Weekly E-News
April 25, 2014

Worship Schedule

8am and 10am Holy Eucharist 
9:45am  Nursery 
7am service with Holy Eucharist        
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In Our Community

April 26th
1pm & 4pm

2 dance performances by Aerplaye Dance in the Great Hall at
St. Martin's

Please join them for a dance and theatre exploration of modern travel!

$5 students and seniors
$10 general admission

FREE Admission to
St. Martin members
Identify yourself as such at door.
Save the Date
Sunday, May 4th
Healing Prayers in the Chapel.  
Speak with Jeana Whittredge
Christian Formation

Exciting opportunities are coming in 2014! 

Please see the list of upcoming events.  Come to Youth Group and find out about: Pilgrimage, Diocesan Events and a National Urban Mission with E.Y.E. 

We need some parents to volunteer to provide lunch weekly.  And we also need volunteer Youth Leaders to help support this growing and important ministry.  

Prayerfully consider joining us. 




April 26-27  

30 Hour Famine 


May 2-4



May 9-10



May 18

ECC Open House 


July 13-16

EYE Episcopal Youth Event   


July 16-23

Pilgrimage to  
Iona, Scotland
From the Interim Rector




We are not quite a week into The Great Fifty Days, otherwise known as the season of Easter. (Yes, I know the candy is all half price and the stores are on to the next holiday, but we are just beginning our celebration of the Resurrection.) On Easter Monday, Psalm 98, appointed for the Daily Office that day, began, "Sing to the Lord a new song."  How powerful it is to enter this great season recognizing that we are not singing the same old tune.


As we move through these opening days of the Easter season and see Jesus appearing and disappearing, walking through walls; as we find confused, fearful, downright doubting disciples, we are reminded that God has done something new in raising Jesus from the dead. And even though we know the fullness of the Gospel story, we also recognize that it still takes time to absorb the power and the wonder of what God has done. This is especially true if the second part of any encounter with God - a changed life - is going to be the case.


If the power of sin and death has been broken, if the hope and reality of new life in Christ has been offered to us, then surely our lives will look different. The Great Fifty Days gives us the chance to rejoice and celebrate - and to find those ways that we are beginning to sing a new song. What's your new tune?


Easter at St. Martin's!

Photos courtesy of
David Brookhart, Natasha Lofgren and Amy Fuller

Acts 2:14a, 22-32 (OT)
1 Peter 1:3-9 (NT)
John 20: 19-31 (Gospel)

Click here for this Sunday's readings


This Sunday we welcome our new rector
The Reverend Canon Mark R. Sutherland as our guest preacher.
Please join us for a parish-wide forum and special Coffee Hour after both services. 

To all our wonderful volunteers...a BIG


For their help with the Memorial Garden Annual Clean-up: Rosalind and John Ditson, Al Howes, John and Sue Condon,
Meg LoPresti and Mary Worrell helped to make our garden beautiful and ready for a new season.



To Chris Izzo and Mary and Bill Hollinshead for spearheading our efforts in this year's Good Friday Walk. 

St. Martin's has been a "Stepping Out Site" for many years.  Monies raised will help feed the hungry in Rhode Island. 
Thanks to all who participated.



To Mary Worrell and Amy Fuller and their crew
(Carolyn Morgan, Joyce May, Paige Magratten, David Ely, Barbara Blossom, Natasha Lofgren, Kate Ciccarelli, Martha Johnson, and Carol Tucker) for orchestrating and arranging the incredible Easter floral displays that graced our Sanctuary.

**A special thanks to Bob Amarantes for his attention to the watering, maintaining and arranging of our flowers for Easter II.


To Al Howes for the special care he gives our altar.



To the Choir for the beautiful and inspiring music.


  Cupcakes, cupcakes, and more cupcakes...Thank you to Natasha Lofgren, Shirley Kezirian, Sue Condon, Donna Calhoun, the Hospitality Committee, and all contributors to the beautiful display of cupcakes at our Easter Coffee Hour.  Also, thank you to the Committee for the lovely Chocolate and Champagne reception following the Easter Vigil.



To Jennifer Potter for the egg-cellent Easter Egg Hunt!


And last but certainly not least, thank you to all the many participants in worship who made sure everything went smoothly during our many services throughout Holy Week.

May Breakfast



St. Martin's May Breakfast, May 4th from 7am to 12noon.
Come celebrate our magnificent May Breakfast. It's an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet. This is a St. Martin's tradition for over 40 years. Tickets are $10 for adults (presale $9), $6 for children under 12 (presale $5). Call the church to register and buy tickets. All proceeds will go to the Epiphany Soup Kitchen and the Episcopal Conference Center.

Hear music provided by the 'Liberty Strings' and meet members of the 2nd RI Regiment of the Continental Line Army.

Want to volunteer? Contact Gail Peet at gep@cox.net or call the church office.



The Thrifty Goose will be open from 7am to 12:30pm that morning as a special treat for all breakfast attendees! Please take some time to visit them in the lower level of the church. There will also be a table in the Atrium with items for a special silent auction.