
 A Publication from Jennifer Rothschild Ministries...sent to 25,000+ subscribers             Sept 17, 2014 Issue #720




Have you ever drawn a blank, unable to come up with the idea you need? I certainly have! All the words you read in the books I've written and ideas I share on womensministry.net certainly don't come easily. Sometimes, my mind seems to be blank, distracted, or just plain mush.

Then, there are the times the ideas are free-flowing. I shape and mold something in my mind until it's a beautiful thing... or, so I think. Yet, as soon as I share it, I hear silence, or even worse, immediate attack or dismissal. It's not that I think every idea I have is the best ever, but if I've spent time and effort to come up with it, I am certainly going to be a bit defensive about it.

All of our ministries need fresh ideas. But, how can we create a rich environment in which our teams can brainstorm without the pressure and fear of rejection? You'll be encouraged by 3 Ways to Brainstorm Never-Before-Considered Ideas. Make sure you check out Get Your Hands Messy, too. It's an excellent (and yummy) team-building experience you can use for an upcoming meeting or retreat.

3 Ways to Brainstorm Never-Before-Considered Ideas         

by Susan Lawrence       


You're sitting in a team meeting, trying to generate new ideas, and you're stuck. Every idea that comes up has been tried or rejected (and no one wants to try it now), isn't allowed, or something else that stops the creative brainstorming process in its tracks. ...keep reading   


Don't miss some more fun ideas below.

For His Glory!

Jennifer Rothschild
Jennifer Rothschild, Founder 



Team-Building: Get Your Hands Messy

by Susan Lawrence


Share a messy but scrumptious experience with your team, and learn about yourself and others along the way. All it takes is the fixings for pizza and your willingness to get your hands messy and enjoy a feast with your team!  ...keep reading


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  MINISTRY: Branding Your Ministry for 20-Somethings  

 by Shannon Primicerio

Most ministry leaders desire to connect with young women who love the Lord and their church but feel lost and disconnected after leaving college. Here are some suggestions for re-branding your ministry to appeal to twenty somethings.  ...keep reading   

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  Welcoming Your Guest Speaker: 6 Things to Mention Ahead of Time          

by Karen True  

You can make sure your guest speaker is fully informed of everything she will need to know before she ever sets foot in your town or city. Details really matter, so here's a little help to make sure you've got it all covered when inviting your next speaker to come  ...keep reading   
Jennifer Rothschild, Founder, jr@jenniferrothschild.com
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