Weekly E-News
March 7, 2014

Worship Schedule

8am and 10am Holy Eucharist 
9:45am  Nursery 
7am service with Holy Eucharist        
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Daylight Savings
 Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead this Saturday night.
(really...this Saturday night :-) )
'Participants in Worship'
        Click here for 'Participants in Worship' names on our website.
St. Cecilia Evensong
Sunday, March 23rd
St. Cecilia Youth Choir
will join other area youth choirs for an Evensong Service at Church of the Redeemer on Hope Street in Providence
The St. Cecilia Choir of St. Martins invites everyone to come and join us.  A reception will follow.


Thank you!

Jay MacCubbin 


Visit our
Thrifty Goose on Facebook!

Our Thrifty Goose now has a page on Facebook!


Find them here on Facebook
and 'like the page'!!

Christian Formation

Exciting opportunities are coming in 2014! 

Please see the list of upcoming events.  Come to Youth Group and find out about: Pilgrimage, Diocesan Events and a National Urban Mission with E.Y.E. 

We need some parents to volunteer to provide lunch weekly.  And we also need volunteer Youth Leaders to help support this growing and important ministry.  

Prayerfully consider joining us. 




Mar 9

Adult Forum (speaker from Crossroads will be Chief Operating Officer Michelle M. Wilcox)


April 4-6

Spring Conference


April 18

Good Friday

Hunger Walk 


April 26-27  

30 Hour Famine 


May 2-4



May 9-10



May 18

ECC Open House 


July 13-16

EYE Episcopal Youth Event   


July 16-23

Pilgrimage to  
Iona, Scotland
To volunteer please contact:

(Mary Gray)
            THRIFT SHOP            (Karen Bracken) 
(John Lawlor)
All the latest news and information on the:

'Thrifty Goose' 
Epiphany Soup Kitchen
                      and CLOAK 
can be found here
From the Interim Rector





"I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God's holy Word."  

With these words on Ash Wednesday we were invited into the journey of Lent. Our ongoing worship opportunities and the March 22 Quiet Day will give us some settings in which to accept this invitation. I would like to particularly encourage you to consider another offering this year: the Lenten Program.


Starting this coming Wednesday (March 12), and then for the next four Wednesdays, we will gather at 6 pm for a simple supper (free will donation gratefully accepted) and then explore the Gospel reading for the coming Sunday. Year A in our lectionary cycle gives us some powerful stories from the Gospel according to John: Nicodemus being invited by Jesus to be born again or born from above (is there a difference - come and see); the Samaritan woman at the well engaging Jesus in deep conversation (so much wrong with that picture); the man born blind and then healed by Jesus schooling the Pharisees; Lazarus called back from the tomb still wrapped in his burial shroud; Palm Sunday in all its power.


The stories will engage us and lead us on in our Lenten pilgrimage. But I would dare to say that of equal value will be the chance to be together and to talk with one another about scripture and faith and life. We have too few opportunities in our busy lives - including our busy church lives - simply to talk and share with one another. I hope you will take advantage of these Wednesday gatherings to connect with brothers and sisters here at St. Martin's.


Habitat for Humanity: Saturday, March 8th


There's still time to get involved with this great project.


Please join us from 8:30am-3:30pm. Bring your own work gloves & lunch. If you'd like more information or want to join us please call or email the church or send an email to Will Burke at wdburke@cox.net.


High school students are highly encouraged to participate. It's a great way to earn community hours including those needed for the national honor society.


Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian ministry that builds affordable housing with people in need regardless of race or religion.                     


Lenten Reflections



 Watch for your daily electronic delivery of the Lenten reflections.


Click here for this Sunday's readings:
Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7
Romans 5:12-19
Matthew 4:1-11
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 2014

Our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper was a huge success.  

Many thanks to Gail Peet for leading the effort, to Martha Ellicott for doing the decorations, to the many volunteers who helped carry it out, and to the almost 100 folks who came to eat.  

We netted approximately $450 for our 
youth programs.  


Kudos to all!

Mark Your Calendars!




March 8
Habitat for Humanity Building Project: 
Saturday, March 8th  

March 9 
Adult Forum at 9am
Our guest speaker from Crossroads is: 

Michelle M. Wilcox

Chief Operating Officer

Crossroads Rhode Island


Click here to find out more about this wonderful organization!



March 12, 19, 26 and April 2 and 9 
Lenten 'Soup and Study' at 6pm
We will meet for the five Wednesdays in Lent from 6:00pm - 8:00pm on March 12, 19, 26 and April 2, 9. 


March 22 
'Quiet Day' with Sr. Sarah from the Society of St. Margaret       The Secret Garden: Cultivating the Seed

March 23 
Sr. Sarah preaching at both services

St. Cecilia Evensong at 5pm at Church of the Redeemer on
355 Hope Street in Providence.

March 29
Good Friday Hunger Walk at 9am (registration at 8:30am)


March 30 
Launch of Episcopal Charities 
Guest speaker from Providence In-Town Churches Association (PICA) will be Executive Director Diana Burdett



**Please click here for more detailed information. 

Collection Baskets

We have four (4) collection baskets at  
the back of the church designated for:      

Homeless Shelters
and Meal Sites

Small or travel-sized toiletries including chapstick, razors, shaving cream, toothbrushes, toothpaste, new socks and underwear

Food Pantries

Non-perishable food for Camp street Ministries and
Providence In-Town (PICA)

**March  collection goes to PICA


Bin of the Month


Harrington Hall Men's Shelter

Tees and/or underwear, especially larger sizes (XXL+)

Backpack Express

Weekend food for the Providence School System's neediest students including: beans, tuna, peanut butter, pasta, mac & cheese, cereal, milk boxes, canned vegetables or fruit


For more information on all these wonderful ministries
please click here.


Cancellation Information


Any cancellation of church services can be found on   www.ribroadcasters.com/News_and_Events/closings_Delays and on most local radio and television stations.
Please also call the church for a recorded message.