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 Sunday, February 16


Life's Journey to Winter


10:30 AM




Dr. Allen Maxwell, moderator
9:15 AM, Ministers' Hall
Subjects for this Sunday -
- is the State of the Union speech still relevant?

- more pros and cons on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Fast Track Legislation -  if the TPP goes into effect without US participation, what are the consequences for the US?

- can individuals contribute to ameliorating the impact of climate change?

- should the President's power to make recess appointments be curbed?

- pros and cons to building the Keystone XL pipeline

- should Congress get involved in the Washington Redskins' name controversy?

- and more...  



Adult Programs  Walking Together
12 N  Sanctuary




from 635 

February 2014

Dear Ones,

I lived in the East and West Village of New York City for many years. I loved my time there. Neighborhoods and community existed then before gentrification. One would expect the opposite in such a large city. I knew the names of the Italian baker, the Polish butcher, the Korean man who sold produce and the Russian woman who provided flowers and plants to the neighborhood. Arnie at the record shop, Maria and Bob at the Grassroots Tavern. I frequented a diner on West 4th Street and 6th Avenue. The best breakfast around. The best late night meal after a visit to the Grassroots!

This diner felt easy and comfortable. Like a pair of velvet pants. I never had to place my order. I was seated and my meal would appear. The same waiter every time who took the time to remember me and my preferences. It is in places like this that when you walk in you are sure to be greeted by people who know you and your name. You would never leave without the latest news of the neighborhood. You felt connected, cared for, and present.


You may be surprised to learn that we have a West 4th Street diner on our campus. A place where the ladies always greet you with affection. A place where the conversation is good. A welcoming place with first rate hospitality. Of course I'm talking about our Thrift Store.

Reliably, many volunteers from our congregation staff the store giving their time and care. I usually make my way to Thrift Store at least weekly. Not necessarily to make a purchase, although I've left a few times with treasures. I stop by because I love the welcome, the conversation, and to pay homage to the volunteers. I can count on leaving with book recommendations,  movie reviews, a tour of new merchandise, recipes, and the "word on the street", which as your minister I am the last to be in the know!  Greater than these I leave touched by the stories of the volunteers and their lives. I leave having the opportunity to tell my story. I even left once with fruit mole. 


Just as the diner I've described the Thrift Store acts as one of the centers of our congregation and our community. Volunteers have made connections with customers outside of our congregation.  These people return again and again because they are not only thrifty, they recognize genuine connectedness that they rarely find elsewhere. The Thrift Store raises a large amount of money each year which supports the congregation. The volunteers also generously choose to make a donation to a local charity on behalf of the congregation. 


The Thrift Store is not only a great place to shop. It connects us to one another. It connects us to our community. It helps us see beyond ourselves and reaches out with hands of comfort, grace, and hospitality. If you would like to see our values in practice you needn't go far. Cross the parking lot and prepare yourself for generosity, story telling, and a great deal on the occasional arrival of a faux fur vest or flamingo dinnerware. You will leave in a better place than you arrived. Let us be grateful for the volunteers who gladly take on the awesome responsibility of coordinating and managing this effort on our behalf and to our benefit. 


Rev. CJ





This week on the1stUUPB Facebook page
lots of graphics, lots of love.


There was a moment, sitting in the Oval Office with then-President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney when she asked herself: Am I really here? It was 2007, and Nancy Pellegrini...
The God that is Love
...What I find in this world of hurt and loss is something precious and powerful, terrible and beautiful. Out of the silence I have indeed found something....
The 1stUUPB Gardens
(Album: 17 photos) The Gardening Team (Marika Stone, Sylvia Ansay, Mary Reynolds, Art O'Brien, Howard Stone, the Rev. CJ McGregor) create a new and beautiful butterfly garden, then dig around in the vegetable garden.


Excerpt from a sermon delivered on Dec 24, 2013 by the Rev. CJ McGregor. Text at Salt Air

Tis the Season Excerpt from a sermon delivered on Dec 22, 2013 by the Rev. CJ McGregor. Text at

Stand with UUs at Moral March in Raleigh
Despite the decades-long progress in civil rights, the right to vote is still being threatened in many places. On February 8th,...


...To love the hell out of the world means to see with our hearts, fragile and unprotected. To accept that life is shattering and excruciating....






March Madness Auction Update


The Auction Committee has, so far, received pledges for donations of twenty-seven items for the Teacup and Live Auction and pledges of twelve services. Additional items and services are needed in order for the March Madness Fund Raiser to be a success.

Please contact Andrew Kahn or Phyllis Levin (561-963-0512)

ASAP if you have anything to contribute.







The International Association for Religious Freedom a broadly interfaith religious community. Its central aim is to network and cooperate globally for freedom and diversity of religion and belief, for mutual respect and brotherhood, benevolence, charity, and peace.

Founded in 1900 in Boston, Mass., USA, by Unitarians to bring together people "striving to unite Pure Religion and Perfect Liberty," the IARF (now headquartered in Osaka, Japan) has almost 100 affiliated member groups in over 30 countries, representing a wide range of faith traditions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Shintoism and Sikhism, among others. IARF, the world's first truly interfaith organization, holds NGO "consultative status" with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. 







Anne Feeney in Concert


Pittsburgh-based Anne Feeney performs music she says is designed to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."  Not many women have chosen to walk the path of Woody Guthrie, but Feeney has made a career of it for the past 35 years.  Feeney's bottomless songbag draws on Irish, bluegrass, traditional, labor, pop, folk, and contemporary material.  She's as likely to sing a traditional song or an obscure gem, as she is to sing one of her own award-winning songs.


Anne Feeney will be performing in Boca Raton on Saturday February 15.  The show is a benefit for Peace Action, the nation's largest, grassroots peace organization.  The event is being organized locally by War vs Human Needs, South Florida (WvHN),  an Organizational Member of Peace Action.


While Feeney may prefer the excitement of rallies and demonstrations, many of her fans prefer a pepper-spray free environment to listen to the songs and stories that make up her sometimes caustic, often hilarious, always inspiring show.  The woman that Utah Phillips called "the best labor singer in North America" will perform:


  Saturday February 15, 2014 at 7 PM

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton

2601 St Andrews Blvd

Boca Raton FL 33434


Tickets: $15-$25  It's a benefit, folks. 

No one turned away for inability to pay.

To carpool from our church, contact Judy Bonner at 561-706-1339 or

To purchase in advance, send checks made out to Peace Action Education Fund to Frank Shulman, 544 Village Dr, Pompano Beach FL 33060.  Your tickets will be held at the door.  For further information, contact Frank Shulman at 954-942-0394 or   


Joining Anne Feeney on the program will be PinkSlip, Bill Bowen and Joan Friedenberg, a popular local folk duo.  There've also been rumors of an appearance by the Raging Grannies.



The week of February 10, 2014


Religious Education for next Sunday, February 16

Paul Coleman, RE Coordinator


UU Toolbox: Channing Room
Children and youth ages five to 11

The Toolbox of Faith concludes this week with the hard hat representing resiliency as a defining tool of faith. Our faith helps us bounce back from hard times. The Reverend C J McGregor and Julia Sakellarios will lead the group this week.

Youth Group
Youth ages 12-18

Youth will continue meetings with congregation members, one story at a time, each Sunday. These sessions are a series of opportunities to share histories and enthusiasms with members of the congregation.   
The youth group regularly attends the full service on Sundays so they meet for their class group at 9:30 am on Sundays.

Chalice Children: Parker Room  
Children up to four years old

Children ages birth to four years old can be brought to the Theodore Parker Room for nursery care from 10 am to 11:30 am.




 The rest of the week -

Monday, February 10


Informal Shambhala meditation 6:30 PM  Sanctuary





Tuesday, February 11


Prisoner art exhibit  2 - 5 PM  Ministers' Hall




Rev. CJ McGregor office hours   4 - 7 PM 




Arts & Crafts Group  6:30 PM  Tree House




Men's Group  6:30 PM  La Bamba




Board of Trustees   7 PM   Ministers' Hall




Wednesday, February 12


Lay pastoral care meeting  11 AM  Minister's Office




Women's Group  3:30 PM  Channing Room




Affordable Health Care phone bank  6:30 - 8:30 PM

Channing Room




PEACE network meeting  7 PM  Ministers' Hall




Thursday, February 13


Rev. CJ McGregor office hours  10 AM - 2 PM




Adult programs committee  4 PM  Sanctuary




Spiritual Symposium led by Jeannette Bell 

 4 PM Channing Room


Today begins a new series of films.




 Adult programs  -  Catered dinner at 6, program at 7


Teaching Thursday Dinner at 6 PM catered by CR Chicks:

Roast Chicken
Cole Slaw
Cucumber Salad
Green beans
Santa Fe Brown Rice
Horseradish Smashers (potatoes)
Ice Cream
Valentine surprise-cookies or cup cakes

B Y O B.

Donation: $10 (surplus to the congregation.

Reservations by Wednesday, Feb 12th at 2pm to Barbara, 627-6105 or  


 The program at 7 features Claudia Melear on Birding.


From Claudia -


At long last, I will be (re) presenting the Bird ID lecture (previously presented July 2012) this Thursday. This is especially for Snow Birds, folks who work during the day, and all others who are interested in birds.

The laminated ID sheet of local birds will again be available Thursday night for $2. Please let Barbara know if one is needed so that we will be sure to have one for you. Also, please reserve dinner with her if you wish you come at 6 pm - CR Chicks will cater.

I have gotten such wonderful feedback from the folks who attended the first time - I hope you will share your progress and experience with us next week. Birdwatching is a lifelong hobby and it is never to late to begin.

In addition, there is a church auction item (Mar 9 deadline) for a field trip to Wakodahatchee Wetlands with me and Charlie Mar 20 at 4pm ($20/person) followed by dutch-treat dinner for 8 people (6 reservations are left). Charlie has a magnificent bird photo in the auction as well.

Hope to see you Thursday evening!




Friday, February 14


Calling all garden and butterfly lovers!

We will be planting butterfly-attracting plants in Wayne's Garden on Friday morning from 9 on. Thanks to your generous donations in honor of Wayne Reynolds, we

are restoring a neglected corner with fire bush, milkweed, lucia and lantana. Area has been cleared and soil laid down. Come on down!

The Garden Team




Rev. CJ McGregor office hours  10 AM - 2 PM




Prisoner Art Exhibit  6 - 9 PM  Ministers' Hall 




Saturday, February 15


Endowment committee   8:30 AM  Tree House




Secular Humanists of Palm Beach County


9:30  for breakfast, meeting at about 10.


The program continues the excellent series on Your Deceptive Mind: A Scientific Guide to Critical Thinking Skills by Professor Steven Novella, M.D., Yale School of Medicine 









You are invited to a workshop on a spiritual approach to our concern for the environment  



An Invitation to Earth Literacy


  February 28 - March 2, 2014
The Annual Retreat of the Quakers of Palm Beach County
823 North A Street
Lake Worth, FL 3346

Led by Brad Stocker
Professor at Miami Dade College in Ecology and Human Spirit.

Brad Stocker, Ed.D., is a professor at Miami Dade College. Brad has served on the Council of the Earth Ethics Institute at the college for 20 years. He has a post-doctoral certificate in Ecology and Human Spirit and has been designing, developing, and teaching Earth Literacy workshops and courses since 1992. 

Brad comments: Our ecological crisis calls for a new way of thinking. Earth Literacy is that; it is understanding the sacredness and implications of the universe story as it is told through science. Through playful yet deeply reflective experiences, based on the work of Thomas Berry, Brian Swimme, and David Suzuki, we rediscover our inherent relationship and inextricable connection with Earth. We will explore spiritual connections, sustainable living, and right relationships for ourselves and our communities.


Friday 28th,7-9 PM: Opening workshop session 
Saturday 1st, 8:30 AM: Fellowship & Refreshments, 9AM - 4PM: Workshop 
Sunday 2nd, 9:30 - 10:15AM: Conclusion 

(Attendance at part of the workshop is permitted)
We will provide coffee, tea and light pastries on Saturday morning as well as lunch (it will be a part of the workshop on food mindfulness); there will be breaks in the morning and afternoon.  

Please RSVP (or for information): Barbara Letsch: bjletsch, 561 632 3116. 
Hospitality may be available for out of town visitors, Contact Lisa, 561 713 7053 or




Second Saturday Book Group 2013-2014 
from Dorie Maxwell   


March 8 And the Mountains Echoed Khaled Hosseini 401 pp, 2013


 Apr. 12 Transatlantic Colum McCann 304 pp, 2013


 First UU's Second Saturday Book Group resumed its seasonal meetings in November. We will again be meeting from 10 am -noon in the Sanctuary.


And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini (author of Kite Runner) starts in Afghanistan but then takes us around the world, showing how choices we make resonate through generations. 
And finally, in Transatlantic Colum McCann (author of Let the Great World Spin) shows connections in three transatlantic crossings in the past 150
years between his Irish homeland and the USA.