

Thursday, June 9 2016

Good Morning! 

  It's Just Us!

Yes, those are tree-ripened fresh peaches!  And yes, they are delicious!

In fact... that is the reason we are late this morning... want to hear our story? 

Well, as we were driving down one of the pretty back-roads, enjoying the smells of all the peach orchards...

We came upon this appealing roadside fruit stand...

Well, you know Sananda... he just followed his nose and in we went!

It just smelled so good inside - fresh, tree-ripened peaches everywhere!  Well, before I knew it, we had our very own basket of peaches!

And you know, there are so many practical ways to prepare fresh peaches.. in fact, here's an idea!

So here we are... all for you!  

Sananda is back there in the kitchen taking care of everything. He wants you to really enjoy these.

Oh!  Here he comes now... LOOK!


And now...

Can you put yourself in this picture?

Oh me, dear Ones!  With everything starting to really move now... we will soon be getting our "Morning Letters" on mainstream media from the Galactics, and our little chats will be no more...

But, we will have good memories!

Here is something that keeps coming up in my life... and probably, in yours.

Do you ever pass by something, usually in the home... or, on the Internet (speaking for myself!) - and think, "Oh... I've got to take care of that!" -- Then, a couple of days later... there it is again, and it bothers us. And we start to get perturbed that we have still not handled it. - And then, once again, maybe someone brings it to our attention, and now the energy is really building up...

Well? What do we call this?

It's call: Procrastination.

Oh yes, we all do it! But we think it really isn't a "sin" - just a bother...

Actually, incomplete cycles capture our attention - our attention units. And each time we encounter this situation, more attention units get involved. And as it continues to grab our attention - we lose more and more attention units, all tangled up in this, now... frustrating situation.  In fact, it has actually expanded, thanks to our attention energy feeding it.

Need I say more? 

In fact, it has now gotten to the point that it is pre-occupying our thoughts - preventing positive production to take place elsewhere.

Of course, by now we are thinking... "Why didn't I just take care of it when it first came up?"

Yes. This is the plan!  So I have now found myself stopping and DOING the first thing before it starts piling up. It may bae a little inconvenient, but then... it is done! This prevents the following sequence:

1.  Procrastination

2.  Neglect

3.  Remorse

4. Self Forgiveness

And of course, these are some of the human  mistakes and frailties that the Galactics tell us are not held against us. We are only judged by our Intent. And the human mistakes and frailties can be consumed and transmuted by the Violet Flame.

... I just thought I'd mention this, since I have purposefully made myself stop and do things that seem to be an intrusion... but are such a relief when they get handled in the first place!

Well... I must leave now for Tucson. Be back in about 5 hours. And Sananda is, of course, going with me.  But now... he would like to offer his morning letter...


Good Morning, to each of you, as we meet once again.

And here, in the final part of this message, I remind you how divinely loved you are, and always will be.

This is our second reading of this... our review...

Part 3 - Final

The way Home, the way to awakening, is through choosing to be loving in whatever situation arises. Initially that is difficult, because the need to be right, the need for acceptance by others is intense. And the reason for this is because you have given away your personal power to others, thereby allowing their judgment of you to completely override your own sense of self-acceptance. And if you do not accept yourselves, then you cannot love yourselves, and as Love is your nature, something without which you cannot bear to exist, you seek it outside yourselves in the form of acceptance from others.

So, I will now remind you yet again: "You are all the divine children of God, created perfect, and therefore eternally perfect!" Your lack of faith in yourselves is an aspect of the illusory sense of separation. If you were separated from your Source, which you know is impossible, you would be powerless, unloved and unlovable. But you are eternally One with God and therefore you are beings of infinite power and infinite Love, the power and the Love that God imbued you with at the moment of your creation.

Please just keep reminding yourselves of this Divine Truth, and say to yourselves as you meditate, contemplate, or just relax into your holy inner space, at the altar within, where Love resides: "I am divinely loved in every moment of my existence because I am a perfect child of God, and therefore faultless in every way." When you say this to yourselves with strong intent and allow your hearts to be fully receptive, you will feel the Love that resides eternally within you, because it is God's Will that you do so.

Your loving brother, Jesus. 
End of Part 3 - Final

John Smallman
May 30 2016

Got time for a Morning Treat?
To see today's BREAKING NEWS:


Feel Our Love,

  Anne (Mom)     Jesus/Sananda