April 2014


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In This Issue
Southwide Timber Prices
N.A. Pulp Index Rises Above the 5-Year Average
Forestry Related Industry News
Forestry Related Industry Performance
Recovered Paper and Packaging Market Data: Issues and Solutions
Indexing Options for Recycling Contracts

Top 3 Stories From Last Month


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Southwide Timber Prices - January/February 2014

by Mike Fiery

While prices in the East-South were a bit more volatile than average prices across the South, prices were fairly stable overall. The combination of continued wet and severe winter weather in areas of the U.S. South is primarily responsible for the price fluctuations between regions.


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N.A. Pulp Index Rises Above the 5-Year Average

by Sam Houston

In November 2011, the Forestweb North American Pulp Index, which is published by Industry Intelligence, fell below the five-year average. In March 2014, twenty-nine months later, this trend has reversed, and the index is back above its five-year average.


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Forestry Related Industry News

by LeAndra Spicer

Timberland and mill acquisitions are in the news this month.


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Forestry Related Industry Performance - February 2014

by Forest2Market

This post is excerpted from Forest2Market's monthly Economic Outlook, a 24-month forecast of macroeconomic indicators.


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Recovered Paper and Packaging Market Data: Issues and Solutions

by Suz-Anne Kinney

Those who sell recovered fiber-old corrugated shipping containers (OCC) or sorted office paper (SOP), for instance-struggle to find good quality sources of data.


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Indexing Options for Recycling Contracts

by Suzanne Hearn

You're getting ready to sign a contract with a waste recovery vendor, and you're negotiating the index that will be used to determine the amount of your payment or rebate for the old corrugated shipping containers (OCC) and other paper and packaging products that you recycle.


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