Some of the new requirements set out by the UK government for Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs) have created uncertainty among investors in biomass power projects, a fact evidenced by an announcement by the government on October 5, 2012 that they would institute ...
Following the release of the new Renewable Obligation Certificate banding levels, UK power companies began evaluating their plans and making determinations about whether to co-fire coal with biomass, convert coal plants to biomass or develop dedicated biomass power plants. Based ...
In the wake of the release of new renewable obligation certificate banding levels by the UK government, and announcements by UK power companies about planned conversions from coal to wood pellets, industrial wood pellet project announcements in the US-all with ...
As part of its combined energy and climate change policies, the UK has developed biomass sustainability criteria to ensure that the biomass it uses is "sustainable, delivers real carbon savings and protects valuable habitats at home and abroad." On September 7, the Department of ...
The July 2012 Electric Power Monthly report from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports that electricity generation and consumption was down 0.8 percent from July 2011 to July 2012. Year to date, 2012 generation levels are 1.6 percent lower than ...
RICHMOND, Virginia, October 11, 2012 (press release) - The U.S. Industrial Pellet Association's Second Annual Exporting Pellets conference returns to New Orleans, La. October 28-30. The conference will again take place at the Ritz-Carlton and will be attended by key ...