

Friday - July 3 2015



 L O V E
Dearest Family,

Do you know how often I think of you each day?  Things come up - I immediately tell my Self, "Yes!  Share this with the Family!"  --  Especially in meditation.  These blocks of Inspiration are so all-encompassing.  -- And then the busy day begins ... the "race" to see if I can "win."  ;-) 

Two of the things... maybe the ONLY things that I will share in this newsletter... are the two headings above.  And yes, very definitely coming in during meditation...  I would say that these are probably my three favorite words:


And this relates to one of my daily affirmations:

I AM the Governing Presence, governing in perfect Divine Order and commanding Harmony, Happiness, and the Presence of God's Opulence in our minds, homes, affairs and worlds.

St Germain's original words were, "... in my mind, home, affairs and world...." but I have come to enjoy this global viewpoint better - and so I speak for the Global Collective. - To me, it really feels good - I feel that I AM speaking as/for the Global Collective.  - And so I thought, if you felt the same way - speaking for the global quantum field of mass consciousness - we could really bring Divine Order into everyone's "... mind, home, affairs  and world."  Want to help? 


L O V E...

My third favorite word... actually, my first...

That beautiful feeling ... in our HeartMind ... in our Spirit Center (rib cage, chest cavity) that just fills up with Love can be focused and sent throughout the world!  There is no better place to BE than in Love.  As Zorra has told us, "Love is always The Answer."  No need to complicate things... no need to resort to words and words, thinking we have to explain anything ... just FEEL the LOVE!  Share the Love.  SEND the Love!

And so, my Beloved Ones, let us keep with us, these powerful and transforming words:

I AM Divine Order.

I AM Love

Nothing else matters. Just applying this focus will bring All into Perfect Order and Balance.

Let's not complicate things.  Let's just settle into our own Sacred Space - our own Grounding energy ... and absorb and send these beautiful and transforming words.

Feel our love,

Hollow Earth Network (HEN)

        Anne (Mom)                 Sananda/Jesus