

Wednesday - March 4 2015


Welcome, Beloveds

As Gaia Portal just said, we are entering the Next Higher Phase. Our New Day commences.

I come to you as one who is also Ascending. Although, as we have all learned over the past two years, my Higher Self is Lady Nada; I brought with me no special powers nor abilities. The heavy veil I carry intends that I 
"see through human eyes and hear through human ears." Yes - I will take this human experience with me into my history which will become a valuable resource in the eons ahead - as will be each of yours.   And so I speak with you as your loving sister, otherwise known as Hollow Earth Network (HEN) "Mom."

Since Zorra withdrew his regularly scheduled talks, we have found our Selves reliant upon our own choices.  ("Choices" = "Selecting for Self.")  On Zorra's special February 14th call, he asked what we have been doing...
"What choices, or programs, have you made toward your Ascension?"

I can only speak for my Self.  And yes, as some of you are aware, it has kept me quite busy.  I took the nudge from Zorra's inquiry, "Have you been using the tools I gave you?" And now we have our new page, listed at the top of our HEN page list:
Everything is collected here for your choice.   Here is our resource in creating and developing each of our own unique Ascension Programs.

Along with ASCENSION TOOLBOX, I got the nudge to invite you to share your stories... telling us which tools you have been using and how they are working.  Our new SUCCESS STORIES page is quite impressive and assures us that these tools do work.  And I am sure we we will be hearing even more from you.

And more recently, with Sananda's recent message reminding us of our intentions for this incarnation... "This is your task... You incarnated to do this; now is your moment..." I KNEW we were to have the now complete and beautiful page, PRAY FOR PEACE.  Enjoy the wonder of this page filled with surprises of inspiration everywhere. Explore!       



When the phone rang a couple of hours ago, I was happy to hear that now familiar-and-loved voice of Zorra, "And how be you today, Beloved Master?"

Well, as you all know, we do not take any direct communication from Zorra lightly!  And after a couple of preliminary comments, I asked him "What's new?" ;-)


Prime Creator is in Baghdad now. He is meeting with the Iraqi Parliament.   He is clearing all the red tape... opening the way for the RV to happen. Prime Creator will not put up with red tape.

Is he appearing in physical form as male, or female?


Does this mean we should see the RV within a day or two?

That is the Plan.

Zorra, I have a couple of questions I would like to ask....

We are hearing all this talk about "space wars."  It seems one site is feeding off the other...

That is their reality.

That is what I thought.  We have been told more than once that Ashtar's Command is fully in charge of the safety of Planet Earth. We have been assured that all dark and negative ET's have been cleared from Earth's space - a protective shield is now in place to not permit any unauthorized entry - because a planet, in Ascension, is "sacred" and no negative intrusions are permitted.

This is so. That is a good way of putting it.

And that Ashtar is here to assure our safety and protection...

Ashtar and Prime Creator.


One more question, Zorra...

There is a lot of talk about the Ley Lines. I won't go into it as that is not my focus... my focus is raising the vibrations of the Collective so that our Space, Hollow and Inner Earth, and Surface families can, at last, reunite.

However - is there anything you would like to advise about the Ley Lines? Is there anything we, the Collective,
need to do?

Send golden white light to the Ley Lines. Send Love.

Folks - Dear Hearts - Zorra asked me if I have told you about the new Agartan technology we just learned of; however, I cannot do it until I get the ordering point set up
- hopefully tomorrow - Thursday.  And other good health news too!  Stand by!

Watch for more frequent newsletters - so much is happening!

Always with  my love,

Hollow Earth Network (HEN)  Mom