

Tuesday, June 21 2016

 Good Morning!

It's Just Us!

"Didn't we just do this," you ask????

Yes... but this is the only thing that sounds good to me!  And Sananda has been right here, letting me do it. So... we all know Sananda likes cookies and milk! 

That Pacific Organic Almond Milk  really  gets cold - especially with The Plug having its effect on the refrigerator.

And we have our choice of cookies, you know. In fact, I have been seriously wondering why I don't just bake my own... all with good organic ingredients!

In the meantime, we do have choices... and here's the old stand-by.. except I just cannot taste it any more. Seriously... there are few things I can really taste now... must be the crystal silicon body...

Actually, folks... I am really, really... t i r e d  today! And I have to do a 2-hour show in an hour... it's Peter's... a really nice show, very easy.

Anyway, during my morning meditation, I just kept being given more and more things to tell you... so, let's go!

And now...

  Can you put yourself in this picture?
Oh yes! 


Okay... here we go! 

And first of all, why I am so late?  Well, folks... as I said, I am extremely t i r e d.  These new energies actually happened today, according to Archangel Michael. And I believe it! I had to go to bed early - 12:30 AM - and did I ever sleep!  Yes, that deep Delta sleep! Very little awareness until I woke up 7 hours later.

Then, meditation, food, and computer attention. Emails. Handling your questions... suggestions... concerns...

As I walked to the end of the driveway to post a card in the mailbox, something caught my eye... movement... and... there I was in a shower of sparkling snow! Really fine "fairy dust" just showering down all around me! Woo! - So Wave 3 has arrived!

What does that mean to us? Well... those of us who were in the First Wave September 28th moved up into 22 hertz as we took six months to finalize our ascension (happened in our sleep). And yes, we're back.

Then, on March 20, the Second Wave hit... and those in the Second Wave moved up into 22 hertz, as the First Wavers moved up to 44 hertz.

And now, 3 months later, as Archangel Michael said on June 14... one week before the Third Wave of June 21:


This tells us that Wave 2 was completing their Ascension with one week to go before Wave 3.

And now... "Enter Wave 3." Wave 2 goes up to 44 hertz - Wave 1 goes up to 66 hertz! No wonder I am tired!  You too?

So now, we have 2-1/2 months to see how we can awaken and lift the remaining 2.3 billion souls in Wave 3.

So... going back to me being t i r e d.  I believe my "staying up all night to get a newsletter out regardless!" days are over. I now realize the importance of Delta Sleep. And that goes for all of us. A lot goes on with us in the Higher Realms while our bodies sleep. And, as we recently heard, "Wave 1 is working on their crystal silicon Light bodies." So... let us honor this, and give our precious bodies all the rest they require!

Now... what else? I have only 20 minutes or so before Peter's show...

Oh, about The Elders and our Love work we did with/for them yesterday. I have had reports that they are nicely back in balance. This was something that was needed, and I am grateful to all of you who contributed to our Wave of Love sent to The Elders. And Zorra reports that the Roll Out is underway. So thank you, one and All.

Oh, about that "4-month shut down of our old Earth energy grid" mentioned in Archangel Michael's post (I just now found that this is a re-post of his May 23rd message) - when we questioned Zorra about it, he had no concern - saying we had other energy sources: wind - solar. And I, personally, believe that the Galactics are "on it." By the time this occurs, we will be operating on free energy sources compliments of the Galactics. - So, no concern.

Well, folks, I will continue my list tomorrow. Hopefully not so late. But I - and YOU - need our Delta Sleep now!

I'll see you on Peter's call in a half hour!

And.. of course, dear Sananda... so patient... has been right here, nudging me on...

Well, for me... from me... is my custom of repeating each post so that we have an opportunity to fully assimilate it.

So here we go, with a review of Part 1, of the message I gave through my brother, John Smallman, on May 30th... 
Part 1: 

We are all ONE! It really is that simple. You do not have to do anything, because you are One with God, our divine Source, and therefore your individual wills are in complete alignment with His. All you need do is to allow, and when you do the divine field of Love, which surrounds you in every moment, will embrace you, suffusing you completely as It flows through you out into the world nudging humanity toward its inevitable awakening.

You chose to be here right now, in this eternal now moment, to powerfully assist in humanity's awakening process, and you are doing sterling work, work that no one else can do. When, along with the vast majority of humanity, you awaken, you will be amazed at what you have achieved as you have worked seemingly blindly in the illusion, to bring this stage of the divine plan to fruition.

You are each beings of intense Light - Love - Light that is temporarily very much subdued because your human forms could not withstand Its divine intensity. Because It is only dimly experienced you have difficulty in feeling It, in knowing It for what It is, and yet, deep within you do know that Love is your true, unchanging, and eternal nature. And that is why all the channels keep on advising you of your need to go within at least once daily to connect with and commune with your divine Source, the Source from which you have never been separated, your eternal Life Source, God, All That Is.

You and God are most definitely One!

Your loving brother,


Part 1
Guidance from an Elder Brother
May 30 2016
John Smallman

Got time for a Morning Treat?
To see today's BREAKING NEWS:


Feel Our Love,

  Anne (Mom)     Jesus/Sananda