"Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other." (Isaiah 45:22)
There is no other God like You, who follows through with Your promises. You are merciful and are abundant in love. Your heart is to be reconciled to Your creation in a life giving union. In all the earth and universe, there is none like You dear Lord. Right now we come together and pray for the peoples of the high places. In your great love, You, and only You, save us from our sins. We do not save ourselves, and You do not leave us to figure "life" out alone, in our own strength. We ask that You would come and save them. May they turn from the wisdom of man and things of the earth for salvation and turn to their Creator God. Do for them what they cannot do for themselves: provide salvation, deliverance and hope. How you love these people, who are made in Your image, Lord God! Thank You that You desire that none should perish. We thank You for hearing us and for taking delight in the salvation of Your people of the mountains. In Jesus' name.