Mainely eldercare
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Employee Discounts
Verizon Wireless


Ask the office about a discount on your Verizon Wireless mobile phone bill.  


Discounts up to 22% and accessories 25%!  



Employee Anniversaries
September Anniversaries

Cindy Wyman PSS - 1 Year!

Wendell Worster PSS - 1 Year!

Laurie Thornberg - 2 Years!

Amber Rountree PSS - 3 Years!

Loretta Fortin - 9 Years!

Thank you for all your hard work and dediciation!

Caregiver Education
Alzheimer's and Dementia Training
Alzheimer's and Dementia is a rapidly growing disease that  is having a large impact on the client, their families and the communities we serve. these clients have very specific needs for their care, which you can help with.

We are offering everyone a FREE 23 hour course for Alzheimer's and Dementia. This course is available online and can be done at convenience. After completion of the course you will have the option to get a $25.00 gift card to either Hannaford or Irving Gas Station.   Optional Link

Aging with Grace

Join us every Wednesday at 4:30pm on 93.5FM True Oldies for CEO Denise Stevens and Steve Colella's segment on aging with grace.


Hello All,  

Hello All!

Its harvest time and I couldn't be more thrilled! The fall season is certainly a traditional time of year in the Stevens' household. It's the time of year when our family comes together to harvest fruits and vegetables from our garden.  We have harvested blueberries, onions, jalapenos and beats so far.  We had a late start this year with all the rain and we certainly aren't the best gardeners, but it's worth the labor and it is definitely a family affair.  We were blessed with a visit from our oldest daughter and granddaughter this summer and my granddaughter helped us in the garden.  Now it's time to start canning.  My yearly tradition is to make salsa with the tomatoes, onions and green peppers from the garden, so let the canning madness begin.


I hope you all enjoy this fall season of beautiful fall foliage, pumpkin carving and Halloween!


In closing, I just want to say that I am so proud and blessed to be able to work with such great caregivers here at Maine-ly Elder Care. The work you do every day enables the seniors in our communities to live independently at home and enriches their lives- Thank You!!


Happy fall!



Instant Access to Your Schedule!
For Clients and Caregivers
Get your schedule whenever you want...

Go to to log in today!. If you are not signed up for an account yet, call us for details.


What's Happening?
 September Blood Pressure Clinics
We will be doing FREE blood pressure screenings at the following locations for the month of September. There will free blood pressure readings by a registered nurse, information and giveaways.

Hannaford: Waterville JFK Plaza

Tuesday September 3rd, 2013  from 10:30am to 12:30pm 

Hannaford: Skowhegan Fair Grounds 

Friday September 13, 2013 from
10:00am to 12:00pm

Free Waterbottles!
Maine-ly Elder Care will be giving away water-bottles for the month of September when you check in using FourSquare or Facebook.

Go to:
Employee Broadcast
Employee Compliments
  • A client called about PSS Roberta Wyman. She stated that "she would not know what to do without Roberta"  She "enjoys her time with her." "She is a great help." - Thank you Roberta for being such an important part of your clients lives.

  • Staff Scheduler Tonia recently spoke to a client who stated "I wish I would have taken your agency a long time ago. All my caregivers are great."
    • "This is so great to hear from our clients, it makes my heart smile." -Tonia
  • During a recent supervisory visit, a client complimented Heather Giroux and emphasized that she is a VERY good caregiver. Great job Heather!  
  • During a recent supervisory visit, a client complimented Jennifer Gilbert, saying, "Jennifer is wonderful, she is so nice - please don't take her away!" - Way to go Jenn!    
Employee Appreciation BBQ August 21st, 2013
Denise Stevens CEO with Angela Krehbiel-Vancil Christian Caregiver
The lucky winners for the raffle are... Angela Krehbiel Vancil, Michelle Roderick, Daniel Clark and Brienne Hayes. Thank you for all of your hard work and congratulations!

BBQ, Home Mods
Staff Supervisor Tonia Savasuk, Naomi York Christian Caregiver, Judy Munn Billing & Payroll, and Denise Stevens CEO & RN. Nice picture ladies!

Shawn and Dave - Home Modifications
Spotlighting our Heroes of the Heart

Perfect Attendance winner and Hero of the Month is Naomi York!

Naomi has been with Maine-ly Elder Care for over six months now. Her work ethic is something to be admired. Naomi not only has perfect attendance, but she is someone who is always willing to pick up extra time if needed.

Why do you like being a caregiver?
"I like getting to know the client on a personal level. I like being able to help them."

 What hobbies do you you enjoy?
Reading - Naomi enjoys all genres of literature.
Crafts - Naomi enjoys knitting and crocheting in her pastime.

The family member of a couple we serve recently called the office to thank us for staffing Naomi, stating "we really appreciate everything Naomi has done for them(her parents) and that Naomi is my Mom's best friend, she has been just fabulous."

Thank you Naomi, you have given this family, and others, the peace of mind they so deserve. Keep up the great work.

August New Hires
We are so proud to introduce our newest caregivers!
Diane Bickford Christian Caregiver
Kim Petite PSS

Angela Troy PSS

We are proud to welcome back April Sanchez PSS

Employee Referral Bonus!


We would like to remind you that we are still offering our Employee Referral Bonus and we recognize that our employees are a great source for finding new staff. The rules are simple:

  • For all referrals hired, Maine-ly Elder Care will give the referral source (YOU) a $50.00 bonus after 90 days of employment.
  • The new employee must work an average of twenty hours a week and remain in good standing with the company.
  • In order for us to determine the referral source, please ask the applicant to list your name on their application.


We hope that all employees will take this opportunity to build the Maine-ly Elder Care team!


Thank you for all that you do.



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