St. Martin's 

Weekly E-News
September 26, 2014

Worship Schedule

8am and 10am
Holy Eucharist 
9:45am  Nursery 
Morning Prayer in the Chapel

7am service with Holy Eucharist        
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Morning Prayer

It is my practice to endeavor to say Morning Prayer in the Chapel of the Church on Tuesday -Friday each week at 9am.
I would be interested in knowing of anyone who would like to join me. Morning Prayer takes about 25 minutes. 


I would also like to hear from those of you working downtown, which I believe is referred to as downcity here, who might be interested in saying Evening Prayer and or celebrating Eucharist at least one evening a week at around 5.30PM.


Please email me your thoughts. 


Best wishes.



The Rev. Mark R. Sutherland


St Martin of Tours

Providence, RI

'Participants in Worship'
Click here for list of 'Participants in Worship' for this week and next.
Quick Links
Find us on Facebook
St. Martin's Website
Diocese of Rhode Island
National Episcopal Church
  Thank You
To our September volunteers
Diana and Rosie Hassel

for helping to maintain

St. Martin's Memorial Garden.

Book Reading/Signing
Sunday, October 5th

Books on the Square
471 Angell Street
Providence, RI  02906

Books on the Square is hosting a reading/book signing for
Peter Johnson's new middle grade book, The Life and Times of Benny Alvarez, on Sunday, October 5th between 12:30 and 1:30. There will also be two young adult/ adult titles on sale in paperback.

Ebola Message

Please visit our Facebook 
page for a message from 
Dr. Pat Nolan, our parish Ebola liaison. 

Patricia A. Nolan, MD, MPH
Adjunct Associate Professor
Department of Health Services, Policy, and Practice
School of Public Health, Brown University
Parish Life


Welcome to Parish Life! 

Please send any items that you would like to share with the parish to [email protected]



 Project Awards to the City of Warwick for the restoration of Warwick City Hall (1892-94)

Sunday, September 28th

4 to 7 pm 

Aldrich Mansion
836 Warwick Neck Avenue
Warwick, RI


**Special recognition of William

McKenzie (Mack) Woodward who

is retiring after 38 years as principal architectural historian at the Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission.


For tickets and/or information please call (401) 272-5101 or go to




The Rev. Daniel Burke, former rector of St. Martin's, is currently residing at the Veteran's Home in Bristol, RI. His wife Jo says that he would love to have visitors, and are welcomed at any time. A card would also be a lovely gesture. The Veterans Home is at 480 Metacom Avenue, Bristol, RI 02809 (401) 253-8000.

News from the CLOAK

We have started a new relationship with Harrington Hall and PICA to provide a monthly donation for both women and men.   


Delivery dates for the rest of the year:
10/17, 11/14, 12/19




**If you would like to volunteer with the Cloak please contact Mary Gray here.


To volunteer for these ministries please contact:

(Mary Gray)
       THRIFT SHOP           
(Karen Bracken) 
(John Lawlor)
Staff Directory
Parish Clergy
The Reverend Mark R. Sutherland

Parish Staff

               Deborah Bshara
Parish Administrator
                Missy Bennett
Financial Administrator
                  Linda Griggs
Director of Christian Formation
               Susan Esposito
Director of Volunteers
                 Jay MacCubbin
Organist and Choir Director
Gordon Partington
Property Manager
Lloyd Price
Parish Sexton
                     David Ely
Parish Sexton
Anny Fragoso
Gaby Acosta


Elizabeth Welshman
Senior Warden
Sean Mulholland
Junior Warden
Albert Anderson
Dennis Stark
Rector Recap


I am so grateful for having had the two quiet months of July and August to settle into the parish. For with September's entry onto the year's stage St. Martin's is erupting, and I use the word deliberately, back into life. For me this is a wonderful experience, yet also a challenging one as I am working hard to keep so many things in mind as we now move towards October.

I am compelled, reasonably or unreasonably, by a desire to ensure that our ministries are revitalized and where there are gaps in leadership that these are filled quickly so that we don't miss the window of opportunity October provides for setting the course for the remainder of the parish yearly cycle. Thinking about yearly cycles, a reminder that while the parish year effectively begins in September, the Christian Year begins on Advent Sunday, which will be November 30th this year. This week I extended our warmest best wishes to our neighbors at Temple Beth-El for their celebration of Jewish New Year - Rosh Hashana, and the coming High Holy Days of Yon kippur - Day of Atonement, and Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles. You might Google these to better understand what our neighbors are celebrating. It is my earnest desire that St. Martin's begins a new cycle of strengthening the fraternal affections and common bonds that we enjoy with our Jewish neighbors.


Coming up in October we have two biggies, as my granddaughter Claire would say. The first is the launch of our Annual Renewal Campaign on Sunday October 19th and the second concerns Bishop Knisely's Annual Parochial Visitation to St. Martin's on October 26th. The Annual Renewal Campaign launches our year-long program of Stewardship with a focus on the money situation. I will be writing to you all with more detail about that, save here to simply tell you that the theme for this year's campaign is to be an intense focus on celebrating our deep and rich human potential. I invite us to reach-out to one another in conversation and in small social settings to share together our experiences of how gratitude to God and generosity of service to one another in the parish, and the wider community beyond, more intentionally connect us to the sources of gratitude and expressions of generosity, that make our lives richer in the living. This year the Bishop's visitation will not coincide with Confirmation, this will take place at a future date in the New Year. Linda, our Director of Christian Formation, and I need time to prepare our young people and any adults seeking confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation. I described the differences between these in my recap in last week's E-News.

We had an exuberant launch of our youth and family Dinner Church last Sunday evening and you can check out the photos from this as well as two photos of Fla Lewis being honored by Amos House on our Facebook page. It remains only for me to remind you that if you want to read more about my comments 

concerning how we might relate to Jesus' parable of the workers in the vineyard, then please go to or pick up a hard copy from the back of the Church or the office.

Now, picture me smiling warmly and knowingly at you as I say: 'See you all - in Church - this Sunday!'


Yours in Christ, 




If you are interested in reading past or present sermons please check out
Also please visit our St. Martin's Facebook page where the extended reflection on last Sunday's gospel is also




Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32
Philippians 2:1-13
Matthew 21:23-32
Click here for this Sunday's readings


Sunday during the 10am service we will remember former parishioner Alice Maison-Larter who died July 7, 2014. 


  Sunday Coffee Hour: Hosted by friends of 
Alice Mainson-Larter


La Grande Dame de Saint-Martin
September 26, 1929 - July 7, 2014 



         Alice and her sous chefs!


In memory of Alice Mainson-Larter, we have set up an

Altar Guild Fund. If you would like to contribute, please make checks payable to St. Martin's Church with "Alice" written in the memo. For additional information, call the church office at 751-2141.



            Alice Mainson-Larter was, like our patron, St. Martin, a person who encompassed several cultures.  She was at home in France and the United States.

            She lived life to the full.  As a teenager in Occupied Paris during the Second World War, she clumped about in wooden shoes, because the Germans requisitioned leather for military purposes.  She served abroad transatlantic ocean liners during their heyday in the 1950's.  She socialized with Ernest Hemingway at his home in Havana.  She waited on Gloria Swanson, while working in a department store in Manhattan. 

            She had one child, Jacques, whom she loved and supported.  She was blessed with a wonderful daughter-in-law, C�line, and three grandchildren.  She loved and was loved by her husband, Ray.  They both felt at home in Normandy, at Carolles, where they modernized and expanded an 18th century granite farmhouse.  After moving there full time in 2005, they welcomed a host of St. Martin's parishioners to their home about 10 miles as the crow flies from Mt St-Michel.

            Alice was a vibrant force at St. Martin's.  She was fastidious about her duties with the Altar Guild.  She created delectable French dishes for many church dinners, including her signature p�t�s for the Christmas Bazaar.  She kept pace with parishioners decades younger than she during the annual Good Friday Walks.  However, she is undoubtedly best known, like St. Martin, for clothing the poor through the Cloak.  She would ascend the lectern, and in her mellifluously French-accented English, declaim: "Gentlemen, give me your pants!" 

            She held others to the same high standards to which she held herself.  She remained true to her indomitable Huguenot roots.  She had great faith in God.  If mountains needed to be moved, she, alone or with the help of others, would move them.  She was a devoted friend and mentor to many on both shores of the Atlantic. 

            At her memorial service in Normandy, the parish priest in Carolles referred to her as "La Grande Dame de Carolles."  She is known to us as "La Grande Dame de Saint-Martin." 

David Whitman

An Evening with Bishop Knisely
The men of our parish are invited to attend..

An Evening with Bishop Knisely
 Thursday, October 16 at 7pm
Hosted by the men of St. Thomas's, Greenville
Corner of Routes 116 and 44 

** In the event of funeral calling hours next door, parking is also available at the medical center behind the church on Smith Avenue.
Calendar Events

Tuesday, September 30th   7pm
Outreach Meeting in the Stearns Room


Wednesday, October 1st   7-9pm
Altar Guild Workshop in the Great Hall and Sacristy


Thursday, October 2nd   6:30pm
Knitting Ministry Meeting/Stearns Room


Sunday, October 5th 
    11:30am  Knitting Ministry Meeting/Stearns Room
12:30pm  Book on the Square welcomes author 
                              (and parishioner) Peter Johnson for a                               reading and signing of his new book


Thursday, October 16th   7pm
Men's Event
An Evening with Bishop Knisely
Hosted by the
men of St. Thomas', Greenville RI  at the corner of Routes 116 and 44

Friday, October 17th   6pm
New to the congregation? 'Newcomer Welcome Event'
in the Great Hall.
For more information: contact Susan Esposito at 751-2141 or email [email protected].


Saturday, October 18th   4:30pm
Acolyte Training Part II


Sunday, October 19th 

(new date) Annual renewal Campaign Stewardship Kickoff         

Sunday, October 26th
Visit from The Bishop Rt. Rev. W. Nicholas Knisely
during both services