Pray for the Spirit of God to Plow the Way Ahead
Lord of the Harvest, we ask that you would prepare the way for church planters in the high places of the Hindu Kush range. Hundreds of planters are needed to reach so many unreached people groups - Lord, thrust them out! Bring laborers to this harvest field, in Jesus' name. May they speak of Your mighty deeds! (Acts 2:11) Release a series of skilled brothers and sisters, who can invest in the peoples of the High Places with education, vocational trades, medical help and training. We are asking you to move both according to the practical needs of the people as well as the spiritual. Send your angels at this time. Let a wave of dreams & visions roll across the High Places that awaken hunger. We are asking for a heavy release of divine appointments & miracles in this season. Jesus, you paid the price for the freedom of the peoples in the region. Pour forth Your Spirit on these church planters that they would prophesy. Grant wonders in the sky above, and signs on the earth below. As you move, let this be a historical time of turning towards your light, and may many call upon your name and be saved! (Acts 2:17-21)
We decree that the altars of false gods will be torn down by the blood of Jesus! You will be worshiped in an orderly manner amidst these strongholds! When these church planters are brought before the people of the city as the ones who have torn down the ancient systems of worship, I proclaim that the fathers of each city be the ones to stand in defense saying, "If our gods are truly Gods, let them contend for themselves!" (Judges 6:14-32)
Protect your servants, Jesus, Mighty Warrior, for we pray in YOUR name. Amen.