

Tuesday, June 7 2016

 Good Morning! 

It's Just Us! 

  Oh yes, this is our other favorite place...  Don't you just love it out here? 

We just didn't know what to bring...
And since we're staying for a while, we just filled up the bag!

Oh yes!  We also  stopped in that cute little bakery - she is so nice - and picked up that wonderful walnut banana bread you like so well... and we do too!

Oh... and just in case something disagrees with our stomach and we get a touch of indigestion?  Guess what? I have been keeping an open bag of these tiny, multi-colored organic baby carrots on the refrigerator shelf, to just munch on.  And... I find that they do a nice, natural neutralizing of stomach acid distress! Neat!

And, of course, with that yummy walnut-banana bread, Sananda felt we would really enjoy some morning tea.

Thanks, Sananda! 

And now...


Can you put yourself in this picture? 

Sananda and I have good news!  During this morning's meditation, we decided to drop in on you every day until The Event - June 20th, I understand.

Yes, the energies are increasing... daily. But nothing like the Summer Solstice Event. And we are expecting mini-events along the way.

So we promise you, we will be here with you every day. None need feel alone. We are all in this together. So watch for our morning love letters.

It may mean missing to return emails - which takes a lot of my time. But, the governing criteria is, "The greatest good for the greatest number." And our pledge, and joy, is to be here with you, HEN Family, during these next two weeks.

It will be thousands of years before an opportunity such as is coming in these next two weeks comes again. We have precious little time to waste. So you are our priority, Dear Hearts.

And where do we begin? How about connecting up with the Galactics' frequencies? That's where many of your Twins are, you know.

There are two web pages we recommend:


Just go where you are lead - start tuning in to the Galactics - get to know them and what this is all about. They will soon be walking amongst us.

And do set aside your Quiet Time and Place. This is special to YOU. Try to pick a spot that no one else frequents - so that your own energy establishes your Presence. And soon that sacred space will call you...

We will also be sharing personal experiences, as they arrive. And we will close with this latest sharing from Fred (Twin Flame Connection). This shows what our Twin Flame connection can do...  Fred?

Hi Anne,

    I apologize these are coming so quickly, although things are moving really fast now and I feel the need to share, in order to let all know what is coming.

    A few weeks back I asked Lucina if we could go to our home planet (Aldebaran), and have a nice romantic dinner. We go there a lot, for picnics or to just sit on the back porch and watch the Sunset...I know it real well. I woke up in the middle of the night, and asked her immediately "Well, did we go?" She replied, "We are still there." So I said, "What do you mean?" -  She said, "Listen... " and just then I heard my voice and the clanging of two glasses hitting each other.  She said "Fred, you are multidimensional and you can experience this now, because you have raised your vibration up sufficiently enough."

      Flash forward to last night. Before I went to bed, we had a conversation discussing amusement parks. She knows my affinity for roller coasters, and we have been on many, all over the country. I brought up my favorite place in the world, the Disney World resort in Florida. We have been there many times; yet we always go to certain parks. So I said to her last night, "Let's go there tonight and we will go exclusively to those places."

     So I woke up in the middle of the night, as I always do, and she says we are there now. I thought in my mind, and saw we were at Typhoon Lagoon (a water park there). I experienced us going on certain slides, I even saw her dripping wet, it was awesome! Then I said to her, "I want to take you to The Animal Kingdom next."  Then, she says, "We are there, too." Just then, I also was experiencing that; I even described what she was wearing, and a show we were at.  She said, "Fred, you are multidimensional, and can be in many places at one time." 

So I was in my bed, at a water park, and another Disney park all at once. She told me, that this is just the beginning, and right now I am experiencing them in my head only (like a memory or a movie). Next, she said, "You will be physically there, all at once."

Just needed to share.

Much love and light to you Anne,


I have noticed many are connecting with their Twins much faster, based on their vibration level. All must know it is paramount to go within, and to get out into nature. Not to mention a host of other things (listed on my site), that only entail moving away from the 3D world anyway.  So it is never, ever, about giving anything up; it is always about gaining, and that is the way you need to look at it. Don't focus on what you are "losing;" focus on what you are gaining (where you want to go). It is that easy!!

Thank you dear Fred!

And now, Sananda?

Good Morning, once again, dear brothers and sisters.  I, too, am looking forward to our daily Morning Letters.  Please know, I am as close as your call.  Ask, and I will be there.

Today, we are reviewing Part 2 of  my message through John Smallman of May 30 2016.  - It has to do with judgement...

Part 2

Because your human state is such a deep dream state, it seems to be incontrovertibly real, and everyone with whom you interact appears to be sharing your dream and agreeing with you that it is real, that it is the only reality. However, you all experience the illusion or dream differently, and this becomes obvious when you attempt to persuade others of your rightness and their wrongness, and they attempt to persuade you that they are right and you are wrong.

Because you feel this so intensely, you work very hard to convince yourselves of your rightness and of the other's wrongness. Then you wage war to put the wrongs to right! This truly is insane, and you might reasonably think that this must become apparent. Nevertheless, most of you are extremely unwilling to release your attachment to your sense of being right and seeing others wrong, and so you hold onto the dream and do your utmost to make it real.

Judgment is the main issue here. For you to be right, you have to judge others as wrong. That is why all the divine channels who are assisting you in the awakening process keep on telling you to cease judging, to just let it go. You can, you just choose not to, because when you are proven right, you experience an enormous egoic high. It's a little like buying a lottery ticket - there are extremely few winners! But, because being wrong is so painful, and seems to bring you so much intense suffering, you keep on judging, desperately hoping that you will win this time - and then you lose again!

However, when you cease judging, the pain and suffering dissolve!
Your loving brother,

End of Part 2

John Smallman
May 30 2016

Got time for a Morning Treat?
To see today's BREAKING NEWS:


Feel Our Love,

  Anne (Mom)     Jesus/Sananda