Healthy Schools Alberta
May 2016
Ever Active Schools' Summer Institute
Connecting to land and Nature-based Learning

August 24-25, 2016
Snow Valley Ski Club, Edmonton, AB

The Ever Active Schools Summer Institute (EASSI) is a unique professional learning opportunity designed to empower teachers and those working with children and youth on specific priorities related to wellness. The theme of the institute changes from year to year, and it is hosted at the end of summer holidays so that you can return to your classroom prepared to a year of success.

The topic of this year's Institute is "Connecting to Land and Nature Based Learning". According to David Sobel "In the face of indoor-ification, a cultural and educational movement is emerging-focused on new approaches to nature based education." 
Come learn about some of these trends and reclaim indigenous wisdom on the importance of land.

This year's theme will have exciting sessions related to:
Lessons from Indigenous Teachings
Risky Play
Outdoor Classrooms
Cross Curricular Links
Social & Emotional Well-being & More!
For more information and to register, click here!
Alberta Medical Association 
Youth Run Club
Register and be entered to win!! Details below:
  • Need help with steps to get involved? Read through our handbooks
  • Need a coordinator to help explain the program in person? Visits are free across Alberta!
  • Already have a run club? We will support your existing run club with incentives, new activity ideas, and more.
Instagram #HealthChampions Campaign

We are on Instagram! We are pleased to present #HealthChampions, a campaign drawing inspiration from stories, messages and advice captured from voices in the Alberta education, health, active living, recreation and research sectors. 
Want to learn how to get involved? Click here to find out what you need to be featured or to nominate a Health Champion!
Follow us on Instagram: @EverActiveAB
For more information and if you have any questions, please contact Margaux McWatt, Communications Coordinator.
Grant Call: 
Spring 2016!
Alberta Healthy School Community Wellness Fund,
managed by the University of Alberta, School of Public Health, is pleased to provide you with information about a new grant funding opportunity for projects that support healthy school communities.
Funding for Healthy School Initiatives is provided by the Government of Alberta.
Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria are invited to submit applications for consideration. The objective of the grant funding is to provide support to Alberta school communities to enhance the health and learning outcomes of school-aged children and youth through a comprehensive school health approach.
School Community Gardens!

School and community gardens are a rising trend in Alberta, and they offer many benefits that lead to sustainable healthy school communities.
Check out our new webpage supporting the cultivation and maintenance of school and community gardens.

Do you have a school garden success story? Share with us!
Click here and find out how.

Check it out and get growing!
Free Physical Literacy Resources!
Alberta Active After School is pleased to present
 four videos promoting Alberta resources designed to support physical activity and physical literacy programming in school, or community settings. Please check out the videos above for ideas on how the resources are used!

For more information about Alberta Active After School, click here - and follow @ABafterschool on twitter!