In This Issue:

2012 WF&FSA Floral Distribution Conference

Save Time, Save $, with WDES

Direct2Florist Continues to Gain Ground!

Supermarket News Spolights Floral Sales, September 3, 2012

Fall's Color Forecast - Reprinted Courtesy of SAF Wednesday E-Brief, September 5, 2012

Recommended Reading from WF&FSA Operations Committee: Interesting Reading on Current and Upcoming Trucks

WF&FSA 2012 Employee Compensation Reports
Nomination Process Open for 2013 Retail Florist of the Year!
WF&FSA Co-Sponsors Sales Professional Training Camp
WF&FSA Welcomes New Member!
WF&FSA President's Club
So, What's New With You?
Value Partners: ABC/Amega, Inc.


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Amy Orange


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netWORK is published by WF&FSA  

105 Eastern Avenue, Suite 104, Annapolis, MD  21403 

888-289-3372 or



WF&FSA's President is Nick Fronduto, Jacobson Floral Supply, Boston, MA.

WF&FSA's Executive Vice President is Trish Lilly.

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nextThe Latest News on the Floral Distribution Conference 2012 - Miami, Florida 


The Doral is Sold Out!


The Doral has sold out of rooms for the WF&FSA Floral Distribution Conference! This sell-out occurred with an even larger room block than last year. Further details on accomodation overflow will be sent separately.


 Table Top Displays are Sold Out!


This year, tables went like hot cakes. This year's Conference is shaping up to be a big hit.  To see which companies are exhibiting, click here. 


Register Your Delegates Now!


To register your delegate, click here.

To see who is currently attending the WF&FSA Conference, click here.


Spread Your Company Message via WF&FSA FDC Sponsorship!


Here's a great opportunity to promote your company and support the conference! There are a variety of sponsorships available for the WF&FSA Conference. Check out what is available here


WF&FSA takes this opportunity to thank our sponsors to date:


What's NEXT?


This year's theme, What's NEXT, underscores the value of a WF&FSA meeting - you will enjoy unparalled Networking, in-depth Education, benefit through Xtreme Commerce and delve into industry Trends at this year's event. Review the full program here.  






The WF&FSA Technology Committee has addressed the ever increasing demand for seamless transfer of data, in this case, product information, by developing the WF&FSA Data Exchange Standards (WDES)Please read the information HERE to fully understand the power that this tool can provide to your company. Start saving TODAY!



Direct2Florist Continues to Gain Ground!


Direct2Florist allows customers to order flowers directly from a florist in their area where the flowers will be delivered and 100% of the money the customer pays goes to the florist. Would you like to see how D2F orders are progressing?   If so, click here to see monthly orders from May 2008 until August 2012.  Let's take a quick look at U.S. orders in August, one of the slower months for our industry:


August 2008       14

August 2009       98

August 2010       231

August 2011       438

August 2012       535


To see the full order report, click here.


Direct2florist guarantees that 100% of the money customers pay for flowers goes to the florist, which means they can deliver much more impressive bouquets. To share information about Direct2Florist with your customers, just click here.  Florists are encouraged to participate in this program.

supermarketSupermarket News Spotlights Floral Sales, September 3, 2012

Summer may be the slowest season of the year for floral sales, but that doesn't stop Sandi Probst from going all-out to promote her section. Last month Probst, floral manager at Lin's Market in St. George, Utah, partnered with the store's produce department on a display that featured citrus fruits alongside mums, gerbers and other floral blooms, all situated around a large inflatable archway. The theme of the display: "Keeping It Fresh."


"It's the first thing our customers saw when they entered the store," said Probst. "We got lots of positive feedback and sales."


Read More, found in Supermarket News, September 3, 2012

forecastFall's Color Forecast
Reprinted Courtesy of SAF Wednesday E-Brief, September 5, 2012


Summer's balmy temperatures are giving way to crisper, cooler days, which may have you reaching for the traditional choices (red, burgundy and orange) to give arrangements a fall feel.

Consider a break from the familiar.

This year, autumn's "it" shades (selected by Pantone, which the fashion world regards as an authority on color) look like they were plucked from the jewelry box, rather than the apple orchard or pumpkin patch. We asked growers and wholesalers for their favorite cuts that match the season's most popular hues. Check them out in "Gorgeous Jewel Tones
." Full story.

readingRecommended Reading from WF&FSA Operations Committee:  Interesting Reading on Current and Upcoming Trucks


The eagle eye of Operations Committee Chair Mark Berglund came across this article from Fleet Owner. The Committee agreed this would be interesting reading for WF&FSA members:


Fitted with racks, shelves, extended roofs, hydraulic buckets, or any other useful accessory inventive minds can devise, the commercial van has become an essential tool for a broad range of service fleets. But while other trucks have changed dramatically in the push for ever increasing productivity, the "breadbox" has gone about its business with its basic design and silhouette unchanged for decades.

Now after all those years of small, evolutionary changes, the commercial van is being completely overhauled. If your fleet depends on vans, get ready for a flood of new configurations, powertrains and even sizes. The days of the one-size-fits-all van are over....


Read the full article from Fleet Owner here.

reportWF&FSA 2012 Employee Compensation Reports


Every two years, WF&FSA members join a host of distributors representing a variety of industries to participate in the Biannual Compensation Report, prepared by Profit Planning Group. This information is extremely valuable when reviewing your compensation packages for a wide variety of positions within your company.


Volume I: WF&FSA Member Data 

Includes an executive compensation overview; summary of executive compensation, summary of employee compensation; detailed statistics on executive compensation; employee compensation, (outside sales staff, inside sales staff, and employee benefits.) Based on responses from whoiesale florist distributors only. Available for $225.00.


Volume II: Cross Industry Data 

This report takes advantage of the large sample of 2,399 firms, representing 7,794 locations from 36 participating distributor trade associations. Provides breakouts for 18 different sales volume categories, and over 100 specific geographic areas. Published every other year. Available for $250. Click here for details.


If you are interested in purchasing these reports, click here for details.

nominationNomination Process Open for 2013 Retail Florist of the Year!


Nominations are being received for the 2013 Retail Florist of the Year. Wholesalers - do you work with a florist you feel is deserving of consideration for this recognition?   To help you decide, qualified applicants for "Retail Florist of the Year' will be judged on:

  • Visual merchandising and display, store design, and image
  • Advertising, marketing and promotional efforts
  • Customer service policies and programs
  • Employee benefits and training
  • Fresh flower selection and quality
  • Community and industry involvement
  • Overall business achievement

To submit your nomination, just click here for the Wholesaler Nomination Form and return it to WF&FSA. We'll take care of the rest.


Keep in mind - if your florist is selected as the recipient, your company is profiled as well in Florist's Review!

campWF&FSA Co-Sponsors Sales Professional Training Camp 


This outstanding face to face training is offered twice per year. The spring program was held in April and the next program is scheduled for November 13-15 in Dayton, Ohio. This program features 2-1/2 days of practical skills, tools and fundamental disciplines that are essential for sales professionals and a productive sales team. Feedback from past attendees has been excellent. Click here for the details. 

membersWF&FSA Welcomes New Members

WF&FSA would like to welcome its newest member, Galapagos Flores S.A. of Ecuador.


For more information on WF&FSA membership and its benefits, Click here.

clubWF&FSA President's Club

We want to thank all WF&FSA members that have made voluntary contributions to the President's Club, which supports the Wholesaler Marketing Campaign. These contributions allow us to:

  • Continue to communicate a positive, unified message to floral retailers
  • Increase advertising in national and regional publications
  • Expand our publicity efforts
 To view all of our President's Club contributors, click here

newSo, What's New With You?


We'd like to know what's new with you and your company. Do you have any organizational changes? Have you changed your address? Added a new product line? Introduced a new product? Just send your information into WF&FSA at If you like, to simply the process, you may use the attached form. Or, just add us to your press release list. Email your press release to the email address above or send it to WF&FSA, 105 Eastern Avenue, Suite 104, Annapolis, MD 21403. We look forward to hearing from you!



FedEx Discount Program Available to WF&FSA Members - Take advantage of valuable discounts on FedEx shipping and business services. FedEx discounts give you the real competitive edge. Save up to 53% on select FedEx Express services; 18% on select FedEx Ground services; 70% on select FedEx Freight services and 20% on select services at FedEx Office Print and Ship Centers. WF&FSA members are saving an average of $1,268.91 a year through the FedEx discount program, what are you waiting for? Read more.