

Wednesday, June 15 2016

  Good Morning!  

  It's Just Us!

Wasn't this a good idea to all come up into the cool mountains? I love this cabin... we should come here more often! 

Well, that's how it looked when we arrived, but now, the sun is down and it is even more fun!

Sananda has really been busy... laying out the campfire and it is just right, now.  Let's just sit around and tell some stories...

We can take our biscuits and gravy (vegetarian) out with us, and as you can see,

Sananda's got two big pots keeping warm on the stove - so we can just go in when we get hungry and help ourselves.


let's get started on the stories! 


And now...

  Can you put yourself in this picture? 


Well!  Isn't this going to be fun?

Who's first?

Karen? Yes, I remember on the last Ancient Awakening call you told us a bit about this - that you saw a kind of "tunnel" in the clouds and asked a question... (?) and then you "went in." You said you didn't remember what you saw "inside" - but when you got back, there was a large ship, quite low...


Yes, I am so thrilled I asked the question.  Even though I have seen ships for years and looked through the veil for years.
The reveal was received from me asking the question. The Ship was SO CLOSE, touching the tree tops!!!!  Not, way up in the sky.
and so close was the Tunnel in the cloud...

message revealed is  being so CLOSE.
I had just told a friend, they can land in the park across the street from my house and do a meet and greet!!!!!


Thanks, Karen!  That's great! They are really THAT close!!

In fact, here is another "close encounter" story from LuAnn...
Anne, the first e-mail I sent you was about Scott and I having an amazing experience and seeing a beautiful white craft that was so close, we could have put a ladder on the side of the house it was sitting above and climbed inside!

Scott and I were backing out of the driveway and onto the street. We were heading to the corner and we looked up above the home of a neighbor that lives across from the corner that we were turning left on and we saw a white craft sitting in mid-air. Scott and I stopped just before the corner and watched in complete joy, waving like a couple of kids!  It seemed like it only happened for a couple of minutes and the craft took off very fast and made what we can only describe as a "whooshing" sound. The feeling we took away from that amazing experience was one of complete joy!

And here is another quick story: 
When I was 5 years old I remember seeing a being standing in my closet doorway. He was very tall, had snow white hair, a beard and mustache. He wore a tan robe with a hemp-like belt and he carried a staff in his right hand. Possibly my Merlin? One of my Spirit Guides? Anyway..... 

Recently, I was going through my pictures that I have taken over the last few years and I came across a picture of the same man standing by the garage! When he appeared in the photo, only his face was visible. I can't believe I didn't realize that it was the man I saw when I was 5 when I took this photo! 
Thanks, LuAnn!  Wow! And by the way, LuAnn sent me the "garage" picture - it arrived extremely enlarged (you know how that goes) but in this case, I could see very clearly this man's full head - he looked Asian - and just as LuAnn described.

Well... we have time for one more story... and here is Ray...
I've had the plug for about 6 weeks or so.  I can confirm what Mr. Radford has stated, that the plug does improve the efficiency of the refrigerator (much colder, veggies have ice on them in the bottom drawer at same settings), dust settles dramatically, microwave more efficient (blows the plastic off of baked potatoes sometimes with same settings as before) and my "plugged" charged cell phone with its positive energy does change the negative energy patterns of the body which eliminates any energy blockages. 

I was in chronic A Fib, and it appears that I am staying in normal heart sinus rhythm.  I did not realize it for awhile and was questioning why I had to urinate all the time.  For instance my skin on my hands tightened significantly, my heart appears stronger which is eliminating toxins and edema from my body.  I have been using my cell phone on the energy centers of my body.

I'm not sure about the bugs though, buffalo gnats are still a problem within the 5' perimeter of my home.  We still have had 3 or 4 spiders in the interior of our home and unfortunately caught a mouse. Any feedback on bugs and rodents within a home after the plug has converted the negative energy to positive?

Well, I talked with Geoffrey about some of this... first of all, I was getting bitten indoors by no-see-ums... even after getting the Plug... but not now. The bites I get I get outside. I have an extension cord on my office chair and on my meditation chair.

I do know that snakes LIKE the energy - a rattler stretched out just outside of my back patio door.

About insects - your gnats, Ray - Geoffrey said the Plug works on ants, cockroaches, and scorpions. However, if we open the door and let something IN... who is going to open the door to let them OUT? They must find a way of getting out! Or else, allow enough time for them to naturally die off... like my no-see-ums did.

Well... I know this is late, but I have been juggling time-sensitive postings that take time... such as all the set-up for tonight's Ancient Awakenings call! Yea! Also, that great post from Archangel Michael.

Tomorrow - let's do some twin flame stories? Send them in... keep them short!

And, of course, our beloved Sananda has been patiently standing by...

Yes... I would like to do our usual "second look" review of the second part of this message  received through James McConnell on our June 5th call.

This tells of those who are just now awakening.

And I'll see you soon on our call with James tonight!

Part 2

The Guardian of the new Dispensation was going to be here today, but it has been postponed for now, for various events are occurring still behind the scenes, yes... but now beginning to come out into the open.

You are hearing many more stories of various personalities out there, that are having their times, their times of travail, whereas once before they had none. The balance that has been spoken of so many times is coming over this planet, and you, the Lightworkers... you, the ones that share the light, you are the ones that are bringing this about... you are the ones that are spreading the light everywhere you go, without your even knowing it, in many cases.

Wherever you walk when you are out in public, you spread the light; you spread your energies. And those energies, that light, moves into the next one next to you and to the next one and to the next one. And the light continues to spread, and an awakening continues to happen.

For those that are asleep will not be asleep much longer. You will notice across the planet a grand awakening is in the process of happening. Many more are hearing the time clock, the alarm clock go off deep within their hearts, and they are awakening from their long slumber, and it is time now; it is time for all to awaken.

And you, you are the catalysts for this. So you have come to do a mission, and you have succeeded beyond expectations in this mission. Many of you came with me a long time ago, and it is now time to reach the finish, for all is about to change.

I will leave you now. St. Germaine will come in and speak about NESARA... that it is also about to unfold. Peace and Love be with all of you. Continue on on this Journey of Light.

Your loving brother, Sananda

End of Part 2 - Final

Sananda, through James McConnell
Sunday, June 5 2016
Ancient Awakenings

Got time for a Morning Treat?
To see today's BREAKING NEWS:


Feel Our Love,

  Anne (Mom)     Jesus/Sananda