In This Issue 6-17-13

WF&FSA 2013 Calendar - Check Out These Events




October 23-25, 2013

Doral Trump Resort, Miami, FL

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In today's competitive environment, staying in touch with all the key players while finding ways to reduce costs is at the top of everyone's list. WFFSA has partnered with Connex Intl, a global conferencing provider to bring audio and web conferencing solutions to you, our members, at discounted rates. Connex Intl has cost effective solutions to help you deliver your message effectively and instantly whether your audience is scattered around the US or the globe - 24/7. Read more. 

 WF&FSA's President is Pat Dahlson, Mayesh Wholesale Florist, Inc., Los Angeles, CA.

WF&FSA's Executive Vice President is Trish Lilly

So, What's New With You?


We'd like to know what's new with you and your company. Do you have any organizational changes? Have you changed your address? Added a new product line? Introduced a new product? Just send your information into WF&FSA at If you like, to simply the process, you may use the attached form. Or, just add us to your press release list. Email your press release to the email address above or send it to WF&FSA, 105 Eastern Avenue, Suite 104, Annapolis, MD 21403. We look forward to hearing from you! 


For more information on WF&FSA Events & Programs, visit

shortageTruckers face big labor shortage

Reprinted Courtesy of CNN Money


Trucking companies have already been facing a labor shortage for years. New federal regulations may make it worse.


New rules, set to go into effect July 1, will mean truckers cannot drive more than 70 hours in 7 days. Truckers had been allowed to drive 82 hours under the former rules. Read the full article here. 


To review the new regulations, click here.


October 23-25, 2013

The Trump Doral, Miami, Florida


Rediscover the Power of Your Business, Your Customers and You: Look at What You Do, but Look at it Differently!" is the theme for the 2013 Floral Distribution Conference.

  • Rediscover the Independent Grocer, the Retail Florist and Your Management Skills - industry presenters will remind you and refresh your outlook during our fast-paced opening session.
  • Explore Margin vs. Markup - It's All About Profitability - Get to the bottom line during this insightful program.
  • What are the Latest/Greatest Social Media Tips? How can you really make social media work for you?
  • Opportunities in Ethnic Markets - you will learn from a member of the grocery industry on how to build your ethnic market business
  • Enhance the supply chain through creative partnerships between wholesaler and supplier
  • And much more!

Get ready for a new component to our program - ever had a creative idea to sell your brand? Well, here's your chance as WF&FSA introduces featured commercials during our educational sessions. What, you say? That's right, members will have the opportunity to purchase 30-second commercial time slots during educational program - we're looking for inventive spots that will entertain the audience and bring your message to more than 700 attendees. For only $1,000, you can spread your message at our meeting and then on the WF&FSA website.


Concerning the table top program, check out these companies that have previously exhibited that have signed on already. Sales will open up shortly for new participants. Watch your mail for details.


The finishing touches are being put on the program as of this writing. Keep your eyes peeled for this year's brochure coming your way soon.

Diamond Line Containers announced that it has completed the acquisition of CFN (Containers Floral Nursery), a manufacturer and distributor of floral and nursery containers. As a result, Diamond Line Containers will integrate the CFN product line with Diamond Line's existing product line.


"We are excited about the opportunity to expand our existing line of floral and nursery containers," said Barbara Bishop, President of Diamond Line Containers.


The acquisition is in effect as of May 22, 2013.

cutUganda's flower farmers to cut back on chemicals
Reprinted courtesy of PMA Smart Brief, June 4, 2013  

In a move aimed at both improving the environment and boosting sales and profits, flower farmers in Uganda will move away from heavy use of chemical fertilizers, according to the Uganda Flower Exporters' Association. The move comes as the Netherlands and other European countries move to ban some chemicals altogether and consumer awareness rises.
Daily Monitor (Uganda)/Prospe

Wholesalers are encouraged to participate in the 2013 Annual Operating Ratio Survey - the best source of financial benchmarks for the industry.  This report presents a wealth of financial and operating guidelines including direct comparisons between your firm and other participating firms. This valuable information is, however, only available to firms that participate in the study. Participants receive:

  • The Operating Ratio Report: A financial and operating profile of the entire industry.
  • Performance Analysis Report: A confidential report sent directly to you comparing your firm with similar participating firms. Many firms take this report to the bank to discuss loans and lines of credit.
  • Profit Toolkit Online: A Microsoft� Excel spreadsheet to assist your financial planning.

To learn more, click here.


Product Costing Comparisons Calculations Are Made Easier


We all know how exhausting freight calculations can be, especially when you have the same inventory item coming from multiple vendors with different case packs.  The amount of time and the chance of making a mistake become too great.  Costing comparisons become much more efficient when all your vendors have the same case pack for a product due to standard box sizes.


To learn more about WF&FSA Box Standards, click here.


This first-of-its-kind study provides you with groundbreaking research, best practices from 68 real wholesaler-distributors and 20 practical action steps ready to implement. Rather than focus on sales force communication, this cutting-edge research focuses on customer relationships and the value customers provide to their distributors. This study looks at these customer stratification dimensions: buying power, customer loyalty, profitability, and cost-to-serve.

netWORK is published by WF&FSA  

105 Eastern Avenue, Suite 104, Annapolis, MD  21403 Call 888-289-3372 or 410-573-0400