Weekly E-News
July 4, 2014

Worship Schedule

8am and 10am
Holy Eucharist 
9:45am  Nursery 
Morning Prayer in the Chapel

7am service with Holy Eucharist        
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Finance Meeting
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
  Thank You


To our July Volunteer  
Meg LoPresti
for helping to maintain
St. Martin's Memorial Garden.

To volunteer for these ministries please contact:

(Mary Gray)
       THRIFT SHOP          (Karen Bracken) 
(John Lawlor)
All the latest news and information on the:

'Thrifty Goose' 
Epiphany Soup Kitchen
                      and CLOAK 
can be found here
You Are Invited!



To a 'get to know you' gathering with  
Father Mark Sutherland
and Al Marcetti


The New Rector Welcome Committee is pleased to announce a series of small gatherings where parishioners can get to know Mark and Al. A variety of dates are available this summer and fall. We will gather at parishioner's homes and at church for summer barbeques. Please call or email the church to reserve a date and location that suits you. 


The Welcome Committee and Vestry extend a 'hearty thanks' to all who have offered their homes for these gatherings.


RSVP sesposito@stmartinsprov.org or (401) 751-2141

Rector Recap


  The Rev. Canon


If you are interested in reading past or present sermons please check out 


Also please visit our 

St. Martin's 

Facebook page where the extended reflection on last Sunday's gospel is also posted.


Your servant in Christ, Mark+



Zechariah 9:9-12
Romans 7:15-25a
Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30
Click here for this Sunday's readings


Healing Prayers at 11am in the Chapel

Summer Bulletin
As a summer experiment, and also to save paper, we will be using a reduced version of the bulletin for July and August. Because of this, some reading text is not included. Readers please remember to click on the Lectionary link above for that text.
Please send your thoughts/comments on this new format to Deborah at dbshara@stmartinsprov.org.
Morning Prayer

It is my practice to endeavor to say Morning Prayer in the Chapel of the Church on Tuesday -Friday each week at 9am.
I would be interested in knowing of anyone who would like to join me. Morning Prayer takes about 25 minutes. 


I would also like to hear from those of you working downtown, which I believe is referred to as downcity here, who might be interested in saying Evening Prayer and or celebrating Eucharist at least one evening a week at around 5.30PM.


Please email me with your thoughts.  


Best wishes.




The Rev. Mark R. Sutherland


St Martin of Tours

Providence, RI

Fr. Mark would like to convene a Facebook Administrative Group.
 If anyone is interested in being part of this group to help post news, photos and generate readership for our Facebook site please contact Deborah Bshara at dbshara@stmartinsprov.org.
Collection Baskets

We have four (4) collection baskets at  
the back of the church designated for:   

      Epiphany Soup Kitchen at S. Stephen's.  Small or travel-sized toiletries including chap stick, razors, shaving cream, toothbrushes, toothpaste, new socks and underwear.  
** We are looking for three volunteers for the next date which is July 26th from 3-5 pm.
Please contact John Lawlor at 434-9769 or
jlawlor2@verizon.net if you can help


Food Pantries

Non-perishable food for Camp street Ministries and
Providence In-Town (PICA)

**July collection goes to Camp Street Ministries




Bin of the Month


New and gently used men's/women's tee shirts.



Backpack Express

Weekend food for the Providence School System's neediest students including: beans, tuna, peanut butter, pasta, mac & cheese, cereal, milk boxes, canned vegetables or fruit


For more information on all these wonderful ministries
please click here.