

In this issue you will find important observations of the Winter Solstice and New Moon on December 21, 2014. The Solstice is at 6:03 PM and the New Moon 8:36 PM. Let's Celebrate - Life!


The first monthly AstroShamanic Newsletter was written in January of 2012 with the intention to inform you, the readers, with simplified astrological observations. Thank you for those that subscribed to the cause, and thank you to the hundreds of you that continue to open my Monthly Newsletter. The format will change in the beginning of 2015, and I hope that you will continue to support my AstroShamanic Observations though shorter but more often AstroShamanic interactions.


An interesting observation is the phenomena of the Facebook which often shows perhaps 10 'LIKES' ... however, within only a few days, hundreds of you have opened the Newsletter and enjoyed it ... according to your notes sent to me! We love to have you as part of these extremely metamorphic times!

December 21, 2014, 4:00 - 8:00 PM 


The Center for Holistic Empowerment, 3 Banard Lane, Bloomfield, CT

Presented by Celeste Mattingly, Tom Drest and Agneta Borstein




December 1,

Stepping out of the box with an assurance of good results, allowing discipline to play a role with both Capricorn (Mars) and Scorpio (Saturn) to benefit us all.

December 4,

Love and positive thinking are in the air, especially early afternoon, for whatever 'delight' you might seek. Mars moves into Aquarius later in the evening which will continue the action from the Sky!

December 5,

A day to allow emotions and communications to go hand in hand, as late evening allows the fire sign and visionary, Sagittarius, to become braver than most of us.

December 6,

Get up early in the morning and observe Jupiter and Saturn in the morning Sky!

Plus, Full Moon in Gemini - often a nervous feeling in the air - but fun to dance with, which is a release of those nerves for so many! Great day to do the Dance ... Full Moon at 7:27 AM (EST) and the evening's Gemini Moon aligned with Jupiter assures the fun to continue into the wee hours!

December 8,

Jupiter, the good God in the Sky, turns Retrograde which is important for Fire signs, Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo - may turn into Good Luck or the other sign of the coin (planet) turn stale until April 8, 2015. Jupiter will challenge Taurus Scorpio, and Aquarius signs

December 10,

Venus is visible in the Sky ... both Mercury and Mars visible - and notice the brightness of Venus! Venus moves into Capricorn and that allows the Earth sign to break the rules and get out of the house and socialize. Try it - it might be worth it!

December 12,

With Mercury still in Sagittarius, we are assured that Jupiter will be those good-luck charm of the evening. For some, bring out the Lotto good luck numbers!

December 14,

Last Quarter Moon, slowing down and allowing Venus and Neptune to let creative juices flow freely; the Moon allows for great communication!


December 15,

So, here we go! This is the 6th square between the Revolutionary Uranus and Plutonic Pluto affecting the World ...and we all say our prayers which has become a daily routine for you, right? Thank You!

Just to check into your memory bank - take a moment to reflect on your own life and the Global news:

#1). June 24, 2012 - Affordable Health Care act passed US Supreme Court.

#2). September 19, 2012 - Thousands of Muslims protest the movie - "Innocence of Muslims" with unrest throughout the Middle East.

#3). May 20, 2013 - Oklahoma tornado, 24 perished, 237 wounded; Mr. Higgs, won the Nobel Prize with the announcement of the 'God Particle'.

#4).November 1, 2013, Indonesia's Typhoon, 6, 0000 perished, beginning of unrest in Ukraine.

#5). April 21, 2014, Ukraine now in conflict with Russia - or the other way around? US Cancer chart in tight degree of unrest ...

*#6). December 15, 2014 1:14 AM (EST).... The Saga will continue - anticipating people taking to the street with their protest, i.e. revolting .... And let's not forget the World at large! How many wars/protests/unrests are going on?

#7). March 16, 2015. Positive and Powerful Prayers do help, right?


December 16,

A good day to set Goals and achieve them as well ... fast!  Mercury moves into Capricorn which means that some will gain and some will feel stagnated.

December 20,

Mercury (communication), Venus (feelings and love), with Mars (action, war) shows an intense day for all of us! There will be unexpected media images - nothing new but most will feel it on this day!

December 21,

Winter Solstice, 6:03 PM (EST). The Sun stands still on the equator for a moment which allows us to go within and be quiet. We will reflect on the past year, and make sure that we set our Intention for another year - of Peace ! Uranus stations Direct, which means that we are not used to these nervous times and need to get our Faith back in order in this longest night of the year. But we never give up! The evening ends with a New Moon in Capricorn at 8:36 PM (if you missed the Solstice time - this would be your time to go within!) Silence... is Golden.

December 23,

Saturn moves into Sagittarius (11:33 AM - EST - Master Numbers!). There is a certain relief as Saturn moves out of Scorpio ... so that we can encourage the New Vision, New Laws, New Hopes for a Better World for those in need. Saturn will stay in Sagittarius until late 2017. But, during the summer months of 2015, Saturn will re-visit Scorpio.  We will then see some more 'cleansing' and 'clearing' of what must vanish from our lives and the world ... but new hope on the horizon is the promise of Sagittarius ... so let's bring those positive affirmations and more peaceful protests on the streets for those that so desire!

December 24,

With Mercury creating a challenging aspect to Uranus on this day of Family Gatherings, the Sky suggests for you to not talk politics at the dinner table, but allow everybody to have their right to speak their personal opinions - after dinner, no matter what their opinion is!

December 25,

Christmas Day ... Mercury can still be bothering those that have spoken strong words or spoken too loudly - again at the Dinner table! So, how about that Silence is Golden again?

December 28,

First Quarter Moon

Having the faith and allowing unexpected matters to be resolved through negotiation between you and yours - and the world will benefit!

December 31,

We close the year of 2014 with a sigh, and hope for a better year or a continuation of our current blessings. When we truly look around and start to understand that we create our own reality and merge with those treasures, then Life in itself is what's worth a million ! Happy New Year !! See you in 2015 !!!





Pope Francis I


Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the controversial Sagittarian Pope continues to show his unusual approach to the fundamental and strict rules of Catholicism with a flock of 1.22 billion followers throughout the world. His simple way of living as a human being shows in his decision to stay in the Vatican's 'hotel' so that he can interact with papal visitors coming to visit rather than be isolated within the confined Vatican's walls. Pope Francis' humanitarian aspects shine through his Moon and Venus in Aquarius. The Moon in Aquarius often attests to an individual of total unconditional acceptance of Humanity - no matter where a person originates from. With the birth-time of 9:00 AM, Venus and the Moon fall in the seventh house of 'other people'. He has surprised many with his persistence of feeding the poor rather than the rich!  With sexual scandals, depleting funds due to the pay-out to plaintiffs that has caused a decline in the devout catholic commitment and faith the church was in jeopardy. Pope Francis is the first Pope that took upon himself to apologize to the many victims of sexual abuse which means that he acknowledges the years of abuse. Hopefully he is writing new regulations to prevent further abuse! An amazing testimony came from him recently that the world has to accept any human being, including the gay and lesbians as equals. In addition in his matrimonial group he performed marriages to same sex couples.


Pope Francis' Sagittarius Sun conjuncts his North Node in a busy sixth house. The 6th house shows Ceres (nurturing asteroid), Jupiter, and a close cusp Mercury in Capricorn signifying a deep desire, with strong and committed goals to bring hope, growth and vision to those in need. Chiron (the wounded healer) conjuncts his South Node in Gemini in the 12th house is an indication of his healing capability. The image that comes to me is that his own Chiron truly comes from a place in his heart from prior times, as well as his mission in this life-time to heal others. Mercury, Ceres and Jupiter shows here his endurance in helping those in need, and at times, shows his independence and persistence in proving his own personal point - yet with a Pope's unconditional power ... not through manipulation! Matters are changing in the 5,000 year old Vatican ... finally! The Sun and his North Node in Sagittarius allows constant and visionary fire energy for this popular Pope to truly change his surroundings and bring Faith back to those in need. The visionary in him brings his North Node and Sun/Spirit, for Humanity to have hope again!


What we have noticed since his installment as a Pope on March 13, 2013 is his acceptance and welcoming gestures toward Humanity, especially the poor, gay or open dialogue. His Mars, is placed in Libra in the 3rd house indicating a Peace-maker, yet someone that also takes action through his powerful voice, yet kind smile.


The Pope's Ascendant, his personality, is in Cancer, thus the Aquarian Moon becomes the Lord of this chart, and his vision about Humanity will always be his strength ... unconditionally!!!


When the unusual news came out in 2013 that the previous Pope abdicated, an event that hasn't happened for two-hundred years, Pope Francis showed a complete commitment to those in need such as the home-less people. The new Pope has made statements about Humanity, "all men shall be equal", and many speculate that new laws will be written- or regulations will vanish and perhaps the strict law for divorces will change. It is a welcoming shift in the masses of Catholic believers, as well as the over-all acceptance of a simplistic person, the Pope, will that will end the corruption and the regulations in the powerful Vatican. He has become a popular individual which shows through the media when he travels - and a Twitter account with an impressive 4.77 million followers ... we do live in the 21st Century.


I totally Love this Pope for what he has already achieved in his Life!


Dear Reader,


The following writing is from the November, 2014 AstroShamanic Newsletter, and the first sentence below kept me on edge a few times during the eerie anticipation of the verdict of this now 'revolutionary' movement in protest of no indictment for Michael Brown's death. I remember me writing the words below and walking away from my laptop when I had to make the final judgment of the astrological 'rule'...with my Heart's desire for a fair outcome. The Aquarian Moon for the event is still the outcome of the matter. Some agree with the decision, but I do believe that most individuals throughout the world are against the outcome. It speaks loud through protests from Missouri to New York City, and Los Angeles, to London, England.


I wrote: "With the dynamic squares that this 'event-chart' creates, we still have to trust in the last aspect as the outcome of the situation - the Aquarian Moon opposing Jupiter which indicates that Justice will be served for Michael Brown, and his family, as well as the Soul of Ferguson - a guilty verdict will be given to Darren Wilson! (Case Closed?)"


As I re-read my own words it is clear to me that the August 9, 2014 chart still stands strong and the event chart is active. We can cast another chart for when the contradictive outcome was announced or when a possible Civil Court Case will be filed, but that most likely will take years!


Back to the November writing: "We are still anticipating the sixth square between Uranus and Pluto mid-December of 2014 and the very last in March of 2015. History continues to speak loud, not only in Missouri, but the world at large! The decisions that we make in our mind and what we process with that information now-a-days is essential for further generations ...a chant starts in my head ... "listen, listen, and listen to my heart's Song".


I will keep this observation and clarification with basic astrological terms. We have a new audience - our mailing-list keeps growing, and we like to make sure that you keep coming back to read, understand and contemplate your own standing when we observe the Sky and Earth. Perhaps being Swedish and neutral isn't always the best stand ... and perhaps I am not neutral at all times - but I try!


Astrological Observations from August 9, 2014, 12:01 PM, Ferguson, MO, (CDT), the Sun (power), Jupiter, (over-doing, expansion), and Mercury (communication) in Leo conjunct the Midheaven. The Midheaven is what shows the public image, the side that isn't hidden, and is open to the public and the media. Venus in Cancer is in close aspect to the Midheaven as well - this unfortunate situation exploded through images throughout the world very fast. The Ascendant, the personality, the ruler of the situation, is in Libra with the Karmic North Node teaching the personal image and what possible will be the outcome from the shooting. Love and Compassion through Venus becomes the ruler of this situation. The South Node, always travelling with the North Node is close to Uranus, the planet that shows unrest, revolution, protest and uncertainty in the sign of Aries, he is the God that fight for a cause and is often an agitated force - this time from the South Node, i.e. the past.


Jupiter, Sun and Mercury in Leo are in square to Michael Brown's natal stellium in Taurus. Michael's chart becomes a sad cataclysm of African American individuals in the St. Louis, Missouri, USA area. According to the news, Ferguson has fifty white officers and three black cops assisting a 67% African American population. No matter what the quotation is, shooting an unarmed young man in the middle of the day is unusual - and not acceptable. This might not have been different than any other day - we don't know because we don't live there ... unless some of my readers are! The young unarmed Michael shows Mars, Mercury Retrograde and Sun in Taurus. That signifies a person that is slow to anger, but when aroused with a 'red' flag reacts with a Bull's force. Absolutely! However, they are most likely to be patient, persistent and kind. With a Moon in Cancer, Michael had a big heart and cared for his friends, and family ties.


Let's add the August 9, 2014 planets onto Michael's natal chart and observe the most outstanding connections. His natal Taurus planets is in square (challenged) by the three Leo planets, all in close orbs to create a disturbance. Mars, and Saturn in Scorpio creates an opposition to Michael's natal Mars in Taurus... close orbs! Venus, an important planets in his chart creates another opposition to Neptune which make me believe that the energy wasn't and isn't clear. There is observations that the 'air' got thick with an alteration in the police car - and then Michael walked away - to realize that he had to face his opponent - turned around with his arms up - and six bullets got shot right at him!


In a situation where the police takes charge with armed tanks, and the People protest, we need to notice the Moon's placement which represent the Masses of the People. In mundane astrology - where we look at a 'world' event or something that is personal yet manifest in a group, country or situation we read the chart as such. The chart of this event shows the Moon at 2� Aquarius in the fourth house, the fourth house is the house of the Soul. The voice of the Souls of Ferguson, Missouri showed their unique individual personality by protesting and taking the voices to the streets, and unfortunate some unrest! Uranus is the planetary ruler of Aquarius, and we find 16� Uranus in conjunction to Michael's 16� South Node in fire sign Aries. What does it mean? We don't intend to bring Michael's 'karma' to the observations but we must address what the charts speak. Following is a quote from my book, The Moon's Nodes - Understanding the Dynamic Ties that Bind, might clarifying the force and dynamic impact during a Uranus/Nodal contact - and so close in degree:


"If we linger, feeling that everything is just fine, we are often reminded of our limitations - the South Node is the energy of that resisting change! Often, we hear that the South Node doesn't even have the potential to overcome its comfort zone. However, if we buy into that thought process, we might as well not bother to understand the Moon's Nodes to begin with. Fortunately, we are not meant to linger in the unknown, but to move forward to that place that is forbidden, but changeable. The true fear is that what is now comfortable will eventually become potentially stagnant and boring. - We break old habits and become actively involved with new goals and achievements."


When we understand that Brown's death forced a 'stagnated' daily routine of obedience became intolerant because of the unclear, concealing facts, and absence of an arrest of a young man lying in the street for hours. The Moon, the Soul, the fourth house of this situation, moved out of its comfort zone to the North Node in Libra and were seeking justice and peace!


Transiting Uranus conjunct South Node indicates that the situation will be crucial both November and mid-December of 2014, as Brown's chart shows the Moon's Nodes moving over his point of contact of Karma. We hope that Michael Brown's close encounter with the Sky at that moment of this unfortunate situation will serve his legacy, his young life, and that justice will be served. We can speculate this resilient chart, i.e. squares and opposition in a chart read for an already 'up-tight' aura in many places of the Globe - so why not in Ferguson? The fourth house which represents the 'end of matters' shows the Mass Consciousness of what is in the 'mind' of the collective reaction of this situation. The Moon poured out, and the image of Aquarius with the Urn of 'Water', i.e. consciousness flowing from the image of a man - or woman pouring their long kept emotions stored up ...and this situation allowed them to react - as one! However, some claim that the police did nothing wrong - or rather, no one has claimed responsibility for the shooting - even though, police officer Darren Wilson has been named as the shooter. The sign of the fourth house cusp, Aquarius, its ruler, Uranus is in tight conjunction to the South Node which shows us that this is unexpected, and the South Node indicates that stale matters surfaced. The ruler of the Libra Ascendant, Venus, is in an opposition to the Moon in the fourth house. What does it mean in English? It means that the image that people see on the TV screen stirs something within each of us and we all react on some level. The fourth house brings us to the Uranus/South Node in trine to the Leo Sun/Mercury. Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius is placed in Scorpio - in square to the Sun, forces issues to the front and purges the ugliness. The last aspect that the Moon made to another planetary body was the opposition to Jupiter - in square to Mars in Scorpio in the first house of 'who I am'."


In the daily practice of astrology, all aspects are interactions of planets, nodes, asteroids, and everything else that the Universe brings to us here on Earth, which have their own power or strength (and weaknesses!). Trines are created when planetary points are in the same Element or in close degree. A 'tight' aspect from the chart of August 9th is a trine from Uranus/South Node to Mercury/Sun in Leo close degrees to the mid-heaven. A support came pouring out from this trine of Uranus/South Node - freedom to express what is stored up in individual's consciousness to the Mercury/Sun energy which allows all to be a strong voice. No wonder we all were in awe as the whole world observed anarchy at its strongest ...and thousands took to the streets to protest the 'non verdict'. Venus, also close to the Mid-heaven is the ruler of the chart itself shows unconditional Love for Michael Brown. The Ascendant, Libra square Venus and the North Node in Libra, a square forces issues to the fore-front and have to be dealt with, again in the Public!


This chart speaks about the Gods in charge of metamorphic changing times, and we learn from a young man's life and death that the intolerance is boiling from deep within.  Well, kind of, during the sixties when these two Power Gods, Uranus/Pluto were conjunct (on top of each other!) and caused ... well, you know your history!?


As we linger with the two last encounters of the Revolutionary (Uranus) and Metamorphic (Pluto) meeting again on December 15, 2014 and March 16, 2015, the images continue to be a harsh reality in many parts of the World ... but with the Revolution and at times deadly outcomes - we are all in this for the sake of Peace and Justice! (Case never closed...cyclical movements are manifestation of the Subconscious of People!).



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