Weekly E-News
May 9, 2014

Worship Schedule

8am and 10am Holy Eucharist 
9:45am  Nursery 
7am service with Holy Eucharist        
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  Thank You


To our May Volunteers
John and Sue Condon
for helping to maintain
St. Martin's Memorial Garden.
To Martha Ellicott for her hard and dedicated work in cleaning out the third floor linen closet.
To Gail Peet and all our wonderful volunteers for their help in making our
May Breakfast a festive and joyous event!
Calling All High School Graduating Seniors

We'd love to hear from you!
Let us know what you are doing next year. Contact the office at 751-2141 or email Susan Esposito at sesposito@stmartinsprov.org.

We will recognize graduating seniors on June 1st during the 10am service.
Mark Your Calendars!






Annual Spring Diocesan
In-Gathering of the  
United Thank Offering


The Episcopal Church Women Diocese of RI cordially invite you to a special celebration: "An English Herbal Tea" event on Saturday, May 17th at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Greenville, RI with The Very Reverend W. Nicholas Knisely. 
Please RSVP to 401-929-2260 by Tuesday, May 13th



To volunteer for these ministries please contact:

(Mary Gray)
       THRIFT SHOP          (Karen Bracken) 
(John Lawlor)
Christian Formation

Exciting opportunities are coming in 2014! 

Please see the list of upcoming events.  Come to Youth Group and find out about: Pilgrimage, Diocesan Events and a National Urban Mission with E.Y.E. 

We need some parents to volunteer to provide lunch weekly.  And we also need volunteer Youth Leaders to help support this growing and important ministry.  

Prayerfully consider joining us. 




May 9-10



May 18

ECC Open House 


July 13-16

EYE Episcopal Youth Event   


July 16-23

Pilgrimage to  
Iona, Scotland
Mural Project


The Youth Group continues to work with artist Heather Annis to create three murals for the Youth Space at St. Martin's.  


The murals will be Capstone projects for the spring formation program focused on Hunger: Come Hungry, Be Fed, Feed Others.  

Work on the murals will continue May 25th.  Sessions will be from 12:30 - 2:00pm and will follow our normal Youth Group time.  

All the latest news and information on the:

'Thrifty Goose' 
Epiphany Soup Kitchen
                      and CLOAK 
can be found here
Visit our
Thrifty Goose on Facebook!

Our Thrifty Goose now has a page on Facebook!


Find them here on Facebook
and 'like the page'!!
Collection Baskets

We have four (4) collection baskets at  
the back of the church designated for:      

Homeless Shelters
and Meal Sites

Small or travel-sized toiletries including chapstick, razors, shaving cream, toothbrushes, toothpaste, new socks and underwear

Food Pantries

Non-perishable food for Camp street Ministries and
Providence In-Town (PICA)

**May  collection goes to Camp Street Ministries


Bin of the Month


Men's and Women's socks/underwear

Backpack Express

Weekend food for the Providence School System's neediest students including: beans, tuna, peanut butter, pasta, mac & cheese, cereal, milk boxes, canned vegetables or fruit


For more information on all these wonderful ministries
please click here.


From the Interim Rector




The Supreme Court recently ruled that it is appropriate for a governmental body to begin its session with explicitly Christian prayer. Some of the argument seemed to be around the narrow issue of was this a legislative session or did it involve the public in a way to cause problems. Some of the thinking behind the ruling asserted that people were not being forced to take part. While I happen to be one of those who think having explicit prayer at a governmental event is a privileging of a particular religion and therefore objectionable, my concern mostly involves another angle that rarely seems to receive comment.


In this ruling, and in similar rulings in the past, one of the lines of reasoning seems to be that the prayers really don't matter. Either they can be made so generic that they don't really say anything (one of the justices acknowledges that is getting more difficult), or, while they might be reflective of a particular religious perspective, that's not a problem because it's just a ceremonial beginning to a meeting. How do we respond as those who believe there is in fact power in prayer? As Christians we pray to God the Father, through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Why, on the one hand, would we want to water that down so that it denies our faith commitment? (And why should a rabbi or imam be expected to do the same?) Why, on the other hand, would we let the incredible gift of prayer to God be turned into nothing more than a sterile ritual? Perhaps the best place for our prayer is in our worship as we hold up our leaders and ask for wisdom, and in our engagement in the world as we work for justice and peace.



Acts 2:42-47
1 Peter 2:19-25
John 10:1-10
Click here for this Sunday's readings


Children (singing) in Church this Sunday! 
We will recognize our St. Cecilia Choir during the 10am service


Episcopal Charities Push


This Sunday is the last day that we will be collecting pledges and donations for Episcopal Charities.  We have made good progress, having received commitments of $15,525 against our goal of $21,000, but we still have a ways to go.  In the final phase of the campaign, we will be making phone calls.  


Save us from that task by making your pledge, today!!  

Kurt Loell, Elke Moonan, Gail Peet, and John Staniunas, co-chairs

May Breakfast at St. Martin's!!



Photos courtesy of Rebecca Loell, Erin Welshman 

and David Brookhart




Help Welcome Fr. Mark and Al with a "Welcome to Rhode Island" basket.


If you would like to contribute to the basket we are building, please check the list in the Great Hall and mark what you will provide.  Items can be left in box in the back of church or delivered to Susan Kostas's house: 16 Heritage Road, Barrington.  Basket contents: beach towels, RI Monthly subscription, Coffee Milk, bike path map, gallery brochures, beach flip flops, lobster crackers, list of best garden supply stores, summer events guide, RI wine, PawSox tickets and hats, restaurant gift cards etc.....!  We'll need a nice large picnic basket to hold everything too!  



The Welcome Committee is beginning to plan small group dinners.  


With Mark's input, we've determined that small gatherings (6-8 guests) are a wonderful way to get to know each other.  They will run from summer into early fall.  If you would like to host a dinner (or lunch, brunch, tea or drinks) at your home, please let us know.  If the thought of sprucing up, setting the table or doing dishes is causing you to hesitate, the members of our committee are "at the ready" to help with those details!   

Please let the office know at sesposito@stmartinsprov.org or Susan Kostas, Welcome Committee leader, at susankostas1@gmail.com or (401) 487-4781.  
                                              Thank you



The Rev. Canon

The Reverend Canon Mark R. Sutherland


It is with tremendous joy that we announce that the Reverend  

Mark Robert Sutherland, Canon for Congregational Formation at Trinity Cathedral in the Diocese of Arizona, has been called and duly elected as the 12th Rector of St. Martin's, effective Sunday, June 15, 2014. 


The Discernment Team voted unanimously to recommend Mark as the next Rector of St. Martin's, and the Vestry voted unanimously to accept the decision of the Discernment Team.


Mark is a native of Christchurch, New Zealand, and a 1977 graduate of the University of Canterbury in London (LLB).  Mark began training for priestly ministry in 1982 at Ripon College, Cuddesdon, at Oxford University, and then went to Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, California. In 1985 he was ordained deacon in St. Paul's Cathedral, London. He was ordained priest in 1986 and served for seven years in two parishes of the Diocese of London.


Early on, Mark was drawn to a ministry to those in emotional and spiritual distress and trained in psychoanalytic counseling at the University of London, and obtained an M.A. in Adult and Continuing Education, as well as an M.A. in Transpersonal Psychotherapy from the University of East London. For 12 of the next 18 years, Mark directed one of the largest departments of spiritual care in the UK at the South London & Maudsley NHS Trust. He became a nationally recognized educator, speaker, and writer on the complex interface between spiritual life and emotional development.


In the spring of 2010, after a year as a chaplain resident at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center, Bishop Kirk Smith appointed him Canon for Congregational Formation (Canon Pastor) to Trinity Cathedral. Mark served as Interim Dean for the next 16 months before resuming his position as Canon Pastor after the arrival of the current Dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Phoenix, AZ, in January 2014.


Mark lives in central Phoenix with his spouse, Al Marcetti, and their Cocker spaniel, Charliegirl.


Mark's blog can be found at www.relationalrealities.com and his sermons are regularly posted on the Trinity Episcopal Cathedral website www.trinitycathedral.com.       


Mark and Al will join us at the 8 and 10AM services on Sunday, April 27, at which Mark will be our guest preacher.  Following each service, parishioners will have the opportunity to converse with Mark in a parish-wide forum.