

Friday July 29 2016

Good Morning!
It's Just Us!

Oh! Your homemade croissants! Yum!

And I see Sananda sneaked in and left his "calling card" of flowers! - Thank you My Beloved!

Well!  It was a harrowing experience, having all of my files encrypted and "held for ransom!" Oh yes, a BIG notice on my then black screen, telling me my files have been encrypted - that only they have the key to open them - and here is the web address I should follow to get my files back!

As you know, I do not "play" on the Internet - I only go to sites relevant to HEN and my work.  So... be careful out there, you guys! I am very aware of all the Nigerian scams and other similar "emergency" emails... I know how to "Delete." But, they still got me, and it is so new that the anti-virus people are still working on a block. So my anti-virus anti malware programs did not protect me. These guys are smart - what a shame they waste their talents on such as this.

Anyway, thank God I had subscribed, last year, to:  

It's a one-time registration fee and small monthly fee - and they are on it!  I have used them ongoing for over a year now and will not be without them. They had to diagnose EVERY one of the 40,000+ files first... did one back up... still some files missing. Did a couple of searches to make sure the files were now clean and could not re-activate. Then, another L O N G restore and now I am complete once again. What a relief!  I just cannot take time to unplug my computer and leave it in the shop! And local "home calls" cost a fortune and are subject to local scheduling! - Elite IT Home is exactly what I was looking for and I recommend them HIGHLY. 

And yes, God Bless you all!  Robb was able to go to the dentist and have that bad tooth removed, and tomorrow will pick up a foundation to prevent him damaging his tongue while sleeping. - Also, I have been sending Robb SOUL - and look at what he just sent me:

I am forcing myself to walk a mile every day regardless of the back pain beginning today. I will swear that SOUL is a miracle drug! I told you I removed the medicated gauze they packed down in the deep hole of the tooth extraction and the tooth was an inch long with the heavily planted roots in my jaw. I replaced the gauze with the seeds from the SOUL and used a little gauze so it was compacted tight Thursday night. Today my jaw is barely sore and the swelling has reduced in half. They said due to the size of the tooth and jaw trauma breaking it into pieces and then this little dentist using her entire strength to wedge it out I would be in moderate pain and swelling throughout the weekend. I'm definitely taking SOUL forever! Thank you! ~ With love, Robb

Well, dear Ones... as you probably realize, I am on a very tight schedule, getting us all lined up for tomorrow's new Lightworker Community show.  As soon as I complete this letter, I will set up the radio show so I can post it on Breaking News.  I also have to finish out - to a temporary point - the website and get reminder newsletters out to everyone.

I have some nice notes for you from  my morning meditation, but I believe I will save them for tomorrow, as Ashtar and Sananda both gave me messages yesterday and today ... so let's look at them!

July 28 2016
My Beloveds,

I greet you, my Beloved Sananda - I greet you, our Beloved Ashtar... I open this channel - a pure Channel of Love - overshadowed by Prime Creator and by the vast Potential of Love from which we Activated. Do you wish to speak...

Ashtar here, beloved Lady Nada.  Greeting you with gratitude for the new website and its attendant services and messages.  Yes, this is the next step in our interaction with our beloved Ground Crew - some expressing through spiritual communities and some focused upon their Galactic heritage - and anticipation of Reunion. And yes, Reunion comes forth - so eagerly anticipated, as well, by us - your Galactic Twins, Mentors - Families - holding you so dear to our hearts.  We look forward to the launch of your new Lightworker Community!

Your loving brother, Ashtar. 

My own Beloved - I Am here - your Beloved Sananda. Let us mingle our thoughts in the "quiet desperation" of Love - our own Love - so calling for Reunion - which resonates throughout the Universe - to All. We eagerly create this Universal Call - to all Twins, Divine Complements, Cosmic Power Couples - open your Hearts to One Another NOW - And let it Begin.

Your Beloved,
Endless Love, Sananda

July 29,2016
My Beloveds - Sananda and Ashtar - Do you wish to speak - I AM Lady Nada, my Higher Self...

It is I, Sananda.  I wish to applaud the HEN Community and Family - and your loving resolve - all responding as One - One Collective to help your brother Robb. We watch and admire your community awareness. This is as it should be - solidarity, collective - Oneness.  You are / have - come together so beautifully.

Your loving brother, Sananda

My beloved Sister of Light - it is I, your loving brother Ashtar.

I, too, wish to express my joy in watching your new Lightworker Community take form. Of course, as I said before - it is the fulfillment of my expressed desire to bring all Light Workers together with the same solidarity we see in HEN - your beloved Hollow Earth Network. And let me say - both I and your Beloved are enjoying being a part of your day to day community evolution.

Until tomorrow - my beloved brothers and sisters...

Your loving brother, Ashtar

Got time for a Morning Treat?
To see today's BREAKING NEWS:


Feel Our Love,

  Anne (Mom)     Jesus/Sananda