further information and an easy way to donate towards the financial cost of the project. Thank you to those who have already contributed.


At the parish's Annual Meeting Sean Mulholland, using a series of graphs, wove a narrative of long-term financial trends. The five salient elements in Sean's narrative are:

 1.   Between 1994 and 2015 the size of our pledge base shrank from 278 to 150. This is the long-term trend as the popularity of pledging among the post boomer generations declines - potentially bad news until we find another business model for funding church life.

2.  During the same period the dollar value of our pledges has continued to increase, reaching a peak in 2010-12 of around $360K before falling back to $315K in 2014 - this despite the dip in 2014, is hopeful news!

3.   Our projected pledge income for 2015 has recovered to $350K thanks to your generous response to our Annual Renewal Campaign theme of gratitude, which is really good news!!

As we go into 2015 with a $29K operational deficit a number of you have already responded to my last week's invitation and promised to increase your pledges by the minimum of $4 per week needed to close the deficit. Thank you! I am confident we will achieve if not exceed this goal, which is good news!

5.   The area for concern is when we look at the distribution of pledges. In 2005 the dollar amount of pledges $4000 and over amounted to 23% of total pledge income. In 2015, pledges $4000 and over amount to 49% of total pledge income. We are now overly reliant on our larger donors, a risky place for us to be, and this is potentially bad news! But the good news is that recovery can be achieved through growth in the pledge base with new pledges of between $500 - 2500K.


In weaving a long-term financial narrative the parish leadership is seeking to be transparent and to communicate both hopefulness about our untapped financial potential, as well as sounding a caution in areas for concern. The truth is always double edged. We have not yet reached the upper margins of our financial resources. Yet our financial base, represented by the number of pledges is now too small to fund who we long to become. Herein lies our imperative for growth! Our theology of stewardship can be found here.


Here's looking forward, this Sunday, to seeing you in Church!



Special 10 am Service
Children in Church

Our 10 am service this Sunday will highlight the talents and ministries
of St. Martin's younger generation!
Not only will the children's choir be singing a joyful anthem, but we will have young readers, ushers and greeters as well. Join us for this wonderful, inter-generational liturgy.

(Message from Fr. Mark)

One way to involve our children and youth in the life of Christian Community is through inviting their participation in worship. You can go to to see my comments on the importance of worship in our identity as Episcopalians. This Sunday at 10am we have our kids in church. Come and support this and it's also a chance to hear a voice other than mine from the pulpit.


Isaiah 40:21-31 (OT)

 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 (NT)
Mark 1:29-39 (Gospel)
Click here for this Sunday's readings.
Children in Church at 10am
Youth Group meets at 11:30am
LAST Sunday for Episcopal 101 training for Confirmation and Reception for teens and adults at 11:30am in the Stearns Room.

Directory Photos will be taken in the Great Hall after both services. 


*Please sign the forms to give us permission to use your photo. 

If you did not sign your form last week, please do so this Sunday!

Girl Scout Cookies - if you ordered them already, you may pick them up this Sunday in the Great Hall.


**Coffee Hour hosts this Sunday are Natasha and Peter Lofgren

It is my practice to endeavor to say Morning Prayer in the Chapel of the Church at 9am   on Tuesday through Friday each week I look forward to seeing you there!
A Message from Linda Griggs
Director of Christian Formation

We invite you to be a part of the exciting activities in our Children's Formation Program. If you would like to be kept current, please contact me at to be added to the KidZone email list.

Viewing E-news

Please note that there is now the message 'having trouble viewing this email' at the top of
E-news with an active 'click here' link.

Please click this link if the formatting in your version of E-news looks askew. This option allow various browsers to properly interpret the html of the message. 

Wednesday Evening Lenten Program
Lent is fast approaching with Ash Wednesday on February 18th. 


The Wednesday Evening Lenten program starts Wednesday February 25th and continues every Wednesday through March 25th at 5:30pm with worship comprising Stations of the Cross with Holy Communion. Worship is followed with eating together beginning around 6:15pm in the Great Hall. Our period of study and discussion will begin at 7:00pm - 8:30pm. The evening will end with the short and beautiful service of Compline (Night Prayer) taking us to 8:45pm.

In our 2015 Lent Program, we will explore the Rule of St. Benedict structured around the very user-friendly book: St Benedict's Toolbox by Jane Tomaine. Participants are asked to purchase this book at Amazon here

      More information on Lent can be found on our website at

Save the Date!
Thursday, February 12
Darrell West Lecture Series on Religion and Politics at 6pm hosted by Central Congregational Church, 296 Angell Street (wine and hors d'oeuvres at 5pm)
Guest Speaker: Bank of America Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan

Sunday, February 15
Baptism Sunday
Tuesday, February 17
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper in the Great Hall at 5:30pm 

Get all of the decadence out of your system before Lent by indulging in our pancake supper. Pancakes are cooked to order and served with bacon, sausage, juice and coffee.  Tickets: $10 individual and $30 families. Tickets are available now!

Wednesday, February 18
Ash Wednesday services:
7am Eucharist
7pm Eucharist with music
Saturday, February 21
Knitting Ministry/Potluck Lunch 11am-4pm
Sunday, February 22
Providence Village Information Session at 11:30am in the Stearns Room

The Village movement is a non-profit network of support for independent seniors who want to stay in their own homes. 

Monday, February 23
Outreach Meeting at 7pm in the Stearns Room
Wednesday, February 25
Lenten Supper Program 
5:30pm Eucharist
6pm soup
Compline at 8:15pm
(also on March 4, 11, 18 and 25) 
Saturday, March 7
Parish Pot Luck Supper and Community Mapping in the Great Hall 
All ages encouraged to attend.
Child care provided.
We need..... 

donations  for Saint Martin's Thrifty Goose and The Cloak closet.  All donations are tax deductible. At this time of year, we ask for any extra coats and gently used warm clothes you may have to give. Cloak volunteers contact Mary Gray at; Thrifty volunteers contact Karen Bracken at
 Coffee Hour Hosts: We have a lot of open slots. Please consider hosting Coffee Hour  
                             one Sunday. Sign up in the Great Hall on the flipchart.


Gluten free Hosts are available on request at the Communion Rail


The 2014 Contribution Statements have been mailed.
Any questions please contact the office.

Newcomer Ministry
Happy 2015!  

If you are called to invite, welcome and connect with newcomers, please contact
Kate Chute at
or at 401-723-4824.
Thank you, Kate 


We can build this living tapestry here at St. Martin's. 
God is the weaver and we are all 
the threads.

Participants in Worship
February 8, 2015
February 15, 2015
Reading Link 
Reader/EM: David Brookhart
Altar Guild: Linda Brookhart
Reader/EM: Dwight Phillips
Altar Guild: Arline Walker

Rebekah Potter (OT)
Henry Petree (NT)
Melissa Calhoun (Prayers)
Altar Guild:
Jane Langmuir
Beth Ellis
Elizabeth Welshman
Eucharistic Ministers:
Jane Langmuir (Verger)
Denis Moonan
Linda Griggs
Elizabeth Welshman
Robby Pippitt
Alex Potter
Peter Dennehy
Peter Lofgren
Natalie Hollenbeck
Emily Hollenbeck
Carol Tucker
Waylan Tucker
Ben Loell

Emily Gray (OT)
Erica Winter (NT)
Cynthia Shattuck (Prayers)
Altar Guild:
John Condon
Louise Ely
Eucharistic Ministers:
Meg LoPresti (Verger)
Elke Moonan
BG Goff
Elizabeth Blake
Erin Welshman
Diana Blake
Charlie Bodell
Sarosh Fenn
Jaye Tyler
Bob Amarantes
Dennis Stark
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