Tourette Syndrome Association of Illinois (TSA-IL)
800 E Roosevelt Road, Suite 10, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
(630) 790-8083
tsaillinois@yahoo.com tsa-illinois.org

Tourette Syndrome Association of Illinois (TSA-IL) Newsletter
January/February 2013 Edition |
SAVE THE DATE! Upcoming Events
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2/12 Tic Connection Mtg (Deerfield)
3/2 Special Needs Resource Fair (Elgin)
3/12 Tic Connection Mtg
4/9 Tic Connection Mtg
4/20 Susan Conners Workshop (Champaign)
4/21 TSA-IL General Meeting & Susan Conners Workshop (Elmhurst)
6/1 Heartland Support Group Poker Run Fundraiser & Festival (Harrisburg)
6/2 19th Annual Run for the Roses 5K and Family Event (Roselle)
TSA-IL Out and About
TSA-IL will be participating in the 3rd Annual Special Needs Parent Resource Fair sponsored by The Citizens' Advisory Council & the U-46 Special Education Department
Saturday, March 2nd
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Elgin High School
1200 Maroon Drive
For more information visit their website.
Congratulations to IL's 2013 Youth Ambassador Bradley Wilinski! |
Bradley will be attending the TSA National Youth Ambassador Program in Arlington, VA on March 19-21 representing TSA-IL. The TSA National Youth Ambassador Program prepares teens with TS and others the skills they need to speak about TS before their peers at school, sports leagues, scout troops, camps, after school programs, government officials, etc...with the goal of increased understanding and tolerance. If you are interested in becoming a Youth Ambassador for TSA-IL visit our website
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For the latest Tic Connection Community Group news, be sure to join Tourette-Connection at Meetup.com
For additional information about Community Groups or starting a Community Group in your area, please visit our Community Groups webpage.
Give the Gift of Awareness & Donate today! |
| or by mailing a check to:
Tourette Syndrome Association of Illinois 800 E Roosevelt, A-10 Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Happy New Year! For many, the beginning of a new year includes the tradition of reflecting over the past year and setting goals for the upcoming year. For 2013, TSA-IL would like to focus on continuing our mission, to advocate and educate for Tourette Syndrome as well as provide support and resources for those in need. We would also like to expand our resources throughout the state, increase member involvement and provide more educational opportunities for schools and families.
We are proud to say, TSA-IL is off to an excellent start!
Thanks to the initiative and drive of Steve Hollerson, there will be a new support group and a new fundraiser awareness event for southern IL.
Thanks to a grant received from the Brad Cohen Foundation, we are bringing in an internationally recognized speaker and leading authority on Tourette Syndrome, Susan Conners, M.Ed of New York to the Chicago area and Central IL.
Thanks to the drive and generosity of Rod Sickler, TSA-IL now has it's own Public Service Announcement to educate others!
We would love to add additional support groups to increase our TS resources but we need your help. If you are interested in starting a Support Group in your community, please send an email to tsaillinois@yahoo.com. We can provide support to get you started!
Have you made any New Year's Resolutions in regard to Tourette Syndrome? To educate others? Learn more? Get more involved? If so, let us know! Each of you have amazing unique skills that when shared could greatly help someone else on the TS journey.
Please consider getting more involved! It takes a village to raise a child -- become an active part of our TS Village. You'll be glad you did!
Best regards, Tourette Syndrome Association of Illinois |
 | TS Educational Workshop - Featuring Susan Conners, M.Ed.
Susan Conners
Saturday, April 20th - ChampaignSunday, April 21st - ElmhurstThis is one workshop you won't want to miss! If you have questions about TS, associated disorders, the impact of these disorders on social emotional well-being, school performance and behavior, then this is a must attend! Susan is a leading authority and internationally recognized speaker on Tourette Syndrome. She was an educator for over 30 years, served for 12 years on the Board of Directors for the National TSA, established and ran TSA's Education Committee for 16 years, founder and president of TSA of Greater New York, and author of "The Tourette Syndrome/OCD Checklist: A Practical Resource for Parents and Educators". Susan serves as a go-to TS resource for networks and media, including ABC's 20/20 and the Emmy Award winning HBO Documentary, I Have Tourette's But Tourette's Doesn't Have Me.
This workshop is bound to be very popular. To ensure we have enough space to accommodate everyone, please RSVP to tsaillinois@yahoo.com with your interest in attending and for which location ASAP. This workshop is made possible by a grant from the Brad Cohen Foundation.
 | Southern Illinois New "Heartland Support Group" Coming Soon...
 If you are located in Southern Illinois and are interested in attending the Tourette Syndrome Heartland Support Group, please email tsaillinois@yahoo.com so we can gauge interest and add you to the Southern Illinois Heartland Support Group email list.
Group leader, Steve Hollerson, is very motivated! He is securing a location for the first Support/Community Group meeting and he is planning a large Poker Run fundraiser/festival to be held on Saturday, June 1st. He hopes this Poker Run will become an annual event and is looking for volunteers to assist in organizing.
For additional details, view his Support Group and Event facebook page or contact Steve directly at shollerson@clearwave.com.
 | TSA-IL NEW Public Service Announcement! |
 Thanks to the initiative and committed talent of Rod Sickler in Champaign, IL, TSA-IL now has a professional Public Service Announcement!
Rod generously donated his time, creative energy and contacts to create, produce and purchase radio time for this Public Service announcement to air in Central IL.
Click above for info on Rod Sickler
Thanks Rod for your drive and generosity are certainly appreciated! This is a wonderful milestone for TSA-IL in advocating and educating others about Tourette Syndrome!
 | Tourette Connection Meeting Tuesday, February 12th @ 7:00 pm
B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim (BJBE) 1201 Lake Cook Road (area map) Deerfield, IL 60015
The Tourette Connection Group will meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7:00 pm - 8:45 pm.
Children and adults are welcome! Some meetings have supervised children's activities, please check with a group leader. Please RSVP to Tourette Connection Leaders
 | Youth Volunteer of the Month Joey Reinberg
TSA-IL would like to give a big shout out to Joey Reinberg! Joey is a shining example of how Youth can and DO make a difference.
Joey Reinberg
Joey is in 7th grade and celebrated his Bar Mitzvah this past November. Part of becoming a Bar Mitzvah is completing a mitzvah project. In the summer, Joey called TSA-IL to see if there was something he could do for his mitzvah project. When asked why Joey chose to donate his time and energy to TSA-IL, he replied " I chose to do this because my younger brother has Tourette Syndrome. He was diagnosed four years ago and I know how important it is that people understand TS because there are a lot of myths and false information about it. I am hoping that my mitzvah project will help inform others so they could be more understanding and accepting of TS." Joey did exactly that! He gathered much needed contact information for area elementary, middle and high schools to populate the TSA-IL database. This important information will allow TSA Illinois to continue our mission to advocate and educate others about Tourette Syndrome. Joey not only volunteered his time and skills, he also made a large donation to TSA-IL. Our youth have the ability to see visions and build for the future. Thank you Joey for being part of the solution! If you would like to volunteer with TSA-IL, contact Lisa at the above email address.
 | Youth Corner - Featuring Youth Ambassador Patrick Resh |
Patrick Resh
I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy their holidays. Although our family has been busy, it has been great to have some time off from school. Believe it or not, I have even enjoyed spending time with my sister who is home from college.
Since New Year's is a good time to make resolutions, I decided I would get my room and school work organized. Although I procrastinate on organizational things, I do find quite a bit of relief once the task is complete. I encourage you to do the same! I have also been working on my Eagle Scout project and have been exercising every day during the winter break. I am ready to break out my new hockey skates as soon as some of the local ponds freeze over. Unlike many people, I love the cold weather and winter sports!
I am also anxious to get in front of classes and assemblies. If there are families and organizations interested in learning more about Tourette's Syndrome and the TSA Youth Ambassador program you can drop a note to tsaillinois@yahoo.com. Have a great 2013!
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly
-Sam Keen, from To Love and Be Loved.