Michigan children, parents and teachers deserve stability
It's a simple truth - it's harder to hit a moving target. But that's exactly what some within the education community are doing by creating yet another test of student performance, the third test of student achievement in five years that students, parents and teachers will have to adjust to.
We need to set rigorous learning standards and have assessments that tell us how well our students are achieving them. After several years of public debate, we reached that goal by adopting the Michigan State Standards and M-STEP assessment in 2014.   
Now, after spending millions of dollars on teacher training and implementation, some want to start all over again-with no evidence the change will produce better results.
The simple truth is that standards and assessments can only work if they are used consistently over time.  Three changes in five years will just confuse and frustrate students, teachers and parents. And even more troubling, MI will have to spend more money and countless hours of retraining if additional changes are made.
We have a chance to remove uncertainty and support stronger K-12 outcomes by rejecting action from some within the education community to re-design MI's student achievement tests again.  Contact the State Board of Education members today and ask for stability for MI learners. You can find a complete list of members at the bottom of this page: http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-5373---,00.html
Have you registered? 

Thursday, November 10, 2016  *  8:00AM-2:00PM  *  Westin Book Cadillac Detroit

Cost to Attend: $125 (includes breakfast & lunch)

Event Agenda:

Opening Keynote: 
Using Technology to Compete in a Global Economy
Hear how new high-tech solutions are redefining what it means to be competitive and see how your organization can begin to apply innovative solutions for growth.
Patrick Doyle, President & Chief Executive Officer, Domino's
How Michigan Stacks Up: 2016 Benchmarking Report Results
Review the latest data on how Michigan's economy is performing relative to its competitors and what bets we must place to grow our economy.
Doug Rothwell, President & CEO, Business Leaders for Michigan
We are all techies! Transforming the Customer Experience 
Those who master digital technologies to deliver high levels of product innovation will transform customer experiences and grow their bottom line.
Richard DeVore, Executive Vice President & Regional President, Detroit and Southeast Michigan, PNC Financial Services Group
Jim Keane, President & CEO, Steelcase
Howard Ungerleider, Vice Chairman & Chief Financial Officer, The Dow Chemical Company
Luncheon Keynote Speaker: 
You Can't Get to the Top by Being Average-How to Do Ordinary Things in Extraordinary Ways 
Game-changing innovations and high-powered success stories are not the exclusive domain of a few technology-driven start-ups or a handful of Silicon Valley billionaires. Hear how all sorts of industries and all walks of life are reimagining what's possible in their fields.
William Taylor, Co-Founder and Founding Editor, Fast Company & Best-Selling Author

BLM Finds MI Universities Begin 2016-17 Academic Year Backed by Strong Performance Data

According to a statewide data release issued by Business Leaders for Michigan, the state's public universities have continued their track record of achievement with higher graduation and retention rates, improved student/staff ratios, and growth in the number of degrees awarded, particularly in critical skills areas. Learn more
World Mobility Leadership Forum to be Held in Detroit
With a goal of beginning a worldwide conversation about how mobility solutions can address pressing societal challenges, the World Mobility Leadership Forum will be held in Detroit on Sept. 28 and 29, 2016.  Issues on the agenda include urban congestion, the delivery of health care, the environment, and transforming cities and transportation to improve access for all. BLM and MICHauto are organizing the event, with McKinsey & Company facilitating sessions as discussion providers. The Michigan Economic Development Corporation and the Detroit Regional Chamber are event partners. Learn more

Press coverage of the World Mobility Leadership Forum: 

MI moves forward with autonomous vehicle testing

Detroit Free Press | September 7, 2016

The Michigan Senate unanimously passed a package of four bills Wednesday aimed at making Michigan a research center for testing of autonomous vehicles. Lawmakers said the bills would put Michigan at the forefront of autonomous vehicle research and likened the speedy action on the bills to the U.S. race to become the first to land on the moon. Learn more
120-mile 'smart' highway loop in southeast Michigan moving forward
MLive.com | August 16, 2016

Since it was announced in 2014, only 15 miles of roadway have been equipped with vehicle-to-infrastructure equipment that is to ultimately turn a 120-mile loop of highway in southeast MI into one of the largest "smart" highway testing sites in the world. But MDOT has secured funding to move the project forward this year and next. The project is a collaboration between automakers including cross-town rivals General Motors and Ford Motor Co., as well as the University of Michigan and MDOT. Learn More
Ford Aims to Put Fully Autonomous Vehicles on Roads by 2021

Michigan Radio | August 17, 2016  Ford Logo

A century ago, Henry Ford changed the auto industry with the moving assembly line.  Now Ford Motor Company has set an ambitious goal of developing a fully autonomous vehicle for mass production by 2021. That's autonomous as in self-driving, with no steering wheel and no gas or brake pedals. To make that happen, Ford will join forces with four tech companies and plans to double its staff in Silicon Valley. Learn more
MI jobless rate dips to 4.5%, lowest since '01

MI's unemployment rate in July dipped slightly by one-tenth of a percentage point to 4.5%, according to data from the State of Michigan.
Despite the reduction in the unemployment rate thanks to 8,000 fewer people on the unemployment rolls, total employment also decreased by 20,000 over the month. Seasonally adjusted unemployment figures marked the lowest point since January 2001. Learn More
Public Policy Survey: MI local governments report first declines in fiscal health trend since 2010
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For the first time since the Great Recession, the trend of year-over-year improvement in MI local governments' reported fiscal health overall has declined. Fewer than a third (31%) of MI local governments report they are now better able to meet their fiscal needs, down from 38% in 2015. Conversely, 22% say they are less able to meet their needs this year, up from 20% in 2015.  The reversal in the trends toward improving fiscal health includes jurisdictions of every size and type. Still, most MI local governments (64%) self-rate their current level of fiscal stress as relatively low. Learn More
Occupations that Need More Education for Entry are Projected to Grow Faster
Just released ten year job growth forecasts from the U.S. Labor Department show that occupations requiring a post-secondary degree will experience the fastest growth rates and that a Bachelor's degree is needed to substantially achieve higher income. Learn More

MI: Top Ten for Business Capital Investment
U.S. business investment projects accounted for $166 billion in capital investment in 2015, according to the EY 2016 US Investment Monitor (USIM), an annual report prepared by the Ernst & Young LLP Quantitative Economics and Statistics (QUEST) and Indirect Tax Incentives practices. MI was listed among the Top 10 states for capital investment. Learn More
MI: 22nd Lowest Cost of Living
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The Tax Foundation recently calculated how far $100 goes in all 50 states.  Today, $100 buys $106 worth of goods in MI. Learn More
State Report says Immigrants Boost Michigan Economy

A report released by the state (The Contributions of New Americans in Michigan) concludes immigration boosts Michigan's economy, helping the state emerge from a lengthy recession, and suggests many of the estimated 126,000 undocumented immigrants in Michigan should be made legal. Learn More
Whirlpool gave washers and dryers to 17 schools in Illinois and California and attendance rates shot up

Business Insider | August 30, 2016  Whirlpool Logo

Whirlpool found a simple solution to kids chronically missing class: Give schools washing machines. The company donated a washer and dryer to 17 schools in two districts in St. Louis, Missouri and Fairfield, California. 
During the 2015-2016 school year, teachers and other staff members told students to bring in whatever laundry they could fit in a single bag as often they needed. Parents or teachers from the school would handle the cleaning that day, at no cost to families. By the end of the year, the schools had done a total of 2,000 loads of laundry. Over 90% of kids in the 17 schools came to school more often than they did before the program began, with an average increase of 6.1 extra days per year. Learn More 
American Axle Poised to Open Detroit Tech Center

Crain's Detroit Business | August 2, 2016  AAM Logo

American Axle & Manufacturing is on track for the formal opening of its $30 million Advanced Technology Development Center this year.  American Axle has hired 150 engineers who are already working at the 350,000-square-foot center, which is still under construction. The company will hire 100 more before the center opens in the fourth quarter. Learn More

Business Leaders for Michigan

600 Renaissance Center, Suite 1760

Detroit, MI, 48243-1802
Phone: 313.259.5400
Business Leaders for Michigan, the state's business roundtable, is dedicated to making Michigan a "Top Ten" state for jobs, personal income and a healthy economy. The organization is composed exclusively of the chairpersons, chief executive officers, or most senior executives of Michigan's largest companies and universities. Our members drive 32% of the state's economy, provide nearly 375,000 direct in Michigan, generate over $1 Trillion in annual revenue and serve nearly one half of all Michigan public university students. Find out more at: www.businessleadersformichigan.com. 

Business Leaders for Michigan | 600 Renaissance Center, Suite 1760 | Detroit | MI | 48243